

KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka today led a delegation consisting of municipal and provincial government officials to address Ugu residents on the steps that are being taken to resolve service delivery challenges within the district.
Ugu communities had protested over inadequate access to basic services which culminated in the intervention by MEC Hlomuka who met with them last week. Today’s visit provided an opportunity for the MEC to give feedback on the steps being taken to address service delivery challenges. Chief amongst their grievances has been the unavailability of water and the poor state of the roads.
Hlomuka met with the communities of KwaMadlala – Ward 14, Maygog – Wards 13, and 15 and Ezinqoleni Ward 32 under the Ray Nkonyeni local municipality. In this engagement, Hlomuka with the support of the Ugu District Mayor Cllr Ngcobo and the Mayor of the Ray Nkonyeni municipality Cllr Mqwebu set out steps that are being taken by the municipalities with the support of the provincial government to address service delivery issues in the district.
Currently, the district is implementing a number of interventions that are both short and long term. These include:
·       Connecting to the Eastern Cape’s power supply which will allow for more water to be extracted from the Umthavuna River for purification and distribution to Ezingolweni, KwaXolo and Southbroom. This project is fully funded by Cogta to the tune of R14-million and is being implemented with Eskom.
·       Upgrade of the KwaXolo Bulk water supply scheme which is being implemented to increase supply to KwaXolo and Izingolweni network.
·       Exploration of ground water systems (boreholes and springs) to augment the inadequate bulk capacity of the Bhobhoyi Northern system
·       Supply of water on a rotational basis with the prior communication of schedules to ensure that communities are kept abreast consistently.
·       Bulk Water Supply to be augmented through the Mhlabashane Supply Scheme based on agreement with Umgeni Water to increase production capacity to 7.0 Ml/day in Louisiana and Maygong areas and the KwaMadlala Pump station upgrade.
In the long term, the national Department of Water and Sanitation has commissioned the construction of Cwabeni Dam which will further alleviate the pressure. That project is due for completion in 2023.
In the meantime, the delivery of water through tankering is being enhanced to maximise the efficiency thereof. In some of the areas, static tanks are being added at strategic points to ensure regular water provision. Hlomuka has pledged his department’s readiness to monitor the implementation of these measures.
On the roads matter, the provincial government will be appointing a contractor who will upgrade some of the roads.