
Author: cogta_adm



    Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Sipho Hlomuka has commended the progress being made by the Harry Gwala District Municipality in addressing water challenges.

    This follows the MEC’s visit to the District today where he assessed the rollout of water infrastructure to communities. In this visit, MEC Hlomuka together with MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development Ms Bongi Sithole-Moloi checked the progress on a number of water-related projects.

    Recently Hlomuka’s department dispatched 450 static tanks to the District with the aim of improving access to water for rural communities.

    This morning Hlomuka visited the recently built Bulwer Water Treatment Works, which produces 1,5 million litres of water every day and has resolved some major water backlogs in the area. The scheme provides water to over 3000 residents in Bulwer Town, Bulwer low-cost housing and Khenana in the Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Local Municipality.

    During the visit, Harry Gwala District Mayor Cllr Zamo Nxumalo provided both MEC’swith progress of the Cogta funded upgrading of the pipelines supplying water to the towns of Underberg and Kokstad. The R15 million investment made by the department towards this project will drastically increase the amount of water that is accessible to communities surrounding these towns in the Harry Gwala District.

    “As a department, we are committed to ensuring that our communities receive adequate provisions of water. We have deployed a considerable amount of resources to capacitate municipalities in their responsibility of bringing water closer to our communities” said Hlomuka.







    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has sent his condolences to the families and traditional communities of Embo/Ilanga and Magwaza following the passing of their respective amakhosi over the weekend.

    Inkosi Sizwesonke Vincent Magwaza (65) of Nkandla passed away on 20 April and Inkosi Emmanuel Benjamin Thamsanqa Mkhize (67) of eThekwini passed away on 26 April. Both amakhosi passed away following a short illness.

    Inkosi Mkhize was a retired Magistrate and contributed a great deal towards the institution of traditional leadership in the province. He served in a variety of portfolios within the King Cetshwayo Local House of Traditional Leaders, which plays a key role in facilitating development within the rural communities in the district.

    Hlomuka has joined the institution of traditional leadership in the province in mourning the loss of these two influential amakhosi whose lives were lived in service to their communities.

    “We are heartbroken by the loss of these two doyens of wisdom. Many young traditional leaders within our province have been shaped by the wisdom gleaned from these two seasoned leaders. Both amakhosi were known among their peers as champions of rural development and under their watch, their respective communities witnessed many positive developments,” said Hlomuka.

    Hlomuka has dispatched a team from the department that will be assisting the families of the respective amakhosi with handling the funeral arrangements.








    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka, together with the MECs for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Bheki Ntuli and Agriculture Bongi Sithole-Moloi, yesterday visited the Nkandla local municipality, under the King Cetshwayo district, where they officially handed over 631 static tanks to the district.

    The MECs’ visit is part of the provincial government’s ongoing interventions aimed at bringing water closer to communities. Cogta has already distributed 3000 static tanks to the province’s Water Service Authorities since the beginning of the year to facilitate the provision of water to communities.

    Water provision has become even more urgent in the wake of the covid 19 pandemic which requires frequent washing of hands which is a critical part of hygiene.

    According to the Cogta MEC, the deployment of the static tanks to the King Cetshwayo district is meant to support efforts that are being made by jointly by the district and the provincial government to bring water closer to our communities.

    “The static tanks that we have provided today will be distributed by the district to the various strategic points in our communities. This will ensure that water is more accessible as our province is still recovering from the devastating drought which depleted a number of water sources. Many of these have not recovered even till today,” said Hlomuka.

    Hlomuka together with the delegation also visited the Nkandla Water Treatment plant which supplies water to the town and surrounding communities. During the visit, King Cetshwayo District Mayor, Cllr Mkhulisi assured the MECs that the static tanks that have been provided will be utilised to benefit all communities across the district.

    “This timely intervention is warmly welcomed and our teams have already started placing these static tanks at strategic point within our communities so that our fleet of water tankers can ensure that they are filled frequently,” said Cllr Mkhulisi.










    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka this morning visited the uThukela district’s Winterton Water Treatment plant where he was assessing and monitoring the delivery of water to rural communities.

    During his visit Hlomuka was accompanied by the uThukela district Mayor Cllr Mazibuko, Okhahlamba Mayor Cllr Ndlangisa and the Chairperson of the uThukela district Local House of Traditional Leaders Inkosi Sithole.

    Under the leadership of MEC Hlomuka, the department has deployed 4000 static tanks to the Water Service Authorities across the province with the aim of bringing water closer to communities.

    In his address when touring the plant, Hlomuka urged officials in the uThukela district to utilise the 180 static tanks that have been provided by his department to bring water closer to communities.

    “We are all concerned about the availability of water in our province and country. As officials within this district which is a Water Service Authority, you have the responsibility of ensuring that water is provided to communities who need it to continue with their lives. As a department, we have made several interventions in this district which includes the transfer of R15- million in January this year to upgrade the Moyeni/Zwelisha and Bergville Water Supply schemes, which will bring much-needed water to these communities,” said Hlomuka.

    Hlomuka also visited the towns of Ladysmith and Bergville where he visited several SASSA pay points to monitor their compliance with Covid-19 regulations. The delegation also took part in a roadblock in both of these towns where law enforcement agencies were checking motorists in line with the lockdown regulations.




    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has deployed 2300 static tanks to communities across the province in efforts to bring services closer.

    This morning MEC Hlomuka visited the Ixopo Water Works in the Harry Gwala District together with the Harry Gwala District Mayor Cllr Nxumalo, Ubuhlebezwe Mayor Cllr E.B Ngubo and the KZN Provincial House of Traditional Leaders Chair Inkosi Chiliza, where they assessed the plant’s efficiency in filling up water tankers that bring water to the surrounding rural communities.

    The provision of water is a key ingredient in the government’s efforts to combat the spread of the Corona Virus, with it being a key part in communities practising safe hygiene.

    Hlomuka has also announced that his department is providing an additional 1700 static tanks which are being delivered to the province’s Water Service Authorities with the aim of boosting efforts to bring water closer to communities. This means that the province will have a total of 4000 static tanks have been deployed to communities, together with other interventions which include boreholes.

    “The additional static tanks that are being deployed are as a result of the concern that we have as a department about our communities accessing water during the lockdown. The department of Water and Sanitation National Command on Covid-19 is providing us with 1000 static tanks which form part of the additional deployment” said Hlomuka.

    “As a department, we are working hand in hand with Water Service Authorities to ensure that water is provided to communities” added Hlomuka.

    Hlomuka also convened a meeting with the District Task Team under the Operation Sukuma Sakhe programme, where he received a report from the District Command Task team on the enforcement of the lockdown as prescribed by the President of the country.

    Hlomuka emphasised the importance of councillors and amakhosi supporting law enforcement agencies’ efforts to ensure that regulations are enforced.



    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has assured residents across the province that essential services provided by municipalities, such as waste removal, water, sanitation, electricity and disaster management, will continue uninterrupted as the province and country commence with the 21-day lockdown as announced by the president to fight against the spread of Covid-19.

    The department has issued a directive to municipalities in the province for Municipal Managers to sign letters which will be given to employees who perform essential services so that they can be able to move around unrestricted as they go about their jobs in line with the Disaster Management Act, 2002; Regulations issued in terms of Section 27(2) as gazzetted by the national Minister of Cogta Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

    “During this difficult time we are faced with as a province, it is crucial that the sphere of local government plays its part as it is at the coalface of service delivery which is essential to the wellbeing of communities. In the engagements we have had with municipalities, we have emphasised the importance of implementing work from home measures where possible,” said Hlomuka.

    “The success of the lockdown as announced by the President of the Country his Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa depends on all of us playing our part as the sphere of local government and the institution of traditional leadership,” added Hlomuka.

    Access to water: 

    The department also continues to support municipalities across the province with the provision of Jojo tanks. Since last April, the department has distributed 2300 Jojo tanks, and R160 millions worth of plant equipment which includes water tankers, waste trucks, honey suckers, TLBs, Graders and other equipment with the aim of speeding up the delivery of services.

    While the fiscal space in the sphere of local government is constrained, Hlomuka has assured residents that municipalities will do their best to ensure that services are uninterrupted.





    In response to the announcements made by the President of the Republic, Cyril Ramaphosa, on national television last night in connection with the outbreak of the coronavirus and the steps designed to contain it, KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sipho Hlomuka together with Head of Department of Cogta Thando Tubane today convened an urgent departmental management meeting to give practical effects to the far-reaching and necessary measures announced by the President.

     As one of the major stakeholders in the implementation of declarations of disasters, KZN Cogta will today proceed with the formal establishment of the Joint Operations Centre that will coordinate the province’s response to the declaration of national disaster within our jurisdiction. We will ensure that all key stakeholders, including the provincial Department of Health, are mobilised and all protocols are followed.

    As a provincial government department, we will also ensure that all measures announced by the President in response to the coronavirus outbreak are implemented by KZN Cogta itself with regards to our staff as well as by all our stakeholders such municipalities and traditional institutions.

    In line with the President’s announcements, we will ensure the following:

    –          All upcoming departmental public events, such as the Local Government Indaba (scheduled for 24 March), are postponed until further notice.

    –          KZN Cogta welcomes the steps taken by the Independent Electoral Commission to approach the Electoral Court to postpone all scheduled by-elections.

    –          All plenary sittings of municipal councils with attendance of over 100 persons are suspended until further notice, with the exception of urgent sittings where the numbers of participants should be reduced below 100 persons.

    –          Similarly, KZN Cogta recommends that all Traditional Council meetings and izimbizo involving more than 100 persons be postponed.

    –          All departmental, municipal and Traditional Council meetings considered urgent and involving fewer than 100 persons can proceed provided stringent hygiene procedures and measures are implemented in addition to a clear health and safety plan for each meeting. We recommend that alternative solutions, such as teleconferencing, be explored in order to promote social distancing.

    –          KZN Cogta is engaging with the Auditor-General to find an acceptable alternative communication solution for the upcoming municipal Integrated Development Plan roadshows, which are a legal requirement.

    –          As of today KZN Cogta’s wellness officials are conducting a high-impact health awareness campaign in all departmental buildings and our appeal is that municipalities and traditional institutions follow suit.

    –          As of today, KZN Cogta is working to improve hygiene standards in all departmental buildings and traditional institutions in the province.

    –          Already in progress is KZN Cogta’s engagement with the provincial health authorities in managing situations where employees may have been exposed to the coronavirus. A special protocol will apply to any employee who has exhibited symptoms of the coronavirus.

    –          As of today, KZN Cogta will discourage all non-essential travel for its employees and our appeal is that municipalities and traditional institutions follow suit.

    We reiterate the President’s call for social solidarity at this difficult time. We urge everyone to maintain the highest standards of hygiene and minimise public exposure. Let us join hands in combatting the spread of this deadly virus in our communities!

  • COGTA MEC Sipho Hlomuka moves with haste to address management vacancies in municipalities.

    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Sipho Hlomuka today met with the Mayors and Municipal Managers from municipalities that have a high number of vacant Section 56 Manager positions.

    The meeting convened by MEC Hlomuka was aimed at fast-tracking the full capacitation of municipalities at management level so that they can respond better to the needs of communities. “The high vacancy rate in these municipalities is concerning as the failure to appoint section 56 managers undermines the ability of our municipalities to deliver services to our communities” said Hlomuka.

    In the meeting, Mayors made presentations on the progress being made to fill these critical positions. The Mayors also highlighted challenges they are faced with in their efforts to recruit competent officials for these critical positions.

    MuniMec addressed by NICD on Covid-19

    Earlier in the day, Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka met with the Mayors and senior administrative leadership of municipalities, at the quarterly MuniMec meeting, which took place in Durban. Key among the issues that were discussed in this meeting is the implementation phase of the District Development Model, the improvement of Disaster Management policies within municipalities and the implementation of the Expanded Public Works Programme which provides a safety net for several impoverished communities.

    The gathering was also addressed by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases which gave a presentation on the Corona Virus and the role the sphere of local government can play in ensuring that communities are made aware about Cov-19 and what measures one can take to limit the risk of exposure to the virus.

    Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka welcomed the presentation by the NICD and encouraged municipalities to implement all the necessary hygiene measures more especially in front line service delivery buildings.

    The meeting also resolved to fully support community awareness campaigns spearheaded by the Premier of the Province Sihle Zikalala which will see several roadshows being rolled out in the provinces Districts to raise awareness about the virus.

    The MuniMec was also attended by the MEC of Agriculture, Bongi Sithole Moloi and Salga Chair Cllr Mkhulisi.



    Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Sipho Hlomuka, this evening marked an important milestone in the provincial government’s efforts to empower women councillors and amakhosi, through tailor-made programmes that speak to their needs. 

     This evening, MEC Hlomuka together with the Deputy Minister for Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Professor Hlengiwe Mkhize and KZN Salga Chair, Cllr Nonhle Mkhulisi witnessed the graduation of 300 women councillors and amakhosi, who participated in the departments Press For Change Certificate Programme. Through this programme, participants studied modules on financial management, leadership, local government legislation and the constitution of the republic. 

     According to MEC Hlomuka, this programme gives councillors a thorough grasp of what is expected of them as they fulfil their oversight role within the respective municipalities. “We are excited to see so many female councillors graduating this evening. As the provincial government we are committed to empowering councillors with the necessary skills and knowledge they need so that they can speed up the delivery of services to our communities” said Hlomuka. 

     Speaking at the Graduation, the Deputy Minister for Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Professor Hlengiwe Mkhize, commended graduates for breaking barriers in their quest for getting an education that empowers them to serve their communities better. “The gowns you are wearing today mark an important turning point in the lives of the communities that you lead. Through the course you have completed you will now be able to deal better with any challenge that might face you as you go about executing your duties which are to bring better services to our communities” said Deputy Minister Mkhize.

     Earlier in the day, Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka presided over the Women In Leadership Dialogue, which saw 800 women councillors and amakhosi gather in Durban, to be empowered by various speakers on a variety of topics which include financial well-being, work and life balance. The gathering was also attended by experts from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, who made a presentation on the Corona Virus (Cov-19) and on what role women councillors and amakhosi can play in ensuring that accurate information is disseminated to communities about the virus. 


  • Cogta scoops top EPWP award at Kamoso Awards Ceremony


    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs department under the leadership of MEC, Sipho Hlomuka last night scooped the MEC’s Recognition for Best Strategic Partner award in the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) at the prestigious Komoso Awards which were hosted by the Provincial Department of Human Settlements under the leadership of MEC Neliswa Peggy Nkonyeni.

    Speaking about the award, Hlomuka has thanked Cogta staff under the leadership of HOD Tando Tubane, under whose leadership staff-continue to excel towards excellence in the important task of supporting municipalities in implementing service delivery programmes. “The awards that we continue to receive bear testimony to the commitment of Cogta staff in serving our communities. We are very humbled by this award and vow to continue to pursue excellence in bringing services to our communities” said Hlomuka.

    The glittering ceremony also saw local and district municipalities getting recognised for various programmes they have implemented that are under the EPWP programme.
