
Category: News


    31 December 2021

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has sent condolences to the Shange family, following the tragic incident which took place yesterday, where 10-year-old, Xolani Shange drowned after being swept away by water while attempting to cross a low-lying bridge in KwaMpumuza, ward 1 of the Msunduzi local municipality.

    Shange was one of two people that were swept away with the second person surviving the incident and currently receiving medical attention.

    In the second incident, one person is missing after they were swept away during a flooding incident in Ward 8 of the Maphumulo local municipality.

    Yesterday’s storm uprooted trees, flooded roads and damaged both public and private property in several municipalities. Hlomuka has dispatched disaster management teams to assess to extent of the damage in Maphumulo, Msunduzi and uMngeni where it is believed the most severe storms took place.

    More severe thunderstorms are forecast for KZN

    Hlomuka has warned residents to be vigilant as severe thunderstorms are forecast today in the districts of uThukela, Harry Gwala, Amajuba, uMgungundlovu and Ugu. The weather warning from the South African Weather Service indicates that some of the thunderstorms are expected to become severe and will be accompanied by heavy downpours, strong damaging winds, hail and excessive lightning.

    Hlomuka has appealed to residents to closely monitor the weather conditions which pose a serious risk of localised flooding in low-lying areas and areas where the ground is already saturated because of previous rains.

    “We urge residents to stay indoors and if caught in a thunderstorm, they must seek shelter in a building and stay as far away as possible from trees, telephone lines and power lines. Residents are also warned to avoid travelling on bridges and roads in low-lying areas as these are susceptible to flooding,” said Hlomuka.

    Disaster management teams will continue to monitor areas that are prone to weather-related incidents.

    The thunderstorms will primarily affect the northeast of the province but will extend throughout the whole of KZN. According to South African Weather Services, the areas most likely affected by severe storms include Alfred Duma – Indaka, Alfred Duma – Ladysmith, Dannhauser, eDumbe, eMadlangeni, Endumeni, Ethekwini, Inkosi Langalibalele – Estcourt, Inkosi Langalibalele – Sobabili, KwaDukuza, Mandeni, Maphumulo, Mkhambathini, Mpofana – Giants Castle, Mpofana – Mooi River, Msinga, Ndwedwe, Newcastle, Nkandla, Nquthu, Okhahlamba, Richmond, Msunduzi, uMlalazi, uMngeni, uMshwathi, Umvoti, Abaqulusi, Big Five Hlabisa – Hlabisa, Big Five Hlabisa – Hluhluwe, Jozini, Mthonjaneni, Mtubatuba, Nongoma, Ulundi, Umhlabuyalingana, uMhlathuze, uPhongolo.

    Issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs



    The newly appointed Inkosi of the Abantungwa-kholwa Traditional Community Inkosi Nhloso Mzilikazi-Junior Khumalo, 21, has vowed to follow in his late mother’s footsteps by serving his community with humility and diligence. 

    Yesterday, 28 December, Inkosi was officially presented to the traditional community at a ceremony held in the Alfred Duma local municipality, in the Driefontein area, Ward 19. Inkosi takes over from his mother, Inkosi Thandekile Ruth Khumalo, who succumbed to a short illness in August this year.

    The ceremony was attended by KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka who was accompanied by the Mayor of the uThukela district Cllr Ntandoyenkosi Shabalala and amakhosi from the surrounding communities.

    During the ceremony, Inkosi vowed to work together with all the spheres of government to ensure that development takes place within his community. “As Inkosi, I am humbled by the responsibility that God has given me to lead his people. I have a first-hand account of the challenges that face us as a community and it is my desire to work with our community and all spheres of government to address challenges, such as the high youth unemployment within our area and gender-based violence, and to bring investment and improved service delivery to our people,” said Inkosi Khumalo.

    Speaking during the ceremony, Cogta MEC Hlomuka commended the royal family of abantungwa-kholwa for prioritising stability by ensuring that the seat of ubukhosi is not left vacant for too long. Hlomuka also called upon the community to support their young Inkosi in the task that he has been given of leading isizwe. 

    Hlomuka then called upon the community to be the first line of defence against anyone who would try to harm their inkosi or any of his izinduna. “As a province, we are facing unprecedented attacks on the institution of traditional leadership. We have had cases where amakhosi and izinduna are murdered by unknown assailants. While the government is doing everything possible to arrest the perpetrators and bring an end to these killings, communities themselves can play an active role by coming forward with information that could assist the law enforcement agencies,” said Hlomuka. 

    Issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs



    Christmas came early for the elderly and children in the communities of Gcizela, Watersmeet, Ladysmith, where MEC Hlomuka rolled out his outreach programme aimed at raising awareness about abuse towards the elderly and highlighting ways to challenge such abuses. 

    The event was held on Friday, 10 December and also focused on raising awareness against Gender-Based Violence. 

    During the outreach, which included residents from wards 14,15,16,17 and 19 in Alfred Duma Local Municipality, MEC Hlomuka thanked the elderly for the role they continue to play in our society. “As a province, we celebrate the elderly, many of you gathered here are playing a significant role in our communities, you raised up many of us and taught us about life and helped us to be able to be citizens who contribute to the wellbeing of the country,” said Hlomuka. 

    MEC Hlomuka also paid a special visit to the 96-year-old Marry Mazibuko, Mathunjwa from Gcizela who is one of the oldest citizens in the community of Ladysmith. 

    During his visit, MEC Hlomuka called for communities to continue to honour their elderly. “Gogo Methenjwa you are a blessing to our community, we honour women like yourself for the contribution they have made to our communities. It is our prayer that may God keep you and your family” said Hlomuka.

    Gogo Mathenjwa cried tears of joy at being honoured by MEC Hlomuka through the special visit. 

    In the outreach, the department partnered with social partners and saw the elderly and children headed households receive social relief such as groceries. 

    Issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs



    Ulundi: KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has welcomed the arrest of three suspects in the murder of Ibambabukhosi Mzomuhle Zondi of the Zondi Traditional Community, who was killed on the 10th of November by unknown assailants.

    According to the South African Police Service, three suspects were arrested yesterday, (two women and a man), aged between 49 and 73 years who are expected to appear before the Nkandla Magistrates Court tomorrow, 10 December for the murder.

    Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka has commended the speedy response by the police which has resulted in the arrests. 

    MEC Hlomuka accompanied by the MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works Mr Jomo Sibiya who is also the District champion for Zululand District, met with amakhosi and izinduna from the districts of Zululand, uMkhanyakude and King Cetshwayo as part of ongoing engagements aimed at finding solutions that will stabilize the institution of traditional leadership within the province. 

    The main objective of  Imbizo was to discuss the killing of amakhosi and izinduna which has become rampant in the province. 

    According to a report that tabled by Brigadier Mbele, who heads the task team dealing with cases relating to the murder of amakhosi and izinduna, the province has experienced over 43 murders and attempted murders on amakhosi and izinduna since 2018. In his report Brigadier Mbele indicated that 13 amakhosi and 30 izinduna have been killed, with 43 cases having been opened (39 murder cases, attempted murder x 2, conspiracy to commit murder x1 and 1 kidnapping case). 

    Mbele confirmed that one conviction was secured for the murder of Induna from Msinsini a Mr Fungwayo Shezi who was murdered, and in the case, a Mr Zondi was sentenced to 18 years in jail for the murder.

    In his remarks to amakhosi and izinduna, MEC Hlomuka gave a comprehensive report on the steps the department is taking to deal with matters of amakhosi and izinduna. “As a department, we are working hard to ensure issues raised in this imbizo are given the attention they warrant,” said Hlomuka.

    MEC Hlomuka also vowed that his department will continue to work with law enforcement agencies and all stakeholders to ensure that stability is brought to the institution of traditional leadership.  

    Giving a message of support, MEC Sibiya called upon communities to play a proactive role in ensuring that traditional leaders feel safe.  He further encouraged society to revive the respect that has always been accorded to the institution of traditional leadership. 

    In his remarks the Chairperson of the KZN Provincial House of Traditional Leaders, Inkosi Phathisizwe Chiliza commended the meeting for having started to point at issues that warrant the attention of both the Government and the Institution of Traditional leadership.  He further commended the department led by MEC Hlomuka for raising the tempo in addressing issues the matter of murders of amakhosi and izinduna.

    Issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs



    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC, Mr Sipho Hlomuka has welcomed the appointment of contractors who will supply electricity connections to the rural communities of wards 1,2,3,4 in the Abaqulusi and ward 4 of Jozini Local Municipalities. 

    The appointments which have been done by the department mark an important milestone in the lives of the 646 households who will now have access to electricity for the very first time thanks to the intervention of the department. 

    Yesterday, MEC Hlomuka sent a delegation from his office to meet with the political leadership and Amakhosi to officially inform them of the appointment and the rollout plan of the project.

    Under the leadership of MEC Hlomuka, the department of Cogta continues to provide strategic interventions aimed at supporting municipalities in the rollout of services to communities. Through this intervention, the department’s engineers will work closely with the appointed contractors to ensure that the 646 connections are delivered on time and within budget. 

    MEC Hlomuka believes that this intervention is yet another sign of the government’s commitment to expanding access to electricity, especially in rural communities. “The municipalities of Abaqulusi and Jozini face immense financial pressures as a result of being located in deeply rural areas that have a limited rates base. Through this intervention we are ensuring that the communities are not prejudiced by financial challenges that face these municipalities” said Hlomuka. 

    MEC Hlomuka has also commissioned the commencement of pre- project implementation activities which amongst others will include the setting up of site offices and holding consultative with local political leadership and amakhosi ahead of community engagements that will be led by the MEC.

    Senior officials from the department will work closely with the municipalities to ensure that the necessary systems are in place for the contractors to start with the work without any delays.

    Issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs




    In line with his commitment to strengthening the capacity of the sphere of local government, KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has announced an extension of the contracts of over 500 interns who were recruited by the department to work in municipalities. 

    This morning, Hlomuka met with the employees who are part of the department’s internship programme to inform them that KZN Cogta has received permission from the Department of Public Service and Administration for the extension of internships by six to nine months. 

    According to Hlomuka, the decision to extend the internship programme is a result of the work stoppages and lockdowns which affected the interns as much as the rest of the department. “Many of you started the internship programme in 2019 when we sent you to municipalities to use your skills for the improvement of the lives of our communities. When you had just started, the world experienced the outbreak of the novel coronavirus which brought about significant disruptions to this programme. The extension is an opportunity for you to make up on the time that was lost during the lockdowns” said Hlomuka. 

    Currently, the department has over 500 interns who were recruited in 2019 and who have been assigned to work in municipalities in various fields, such as engineering, town planning, information technology, finance management and accounting. 

    Cogta HOD Mr Thando Tubane, who was accompanying the MEC at the gathering, describes the internship programme as being aimed at curbing youth unemployment, building capacity within municipalities and, at the same time, providing graduates with valuable work experience. 

    One of the beneficiaries Ms Snenhlanhla Mabaso has hailed the programme as a breakthrough in that it provides interns with opportunities to build capacity and sharpen skills to the benefit of the beneficiary municipalities. 

    Another beneficiary of the programme, Thokani Nene from eMandeni, also praised the programme which has assisted him in being able to register with the professional body in his field of expertise.

    The Mayor of the uMgungundlovu District Cllr Mzi Zuma also attended the meeting and thanked the department for providing these opportunities to graduates. 



    A renewed commitment towards the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence was the clarion call made by KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka during the World Aids Day commemorations which were hosted at the Jolivet Community Hall in the uBuhlebezwe municipality under the Harry Gwala District.

    The commemorations were attended by Harry Gwala District Mayor Cllr Zamo Nxumalo, uBuhlebezwe Mayor Cllr EB Ngubo and Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Mayor Cllr Sindi Msomi.

    Nomfundo, Ndlovu, an activist, called for hightened awareness amongst communities regarding the dangers that continue to be posed by the virus. “Each one of us has to take responsibility and ensure that we know our status and that once we know it, we take all the necessary measures so that we prevent the virus from spreading within our communities,” said Ndlovu.

    In his address to the community, Hlomuka thanked health workers in the district for their hard work which saw the region achieve the 90-90-90 UNAIDS targets adopted by the country 2014. The targets are aimed at ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

    The targets state that 90% of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) must know their status; 90% of those must be on ART; and of those on ART, 90% must be virally suppressed. “Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, these gains have suffered a serious setback,” said Hlomuka.

    During the candle lighting ceremony, Mayor Nxumalo urged residents of the district who are undergoing treatment to be diligent and not default on their treatment because they could risk a relapse. “As a way of remembering those who have passed away as a result of this virus, let us all commit to being diligent in the fight against the spread of this virus,” said Nxumalo.

    The host mayor, Cllr Ngubo of the uBuhlebezwe municipality, hailed the ceremony as an important reminder about the importance of fighting against the spread of the virus.

    Community members that attended Gugu Tenza  (31) and Hloniphile  Mjwaha (30) from Mhlabashane in Highflats, said they appreciated getting educated about HIV/AIDS in this event.

    Joint statement by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and the Harry Gwala District Municipality



    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Sipho Hlomuka has congratulated the newly elected office bearers which include Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Speakers and Exco members in the province’s local and district municipalities.

    MEC Hlomuka has called upon the office bearers to work together to ensure that the province’s municipalities continue to deliver services to communities.

    MEC Hlomuka has pleaded for sanity to prevail in the management of the transition where there has been a change in the office-bearers.

    “We urge all councils to adhere to all labour laws when dealing with staffing matters. Staff members should not be treated unfairly based on perceived political affiliations due to them having worked with the previous administration” said Hlomuka.

    The election of office bearers and the swearing-in of the newly elected councillors across the province has been a largely peaceful exercise. All the province’s 43 local municipalities and one metro have convened their first sitting successfully. The province’s 10 Districts have until the 8th of December to convene their first sitting where they will elect office-bearers.

    According to MEC Hlomuka, the department will roll out specialised training programmes that will assist the office bearers in their new responsibilities.

    MEC Hlomuka will visit all Districts where he will have engagements with all office bearers at both the local and district level on what is expected of them in their new roles and on the types of support that will be made available.

    Issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs



    A formal and far-reaching Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) and the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).  An official ceremony marking this milestone was held at the University’s Pietermaritzburg Campus on 30 November. 

    One of the key objectives for Cogta is the formulation of strategic partnerships between the public and private sectors with the purpose of creating job opportunities, stimulating economic growth, improving evidence-based service delivery, skills transfer, knowledge sharing and capacity development within local government.

    As part of partnership engagements, a technical partner – namely UKZN – was identified, that could significantly benefit both the department and the university. The objective of this agreement is to establish a relationship between the department and the UKZN in order to:

    – Coordinate activities that will enable dual benefit in information sharing and expertise;

    – Monitor and evaluate the process of conducting research and generating knowledge;

    – Optimise capacity building and improve efficacy in knowledge management and delivery of training;

    – Reach an amicable and mutual achievement of the common goal of information generation and management;

    – Agree on and stipulate areas within which information sharing, research and evaluation will be undertaken and improved in the future; and

    – Define the context and systems through which information will be shared and research results will be circulated.

    The overarching aim of the MOU is to improve the services that Cogta delivers to its client – local government – by conducting research, determining best practices and ensuring collaboration on key issues affecting local government.

    The duration of the Agreement is for three years, starting from 1 August 2021 until 31 March 2024. It provides the umbrella under which both parties will share information, and contribute to and provide research and policy expertise on key areas, such as climate change resilience; sustainable natural resource use, including ecotourism; food security, water security, and the water-energy-food-nexus;  land access, rights, reform, and redistribution; water access, rights, reform, and redistribution; localisation of Sustainable Development Goals; support of spatial planning processes; vulnerability assessments, especially drought; disaster early warning systems; evaluation; local governance; and any other areas of mutual interest.

    The MOU also allows the UKZN to improve the learning experience of UKZN staff and students through opportunities to work on real-world projects; and opportunities to share expertise, enhance learning opportunities, and assist students to prepare for the transition from university to the work environment.

    Furthermore the MOU creates a platform for both parties to learn from each other and build capacity by sharing processes and methods; collaborating on publications and conferences; undertaking research and pursuing further studies; and upskilling department staff through skills transfer.

    The Agreement was signed by Funi Makhanya who is the Deputy Director General for Local Government within Cogta and Professor Albert Modi, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science on behalf of the UKZN.

    Professor Rob Slotow, UKZN Pro-Vice Chancellor for the African Cities of the Future Research Flagship, is the UKZN lead on the relationship. He emphasised: ‘The UKZN strategic plan 2017-2022 calls for improved impact of the work of the university on broader society. In order to achieve this, close partnership with government is required, which provides avenues for aligning our teaching and learning, and capacity of our graduates to align more closely with the practical needs of society. Importantly, MOUs such as this allow for the co-development, implementation and mainstreaming of results of research jointly with government. UKZN’s strong academic credentials can, thus, be deployed into key areas of need in South Africa, identified at the local government level, and be quickly translated into practical solutions to improve the wellbeing of our people.’

    Makhanya believes that the signing of the MOU marks a turning point in the departments efforts to support the Local Economic Development mandate of municipalities. “Through this partnership, we are sharpening our ability to provide specialised support to our municipalities through improved capacity which will assist to find practical solutions in the quest to grow the economy of our municipalities” said Makhanya.



    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka today convened a special district cluster imbizo, in Ladysmith where amakhosi and izinduna from across the districts of Amajuba, uThukela and uMzinyathi engaged with the department on some of the challenges that are facing the institution of traditional leadership at present.

    Several amakhosi and izinduna voiced their concerns about the slow pace of arrests following the murders of amakhosi and izinduna in the province in the recent past. In response to these concerns, the South African Police Service indicated that the police are now beginning to make tangible progress in some of the cases concerning the murders of amakhosi and izinduna.

    “As the police, we have been able to make arrests in the two instances that happened within the districts of uThukela and uMzinyathi. The breakthroughs we have had are a result of the partnership with our communities. It is therefore important that the communities continue to come forward with information that will assist in apprehending the perpetrators,” said Brigadier Buthelezi from the uMzinyathi SAPS.

    In his address to the imbizo, Chairperson of the KZN Provincial House of Traditional Leaders Inkosi Chiliza expressed his concern about the accusations and counter-accusations by those who want to sow divisions within the institution of traditional leadership. “It is important that, as leaders within the institution of traditional leadership, we work together in addressing some of the challenges that are faced by the institution,” said Inkosi Chiliza.

    In his address, MEC Hlomuka emphasised the important role played by the community in protecting amakhosi and ensuring that any suspicious activities are reported to law enforcement agencies. Hlomuka believes that this proactive approach will ensure that the already stretched police resources will be able to be used more efficiently in dealing with the safety concerns of amakhosi and izinduna.

    MEC Hlomuka has also vowed that the department will continue to roll out izimbizo to the various districts in a cluster format to ensure that all inputs are gotten from amakhosi and izinduna.

    Issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs