

28 August 2020

Gender-Based Violence Awareness Campaign:

The purpose of our visit to this district today is to comfort families who have been victims of gender-based violence (GBV)

We have come to this local municipality because of the high number of incidents where young women and children have lost lives to GBV

Our presence here at the Donnybrook police station is aimed at getting feedback from you as law enforcement agencies on the progress you have made in the war against the scourge of GBV

We understand that the fight against GBV is one which we all need to play a part in

The good work that is done by your team is appreciated because we understand that as law enforcement agencies you are at times under-resourced and have to use creative means to continue to provide adequate support to our communities

The good work that you do is reliant on us as community members being reliable people who will blow the whistle on GBV whenever and wherever it occurs

Singamalunga omphakathi asikwazi nhlobo ukuthula uma kuhlukunyezwa abantu besifazane kanye nezingane. Yingakho sithi kubalulekile ukuthi sisebenzisane sonke

Kubuhlungu ukuthi silahlekelwa ngodadewethu, ngomama ngoAunti ezandleni zabantu abebethandana nabo. Yingakho sithe singumnyango asilisebenzise lelithuba ukuthi size lapha kulomasipala, njengoba kuyi-Women’s Month sizoqhakambisa iqhaza ekumele silidlale sonke ekulweni nokuhlukunyezwa kwabantu besifazane

Ukuvakashela imindeni lokhu esizokwenza yinto engikholwa ukuthi ibalulekile ngoba uma umuntu esedlule ebuhlungwini bokulahlekelwa yingane, umama noma uAunti wakhe, kumele sikwazi ukumvakashele sekwenzekile konke sizombeka ukuthi ngabe unjani kanye nokuthi yikuphi esingakwenza ukuqinisekisa ukuthi bayakwazi ukunqoba lesi simo

This visit, I believe, will also be an opportunity for the SAPS to update the families about the process of the respective cases that are being handled here. This is an important step because our SAPS members are normally the first port of call and for us to visit the families together with the SAPS is an important gesture which I believe will help these families to heal and find closure

Water Interventions:

I understand also that we will be visiting Ward 10 and specifically the village called Come and See. This visit is important because water provision is one of the tools we use to spare our young children and women from having to fetch water from distant places

I understand that in this area the community gets water from an unprotected water spring which is located in a ravine. The distance from the houses is over one kilometre in a very steep incline

As part of our visit today, we are going to hand over a static water tank for this community to serve the local people while the Mbulelweni Water Supply project is being completed

It is our hope that our children and women here will no longer have to walk long distances in order to fetch water

While we celebrate Women’s month, it is important that we address the plight of rural women through practical interventions that will assist in preserving their dignity by access to water in a manner that is safe and convenient

As I conclude, I appeal to all of us to continue to be the change that we want to see in our communities

I thank you!