
MEC Dube-Ncube urges parents to get involved in their childrens education


The MEC for KZN Cogta, the Honourable Nomusa Dube-Ncube, is calling for parents’ izimbizo to be held, in municipalities if the province is serious about achieving a hundred percent matric pass rate. She was speaking in Umlazi during the second leg of the Schools Monitoring Programme.

Dube-Ncube expressed her concerns about schools that have shown regression in the recent Matric results performance.

While as the Province we have surpassed all expectations by leapfrogging to above 70%, we are however a province that demands high of itself.  We are not going to be complacent and we want parents at the cockpit of their children education.

“We must not only point fingers to teachers. We also need to ask difficult questions to parents. What role are they playing to ensure that their children get the best education. I have observed learners arriving late. If you are a parent, what are you doing to ensure your child arrives early at school. Why are they not attending meetings. Government and teachers need their support. We have numerous incidents where schools are vandalised while the community is watching. In other schools children during school hours are loitering in the streets and the community does nothing. This is not on” said Dube-Ncube.

According to Dube-Ncube, there is nothing stopping eThekwini to excel every academic year considering the infrastructure it has at its disposal.

“There are schools that are in the deepest rural areas but through hard work they are doing exceptionally well despite being under resourced. Teachers must refrain from fighting for positions and teach, and that is what they are paid for. Some are preoccupied about trade union work at the expense of our children. We have got schools that are regressing yet very resourced, why? This can’t be right.”

She warned parents sternly that if they don’t come on board, they would find themselves parting with a lot of money transporting children to better schools.

Dube-Ncube also wished the learners who were in a taxi that was involved in an accident in uMlazi a speedy recovery.

.For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220
