This site contains a series of dashboards that provide insights on various functions and operations of the department. It provides differentiated access to the dashboards.
The Provincial Water Master Plan is the pilot for this important setup and will be available to the public. Making these tools available to the public supports our objective as champions of the PWMP to communicate, monitor , promote good governance, and promote transparency in government.
We want to improve engagement with our stakeholders, provide our communities with evidence-based basic water and sanitation services, and promote informed decision making in municipalities and government at large.
Participatory governance that is based on facts makes it easier for our communities to get involved in politics and hold us accountable.

Provincial Water Master Plan Digitized Version in a dashboard format illustrating information on the state of water and sanitation in the province

ProfiLes socio-economic information of each ward and can be drilled down to water and sanitation challenges and intervention for the current financial year

Provincial Disaster Management Center Dashboard provides an overview of disaster impact and interventions in the province including April-May 2022 Flood

Local Economic Develop dashboard provides projects and information on interventions and support to municipalities in the province especially interventions related to small business in townships and rural areas

The Dashboard provides information on available on electricity service delivery and functions as well as access information

This dashboard provides the overview of the dam levels status in the province and trends in water resources. It is provide linkage to climate data.