
Category: News



    The active interest in the wellbeing of KZN municipalities on the part of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) is most welcome, even if the committee’s conclusion that our support to these municipalities does not inspire confidence is very unfair and unfortunate. The observations run in the face of various support initiatives that our department has implemented in line with our mandate of supporting and monitoring local government institutions.


    The provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), which I lead, made due representations to the committee, at very a short notice, with regards to several municipalities in distress and with reference to specific issues that had been identified by SCOPA in writing. In this regard documented information in terms of our support and our monitoring role in municipalities that were identified by SCOPA was elaboratory presented. It was our expectation that the engagements with SCOPA were to be in line with what they required of us to prepare and regrettably that was partly not the case.


    SCOPA’s main concern is about COGTA’s alleged slow turnaround time in resolving some of the challenges that cripple our municipalities. In our defence, it is important to consider that despite our best efforts we are often constrained by municipalities’ status as an independent sphere of government which we should respect at all material times. It is our belief that this legal principle will also be appreciated by SCOPA.


    It is also untrue that COGTA has shown ignorance of various curative legislative prescripts offered by the Constitution and the Municipal Systems Act to remedy some of the challenges faced by KZN’s municipalities. On the contrary, every one of our interventions has been strictly informed (and limited) by law. We have no appetite to act outside the law even at times of difficulty unlike in the previous dispensation where the doctrine of the supremacy of parliament was the case. After 1994 that situation changed and the supreme law of the Republic is the constitution. In all that we do we are guided by the supremacy of the constitution and we confine our activities in terms of the law and not at the whims of other functionaries.


    Several of SCOPA’s observations are incorrect. While it is true that political instability has led to a state of uncertainty in uMkhanyakude District, for example, it is not true that its council last met in March 2020. Records will show that the council met thereafter and managed to even approve an annual budget before 30 June 2020.


    It is true that the council has not considered reports on investigations into the municipality’s unauthorised, irregular, wasteful and fruitless expenditure, but COGTA has certainly done its homework by providing extensive technical support in this regard directly to uMkhanyakude’s Municipal Public Accounts Committee.


    SCOPA has resolved that this council must convene within the next 14 days to catch up on all outstanding issues. The truth is that SCOPA does not have the power to order any municipal council to meet or prescribe what its councillors should discuss or approve when it does meet. It is in this context that there accession or a purported resolution on the above seems to fall outside the scope and ambit of the law.


    SCOPA has instructed COGTA to indicate why it has not instituted Section 139 intervention in this municipality. Such interventions are in fact instituted by the Provincial Executive Council on in terms of the Constitution of the Republic.


    With regards to Mpofana municipality which recently received an audit disclaimer, SCOPA is concerned about the lack of progress in instituting consequence management. COGTA does share these concerns and will work with the Municipality in ensuring that consequence management is implemented without fail.


    SCOPA has rightly questioned the effectiveness of Section 139 intervention into this municipality, especially in light of its financial position. COGTA contends that legislation that would make such interventions more actionable is yet to be considered by Parliament and it hopes that SCOPA can fast-track this process.


    SCOPA has been rightly irked by Mpofana’s decision to contract external and costly consultants for the preparation of its financial statements that in the end did not meet the requirements of the law. COGTA has already tasked its appointed administrator to investigate this matter and develop an action plan that will address the findings by the Auditor General.


    SCOPA has called for tabling of an outstanding forensic report before the Richmond council to ensure consequence management against those implicated in it. COGTA had in fact commenced this process and will soon table the report once all internal processes at the municipality have been complied with.


    At uMgungundlovu District, SCOPA has called on COGTA to conclude a forensic investigation into wrongdoing at this municipality.COGTA does appreciate the urgency and pledges to conclude this report as soon as possible. The department does its best to expedite such investigations as a rule.


    At Nquthu, SCOPA has rightly complained about the municipality’s tendency to resort to costly litigation in the matter of appointment of senior managers and the appointment of the Mayor. COGTA itself has long criticised Nquthu’s intransigent attitude and advised the municipality to settle the matter out of court.


    At Zululand District, SCOPA has voiced legitimate concerns around questionable financial management and alleged corruption. It must be noted that when COGTA itself investigated this municipality for maladministration, fraud and corruption, Zululand responded by taking the department to court.


    It is quite clear from all of the above that COGTA has done its due diligence in respect of all reported challenges in the province’s municipalities and where its interventions have not yielded the desired results, the department has truly tested the limits of what it can legally do to improve the state of KZN’s municipalities.


    To suggest that COGTA has been negligent in acting against misbehaving municipalities or ignorant of remedial actions afforded to it by the Constitution or local government legislation is simply incorrect. Going forward, COGTA is prepared to work with SCOPA to make things right.



    Durban: KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka, as part of his ongoing municipal service delivery monitoring drive, will be visiting the Inkosi Langalibalele municipality on Thursday, 3 December 2020.

    The meeting, which will comprise of all the councillors and management of the municipality, will provide an opportunity for Hlomuka to engage the municipality on various service delivery issues. During the meeting, the MEC will also receive a report on the consequence management measures being implemented in the municipality as a result of investigations that have been initiated. The municipality is part of those that are under section 139(1) b intervention.

    During the visit, Hlomuka will also visit the Loskop water treatment plant where he will assess the state of this water scheme which provides water to hundreds of local residents. The plant which was recently commissioned has been vandalised by criminals on several occasions which had impacted on its functionality.

    Members of the media are invited to attend this visit, the details of which are as follows:

    Date: Thursday, 3 December 2020

    Time: 08:00 AM

    Venue: Loskop Water Treatment Works

    Second Part of Programme

    Meeting with Inkosi Langalibalele Councillors

    Venue: Wembezi Multi Purpose Hall, Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality

    Time: 10:00 AM



    Ixopo: The KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sipho Hlomuka has called for residents in the Harry Gwala District to not turn a blind eye to the abuse of women and children within their communities. Hlomuka said these words this morning at the commemoration of World Aids Day event which took place at the Peace Initiative Hall in Ixopo under the uBuhlebezwe Municipality.

    The event which was attended by the Mayor of the Harry Gwala District Cllr Nxumalo, the Mayor of uBuhlebezwe Cllr Ngubo and local Amakhosi remembered those that have lost their lives to HIV/AIDS through the lighting of candles.

    In his remarks, MEC Hlomuka called upon residents to take their place in the protection of the rights of women and children as this is an issue that cannot be separated from the government’s fight to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS within our communities.

    “Today we remember those that have passed away because of this virus, we also take this opportunity to take stock of the progress we have made as a country in the fight against this virus. Today it is possible to leave a normal life even thou you might have HIV/AIDS, this points to the progress that has been made by medicine and science” said Hlomuka.

    The District which is home to some of the most rural municipalities in the province is at the forefront of the fight against Gender-Based Violence and the spread of HIV/AIDS extensive programme have been rolled out by the government to protect human life.

    During the Commemorations the MEC and Mayors were joined by residents in a candle lighting ceremony.


    Durban: KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sipho Hlomuka has placed disaster management teams on high alert as severe-thunderstorms are expected to hit large parts of the province this afternoon going into the evening.

    According to the weather report received from the South African Weather Service Severe thunderstorms are expected over the south-western parts and the midlands of the province this afternoon, drifting into the north-eastern parts in the evening.

    Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka has warned residents of the dangers posed by the severe-thunderstorms which are expected to bring with them strong winds, hail and heavy downpours.

    “We are appealing to residents in the areas that could be affected to exercise extreme caution as the weather conditions could deteriorate to dangerous levels. We are appealing for everyone to be vigilant as the expected heavy downpours could lead to localised flooding in low-lying areas and difficult driving conditions for motorists” said Hlomuka.

    Disaster Management teams will be monitoring routes and areas that are prone to incidents very closely.

    The areas that might be affected are: Abaqulusi, Alfred Duma – Indaka, Dr N. Dlamini-Zuma – Underberg, eDumbe, Endumeni, Greater Kokstad, Impendle, Inkosi Langalibalele-Escourt, Inkosi Langalibalele – Sobabili, Maphumulo, Mpofana – Giants Castle, Mpofana-Mooi River, Msinga, Mthonjaneni, Nkandla, Nongoma, Nquthu, Richmond, Msunduzi, Ubuhlebezwe, Ulundi, uMngeni, uMshwathi, Umvoti, Umzimkhulu, uPhongolo.

    Residents are urged to avoid being on the road where possible and to refrain from crossing low-lying bridges.



    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has called for action to hold accountable those who are responsible for the illegal electricity connections that killed three children this afternoon at the Jika Joe informal settlement in Pietermaritzburg.

    Hlomuka expressed his shock and sadness at this tragic incident which has led to the loss of three innocent lives. The MEC has also sent condolences to the families of the three children.

    “This tragic incident takes place at a time when we have commenced with the 16 Days of Activism against the Abuse of Women and Children campaign. This campaign is aimed at protecting the rights of the most vulnerable within our communities. For our province to lose three children in this manner is heart-breaking and calls for a stand against the dangerous illegal electricity connections that continue to spread in our communities. Those who make and benefit from illegal electricity connections must be held accountable,” said Hlomuka.

    Hlomuka has called on the Msunduzi municipality to investigate the circumstances surrounding this incident and hold to account those who are responsible for the illegal connections. He has also called upon the residents of Jika Joe to come forward with any information that might assist in apprehending those responsible for the spread of illegal connections.


    Pietermaritzburg: KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has condemned the attack on the Provincial Disaster Management Centre in Mkondeni, Pietermaritzburg.

    This evening unknown assailants torched two vehicles at the centre which is home to the department’s disaster management officials. The attack is believed to be related to the unrest that occurred today in the Mkondeni area when residents in the Sacca informal settlement participated in a protest.

    Hlomuka has condemned this blatant attack on the department and called for the speedy arrest of the culprits. “We are concerned about this act of cowardice where thousands of rand worth of government assets were destroyed by criminals. Acts such as this constitute treason and those responsible need to be held accountable. It is unacceptable that criminals can use service delivery protests as an excuse to damage state resources which are meant to assist the most vulnerable in our communities,” said Hlomuka.

    As a result of this incident, the department has had to remove its vehicles from the centre to an undisclosed location to avert any further damages. “We are concerned about such incidents and are appealing to anyone that has information that could lead to the arrest of the culprits to come forward,” added Hlomuka.

    As the province heads into the summer season which is a busy period for the Disaster Management Centre, the department will not allow the torching of the two vehicles to impact on its ability to respond to incidents.

    In an unrelated incident in March last year, a section of the department’s offices in Mayville were burnt to the ground when unknown assailants petrol-bombed the premises.

    Hlomuka has appealed to the law enforcement agencies to leave no stone unturned in their efforts to apprehend the people responsible for this shameful act.


    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has sent condolences to the Langa family in Nquthu following the tragic incident that occurred on Tuesday where an 18-year-old member of the family was killed during a lightning strike at their residence in Ndindindi (Ward 13).

    Reports received by the department indicate that Musawenkosi Langa died as a result of lightning strike that occurred in the evening while he was at his home. In the incident, there were no injuries to other members of the family.

    Hlomuka has dispatched disaster management teams from the uMzinyathi district to provide support to the family. Hlomuka has also warned residents across KZN of the danger posed by inclement weather conditions in the province.

    “We are saddened that we continue to lose innocent lives due to inclement weather conditions. As we head into the summer season, we are expecting an increase in weather-related incidents. It is for this reason that we plead with residents to take seriously all weather warnings from the department and the South African Weather Service,” said Hlomuka.


    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has congratulated Hon. Zinhle Lindeka Immaculate Cele MPL on her appointment to the position of chairperson of the Cogta Portfolio Committee in the Provincial Legislature.

    The position became vacant with the passing of Hon. Ricardo Mthembu MPL in July. Speaking about the appointment, Hlomuka said Cele was an activist in her own right who had championed the cause of community development across the province.

    “The wealth of experience she brings to the portfolio will ensure that the department continues to excel in its service delivery efforts. We are looking forward to working together with the portfolio committee under the new leadership of Hon Cele,” said Hlomuka.


    To augment the KZN Provincial Government’s crime prevention efforts and crime-fighting interventions in rural areas, KZN MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Bheki Ntuli together with KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka signed a protocol agreement with the KZN Provincial House of Traditional Leaders under the leadership of Inkosi Phathisizwe Chiliza at the Old Legislature Building in Ulundi today.

    The protocol agreement seeks to promote efficient and effective police service delivery and crime prevention in the province. Extensive consultations with all relevant stakeholders on the content of the protocol agreement have been undertaken prior to today’s ceremony. This has resulted in the consensus that cooperation and collaboration be formalised through the signing of the protocol agreement.

    MEC Ntuli said that the safety of rural communities and the need to grow the agricultural economy remain key priorities for the Provincial Government. In recent months, several high-profile murders of amakhosi and izinduna have been reported in addition to numerous incidents of abuse of farm workers and high levels of stock and crop theft throughout KZN.

    “Over and above the loss of life and immediate human suffering, the lack of security and stability in our rural and farming community causes serious disruption to our economy. Through the implementation of the National Rural Safety Strategy, we remain committed to ending the violent killings of amakhosi and izinduna in our province. The rural crime prevention initiatives also include stock theft, farm killings, initiation schools, rhino poaching and uKuthwala (human trafficking),” said Ntuli.

    Ntuli also said that specific roles and responsibilities have been outlined in the protocol agreement, which includes an implementation plan. “We believe that the protocol agreement between the two departments and the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders will foster cooperation and collaboration with amakhosi, recognising them as key stakeholders in the pursuit of building a united front against crime and the provincial imperative of “Growing KwaZulu-Natal Together,” added Ntuli.

    MEC Hlomuka has hailed the signing of the protocol agreement as a turning point in the government’s efforts to fight the scourge of crime in rural communities. Chairperson of the Provincial House, Inkosi Chiliza, has similarly committed the House to working together with all stakeholders through the protocol agreement to ensure safety in rural communities. “As amakhosi, we will be working closely with our communities to promote active citizenry in the fight against crime,” said Chiliza.



    KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Bheki Ntuli together with the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sipho Hlomuka will tomorrow, 26 November 2020, preside over the signing of the Protocol Agreement with the KZN Provincial House of Traditional Leaders which is under the leadership of Inkosi Chiliza, in order to promote efficient and effective police service delivery and crime prevention in the province.

    The protocol agreement is based on Chapter 3 of the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act on 2005, which provides for organs of state to enter into an implementation protocol where appropriate, and the KwaZulu-Natal Traditional Leadership and Governance Act of 2005, which provides, among others for specific functions of Amakhosi relating to the safety and security of their subjects and the maintenance of the rule of law.

    The overall objective of the Protocol Agreement is to foster cooperation and collaboration with Amakhosi, as they are key stakeholders in the fight against crime and the Provincial imperative of “Growing KwaZulu-Natal Together.”

    The ceremony will be attended by the Executive Committee of the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders.

    Members of the media are invited to cover the Protocol Agreement Ceremony.

    Details of the programme are as follows:

    Date: Thursday, 26 November 2020
    Time: 08h00 AM
    Venue: Old Legislature Building, Ulundi