Programme Purpose:
Good governance is critical for the Institutions of Traditional Leadership to provide effective support to the communities. The purpose of this programme is to support and enhance the capacity of traditional councils. This programme consists of the following sub-programmes, namely; Traditional Institutional Administration and Traditional Resource Administration.
Progress Analysis:
The Department is striving towards ensuring that good governance in the Traditional Institutions is strengthened through providing effective support. In partnership with the Office of His Majesty the King, 6 amaKhosi were installed and 16 recognised in order to continue with the restoration of the dignity of the Institution of Traditional Leadership. The Department also successfully supported the legislature in the piloting the Bill on Traditional Leadership and Governance towards passing a new Act regulating traditional leadership matters in the province in line with the national framework and continued to make professional interventions in cases of conflict to ensure peace and stability in the traditional communities. Once the Bill is passed, the Department will devise a programme to implement the new legislation, and will still include recognitions and installations of amaKhosi and attending to cases of conflict and disputes.
The Department will continue to support cultural platforms to enable the traditional communities the opportunity to share their cultures, customs, celebrations, family tree and profiling of to ensure that their dignity is restored.
Analysis of constraints and measures planned to overcome them
Sometimes there are delays in government interventions and development programmes due to ubuKhosi family disputes and faction fights in traditional communities. However, the Department remains committed to offer its professional support to resolve such disputes with the reasonable time.
Progress Analysis:
The process of sustaining the support to the Traditional Leadership and Traditional Institutions remained the main focus of the Department as a strategy to strengthen good governance. The Department conducted skills audit for 11 houses, implemented Capacity Building Programmes for AmaKhosi for all Local Houses and the Provincial House aligned to Provincial Capacity Building Strategy. Furthermore, the Department in partnership with the University of KwaZulu-Natal continues to run a leadership programme and 20 AmaKhosi registered for a Leadership Programme for 2015. All amaKhosi who registered for the leadership programme were provided with laptops and printers and are then expected to use this knowledge to benefit their communities and the Traditional Councils. The Department rolled out a capacity building programme on climate change and land use management as joint initiative between University of KwaZulu-Natal, British Council and Ikusasa Lethu.