

The Department facilitated fifteen new corridor development projects in various priority corridors. A total of R 108 100 000 was transferred to municipalities for the implementation of the projects.

A further twelve corridor development projects were completed in the 2013/2014 financial year. These projects are as follows: Newcastle – MAD 4 Asiphephe bridge, uMhlathuze – Revised LED Strategy, Jozini – Value Adding Centre, Sisonke – Hawker Stalls, Nquthu – Market Stalls, uMlalazi – Groundnut Demonstration Plot, uMhlabuyalingana -Khiphimbazo Rudimentary (Savings), uMhlabuyalingana – Rehabilitation of Internal Roads (Manguzi), Ilembe – Moringa Tree Plantations, KwaDukuza – Upgrade of Business Precinct, Ulundi – Detergent Soap, and the uPhongolo – Flea Market.

A total number of 876 employment opportunities have been created through the corridor development projects in the current financial year.

Eleven Municipal Local Economic Development projects were packaged and supported. Municipalities were supported to package Local Economic Development (LED) projects in line with KwaZulu-Natal priorities and Cabinet policy directives. Grant funding for the 11 approved projects was transferred to municipalities.

In the financial year 2012/2013 a budget to the tune of R 131 247 000 was availed to Municipalities for the implementation of the newly approved Corridor Development Programme initiatives. Support has been provided to Municipalities on an on-going basis to implement projects that will create an enabling environment for further economic growth. The implementation of the corridor Development projects in the current cycle has opened up at least 581 jobs which led to poverty alleviation and broad based economic growth for the entire Province. The following high impact projects were successfully implemented and completed by the Department: the Nelson Mandela Capture Site, the Asiphephe Bridge, Ilembe Vineyards and Co-operative Winery, KwaDukuza Upgrade of Business Precinct, Phongolo Flea Market, Sisonke Steam Train and many others.

The following are the new high impact projects prioritized for implementation in the 2013/2014 financial year with planning and design at an advanced stage:

  • Beach upgrades in Mbonambi and Umhlathuze in line with the Provincial Beach Policy;
  • Upgrade of informal traders facilities in Phongolo, Umhlathuze, Ixopo Manguzi and Jozini;
  • Implementation of alternative energy projects;
  • Markets and Agri hubs to sell fresh produce;
  • Sub regional plans for each of our corridors starting with the N3 Corridor;
  • Construction of Fresh Produce Markets, already 2 completed in Jozini Municipality and Emnambithi. Feasibility studies are conducted in all other districts;
  • A total budget to the tune of R 124, 573, 750.00 is availed for the implementation of the aforementioned projects.

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