
Category: News


    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Sipho Hlomuka has called upon residents across the province to exercise extreme vigilance following the weather warning that was issued by the South African Weather Service which warned of inclement weather conditions expected to start today going into the weekend. 

    The inclement weather conditions are expected to bring significant snowfall over the Drakensberg Mountains and surrounding areas including Kokstad and Underberg. This could potentially lead to road closures and the risk of motorists being stranded due to poor weather conditions. 

    MEC Hlomuka has called upon residents to carefully plan their trips and to keep a close eye on the weather conditions. “We are appealing to all communities in the areas that are expected to receive significant snowfall to be vigilant and to postpone any unnecessary trips,” said Hlomuka. 

    The inclement weather conditions are expected to extend to the northern parts of the province where the risk of localised flooding will be high as a result of the disruptive rainfall which is expected from this morning going into the evening. 

    MEC Hlomuka has urged motorists and residents within the Mkhanyakude, eastern Zululand and eastern King Cetshwayo to exercise extreme caution, especially in low lying areas. 

    Disaster Management teams on alert across the province and will be keeping a close eye on major routes and areas that are prone to flooding. 



    Pietermaritzburg: KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has welcomed the five-year sentence handed down by the Durban Specialised Commercial Crimes Court to a former municipal official who had defrauded the Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma local municipality of R1-million.

    Hlomuka believes the sentence handed down by the court will serve as a deterrent to anyone who might be thinking of abusing their position in local government for personal enrichment. The judgement bolsters the Provincial Governmen’ts view that any malfeasance by those who have been entrusted with the responsibility of serving our communities should never be tolerated.

    Hlomuka has also urged the law enforcement agencies to leave no stone unturned in their fight against corruption.  


  • Uhulumeni uhlinzeke R3, 1 billion oqondene nengqalasizinda yamanzi

    • Ukufakwa kwemali ezobhekana nezinselele ezichaziwe yi Provincial Water Master Plan (Uhlelo Lwesifundazwe Lokuhlinzeka Amanzi)

    Umnyango Wokubusa Ngokubambisana Nezomdabu ngaphansi kobuholi buka Mnu Hlomuka ukuthakasele ukufakwa kwesamba sika R3,1 billion esizoqondana nokwenziwa ngcono kwengqalasizinda yamanzi komasipala besifundazwe njengalokhu kuchaziwe yiProvincial Water Master Plan.

    Lokhu kumenyezelwe nguMnu Hlomuka ngoLwesihlanu mhla ka 21 kuNhlaba ngesikhathi ethula inkulumo yesabelomali eSishayamthetho saKwaZulu Natal.

    Ukwabiwa kwalesi samba kumi kanje:

    • Eyokuxhasa ingqalasizinda yomasipala (Municipal Infrastructure Grant) R1,3 billion
    • Eyokuxhasa ingqalasizinda yamanzi (Water Service Infrastructure Grant) R887 million
    • Eyokuxhasa Izifunda (Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant) R300 million
    • Eyokuqalisa uhlelo lwesifundazwe lwamanzi (KZN Provincial Water Master Plan) phansi ko Mngeni Water – R653 million

    UNgqongqoshe uHlomuka ukholwa wukuthi lezi zabelo zizohlinzeka imali edingekayo kakhulu yokubhekana nokusilela emuva kwengqalasizinda yezamanzi esifundazweni njengamanje okulinganiselwa ku R11 billion.

    Umnyango usulethe izinguquko eziningi kwinqubo yokusetshenziswa kwemali yoxhaso , phakathi kwazo okubalwa iziphakamiso:

    • Ukuchibiyela indlela yokwabiwa koxhaso lwengqalasizinda yomasipala (MIG) ukuze ivune uhlelo lwamanzi nokukhucululwa kwetshe lentaba, yimigwaqo yomphakathi  nokuthuthwa kwemfucuza nezindawo zamathuna ngokuqonda ukuthi lokho kusho ukwehliswa kwezabelo eziqondene neminye imisebenzi;
    • Ukumiswa komkhuba “wokuvala” isabelo sokuxhasa ingqalasizinda kamasipala (MIG) ngenxa yokwahluleka komasipala ukusebenza bese kuthi lesosabelomali sidluliselwe kolunye uhlelo lomsebenzi ukuze kungashayeki umphakathi okumele usizakale; kanye
    • Nokubeka eqhulwini ingqalasizinda engasasebenzi nasezindaweni lapho lungekho uhlelo lokuphakela amanzi.

    Uhlelo Lwamanzi Lwesifundazwe iKwaZulu Natal olusanda kuphothulwa nolunikeza isithombe kabanzi ngesimo samanzi esifundazweni, lugqamisa ukubaluleka kokuba kuqhutshekwe nokutshala imali kwingqalasizinda entsha yamanzi kuso sonke isifundazwe.

    Kule nkulumo yesabelomali uNgqongqoshe uHlomuka umemezele ukuthi umnyango uzotshala futhi uR33 million ozoqondana nezimo zokungenelela eziphuthumayo kwezamanzi kuso sonke isifundazwe okuhloswe ngazo ukwenza ngcono ukuthola amanzi komphakathi namabhizinisi.



    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka today assigned a team of senior officials to table before the Abaqulusi council a report on the forensic investigation conducted by the department. The investigation focused on allegations of fraud, corruption, maladministration and statutory non-compliance in terms of Section 106(1)(b) of the Municipal Systems Act.

    The report makes findings of maladministration as well as irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure caused by irregular appointment of officials within the municipality. The report also recommends disciplinary proceedings to be initiated against those who are implicated in the findings.

    The municipality has been given 21 days within which to table the report before full council, deal with specific details contained in the report and thereafter report to the MEC for Cogta on the remedial actions. The tabling of this report is yet another strong indication of MEC Hlomuka’s commitment to dealing with allegations of wrongdoing in municipalities.

    The department continues to use all available instruments to enforce accountability within the sphere of local government within the province of KZN.


  • Impahla Yomnyango Wokubusa Ngokubambisana Nezindaba Zomdabu Yenza Umahluko Emphakathini Wasemakhaya KwaZulu-Natal

    Impahla Yomnyango Wokubusa Ngokubambisana Nezindaba Zomdabu Yenza Umahluko Emphakathini Wasemakhaya KwaZulu Natal

    • Kuyasetshenzwa ngemishini komasipala

    Imishini yokusebenza yenani lika R125 million eyethulwe ngungqongqoshe womnyango wokubusa ngokubambisana nezindaba zomdabu uMnu Sipho Hlomuka iyaqhubeka nokwenza umahluko omkhulu empilweni yezakhamuzi zomasipala asebehlomulile ekusabalalisweni kwayo.

    Le mpahla okubalwa phakathi kwayo ama roller, ama grader, nama TLB’s yabelwe omasipala bezifunda ukuze kube nesiqiniseko sokuthi basheshisa ukufezwa kwezidingo njengokulungiswa kwemigwaqo, okumbandakanya ukugqiba izisele nokulethwa kwmanzi nokukhucululwa kwetshe lentaba.

    Ngokusho kuka Ngqongqoshe uHlomuka abahlomule ngalemishini yokusebenza yimizi yasemakhaya ebalelwa ku 280 000 neyasemalokishini eyevile ku 190 000 ngaphezu kwa abhizinisi azimele awu 410 wmadolobheni akubo bonke omasipala bezifunda abawu 10.

    “Amaloli ethu athutha amanzi asephakele imiphakathi yasemakhaya amalitha evile ku 1 000 000 lapho iloli ngalinye emalolini ethu awu 13 liphakela amanzi awu 8 000 ngosuku. Amaloli ethu  awu 6 okuthutha imfucuza aqoqe imfucuza engaphezulu kuka 24 wamathani emfucuza nsukuzonke kuso sonke isifundazwe. Futhi ngemishini yethu yokusebenza sekwakhiwe imigwaqo emisha emithathu engenela kwemikhulu emakhaya esifundazweni iKwaZulu Natal” kusho uHlomukangesikhathi ethula inkulumo yesabelomali emkhandlwini oshayumthetho KwaZulu Natal ngoLwesihlanu mhla ka 21 kuNhlaba (May).

    Lolu hlelo, naphezu kwezinselele eziphathelene nophiko lwe Asset Management, lusiza omasipala ukuba bahlinzeke ngesikhathi esifanele imisebenzi esezingeni elihle ngezindleko eziphansi.


  • KZN COGTA MEC Hlomuka rolls out Local Government Toolkit to municipalities

    • Local Government Toolkit provides a template of municipal policies, processes and procedures

    The roll out of the Local Government Toolkit marks an important milestone in the sphere of local government within the province of KwaZulu-Natal.

    The Toolkit seeks to strengthen the policy environment within the province’s municipalities. It provides a template of municipal policies, processes and procedures, which may be adapted and adopted by individual municipalities.

    During his Budget Policy Speech, which was delivered last Friday, KwaZulu-Natal Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Hlomuka hailed this innovation which is being made available by the department to all municipalities.

    Speaking about the Toolkit, MEC Hlomuka said that it promotes uniformity, improves norms and standards in respect of the municipal policy environment and makes a contribution to professionalising local government in our province.

    The Toolkit is a one-stop shop for all policies that relate to local government and the running of councils and it is already being utilised by municipalities.



    R428-million set aside for the development of local economies, job creation, infrastructure delivery – particularly of water, and spatial development.

    KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta), under the leadership of MEC Sipho Hlomuka, has proudly created 46 316 job opportunities in the 2020/2021 financial year.

    This was revealed by MEC Hlomuka last Friday when he delivered his department’s Budget Policy Speech in the Provincial Legislature.

    According to MEC Hlomuka, these job opportunities provide much-needed work experience and skills to 12 000 young people who are their main beneficiaries. 

    MEC Hlomuka believes that these ongoing programmes, which include 250 in-service trainees, 45 250 CWP workers, 500 municipal interns, 222 job opportunities through EPWP infrastructure projects monitoring, 36 infrastructure young professionals, 15 assistants to financial experts deployed to municipalities and 65 departmental interns, are making a meaningful impact on the lives of those who benefit from them.  

    “As government, we are committed to empowering women, the youth and people living with disabilities. In these programmes, we have provided jobs opportunities to 38 000 women and more than 400 opportunities to people living with disabilities. We were motivated by the need to reduce unemployment among graduates, assist unemployed graduates in obtaining work experience and build the capacity of municipalities in the province in keeping with our constitutional mandate,” said MEC Hlomuka.   

    MEC Hlomuka has committed his department to maintaining the department’s 45 000 CWP job opportunities and to recruit 500 municipal interns at the end of the current term of interns.

    “In addition, we will recruit 65 interns and provide monitoring support to the 250 in-service trainees recently recruited,” said MEC Hlomuka.

    In his department’s 2021/2022 Budget of R1.7 billion, an amount of R428-million has been allocated to the development of local economies, job creation, infrastructure delivery – particularly of water, and spatial development.


  • Cogta supports Community Service Centres and Traditional Administration Centres

    KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta), under the leadership of MEC Sipho Hlomuka, has recently rehabilitated 11 Traditional Administration Centres in Umnini Trust, Isimahle, Khabazela, Ximba, Maphumulo, Manyavu, Cele P, Chwezi, Amangwane, Thoyana, and Khumalo (Ilembe).

    The department has also positively contributed to improved functionality of numerous Traditional Councils across the province.

    In order to facilitate public access to government services, two new Community Service Centres are being completed at Umvoti (Amatimatolo) and Maphumulo (Mvozane) at a combined cost of R23.9-million. These centres are expected to be operational in 2021/2022.

    This was revealed by MEC Hlomuka last Friday when he tabled the department’s Budget Policy Speech in the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Legislature.

    In his address, MEC Hlomuka announced his department’s intention to create two Digital Centres within the Bergville and KwaMbonambi Community Service Centres, which have been built by the department.

    Hlomuka believes that this investment will go a long way towards ensuring that the youth has adequate access to the internet which provides a number of benefits, particularly for job seekers.



    As the province marks two decades of democratic local government since its formation in 2000 and as it emerges from the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic, KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) is tabling its annual 2021/2022 budget which is geared both towards post-Covid-19 municipal recovery and a local government that works better for the general public.  

    “Since 2000 when the current model of local government was established, we have created municipal structures which serve our ever more discerning communities. Their achievements on the ground are sometimes marred by shortcomings which we, as a department that oversees local government, take very seriously and attend to speedily,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Sipho Hlomuka.  

    The effects of Covid-19 on the municipal economies in KZN have been devastating. With municipalities being the primary sites of economic activity at local level, it is key that they be adequately equipped to assist in the revival of the post-Covid-19 economy. To bolster the municipal recovery plans KZN Cogta helped to develop during the height of the pandemic, it will now focus on their implementation.

    Service delivery is dependent on the ability of municipalities to collect revenue. The pandemic has severely disrupted the pace in our offensive to enhance revenue collection in municipalities. In 2021/2022, we will pursue a targeted approach to revenue collection that aims to reduce both government and consumer debt in municipalities,” said Hlomuka.

    In 2021/2022, KZN Cogta will further decentralise support to municipalities through the deployment of dedicated local government specialists in each of the province’s 10 districts and the metro. This will improve coordination and facilitate the resolution of service delivery issues on the ground where it matters most, particularly as KZN approaches the 2021 Local Government Elections. 

    “We will be supporting municipalities in dealing with unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. This will involve strengthening internal controls as well as hands-on support to municipal procurement officials. In respect of such expenditure already incurred, we will support municipalities in implementing the necessary consequence management,” said Hlomuka.  

    In 2021/2022, KZN Cogta’s focus will be on consolidating the newly established District Development Model in municipalities. The new approach seeks to centralise planning, budgeting and implementation of local economic development and infrastructure projects at a district level with the active participation of other spheres of government and other stakeholders. 

    “We will also implement the water interventions envisioned in the KZN Provincial Water Master Plan. This will improve the general access to water for both communities and businesses. We will support municipalities in improving their water services in line with the ward profiles produced in the Provincial Water Master Plan,” said Hlomuka. 

    Having successfully completed the KZN Provincial Water Master Plan, KZN Cogta will facilitate the development of the KZN Provincial Energy Master Plan. It will focus on universal access to electricity and alternative energy and asset management frameworks. Specifically, the plan will address the ongoing need to support municipalities with operations and maintenance of energy infrastructure. 

    “While our response to the Tropical Cyclone Eloise demonstrated that we have improved in our ability to manage disasters, a significant amount of work remains to be done to further limit the number of fatalities. In 2021/2022, all municipalities will be supported with the development of Disaster Management Policy Frameworks to deal more effectively with natural disasters,” said Hlomuka. 



    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka this morning paid a visit to the Msunduzi Police Station in Cato Ridge where he assessed its functionality.
    Hlomuka also received a briefing from senior police officers on the matter of the killings of izinduna that have taken place in areas under the jurisdiction of this police station.
    During the visit, the MEC noted capacity constraints faced by the police station and vowed to work closer with the management and sister departments in addressing these challenges. Hlomuka also noted the hard work being put in by the police into investigating the killings of izinduna and amakhosi within the province.
    Earlier in the day, Hlomuka paid a courtesy visit to Inkosi Mlaba of the kwaXimba Traditional Council where he inspected the newly renovated Traditional Administration Court which provides a range of services to this rural community.
    KZN Cogta, under the leadership of MEC Hlomuka, has invested millions of rand into TAC renovation projects across the province for the benefit of rural communities and amakhosi.