
Category: News


    31 August 2020

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka will be launching a ground-breaking water purification and carting intervention in partnership with the South African National Defence Force in the water-scarce uMkhanyakude district municipality tomorrow.

    Through this intervention, the SANDF is utilising its experts and resources to purify up to 150 000 litres of water a day drawn from the Mkuze River. This water is then distributed to rural communities in uMhlabuyalingana, Jozini, and Big Five Hlabisa through the water tankers provided by the uMkhanyakude district.

    This cost-effective intervention also enables water tankers to deliver water to communities faster, eliminating the need for locals to travel long distances to access purified water. In the long run, this could save the government millions of rands. More than 45 000 households, including schools and businesses, will benefit from the project.

    This ground-breaking partnership will be officially launched by Hlomuka who will be visiting the basin of the Mkuze River, just outside Hluhluwe near Isimangaliso Wetland Park where this project is operating from.

    Members of the media are invited to attend the launch, the details of which are as follows:

    Date: Tuesday, 1 September 2020

    Time: 09:00am

    Venue: Nhlangano Village, just outside Hluhluwe at the entrance of iSimangaliso Wetlands Park (first left after entering iSimangaliso after crossing the bridge)

    For more information, contact: Ms Nonala Ndlovu, 066 282 6903 (Head of Communications); or Senzelwe Mzila (Media Liaison Officer), 082 474 1882







    28 August 2020

    Gender-Based Violence Awareness Campaign:

    The purpose of our visit to this district today is to comfort families who have been victims of gender-based violence (GBV)

    We have come to this local municipality because of the high number of incidents where young women and children have lost lives to GBV

    Our presence here at the Donnybrook police station is aimed at getting feedback from you as law enforcement agencies on the progress you have made in the war against the scourge of GBV

    We understand that the fight against GBV is one which we all need to play a part in

    The good work that is done by your team is appreciated because we understand that as law enforcement agencies you are at times under-resourced and have to use creative means to continue to provide adequate support to our communities

    The good work that you do is reliant on us as community members being reliable people who will blow the whistle on GBV whenever and wherever it occurs

    Singamalunga omphakathi asikwazi nhlobo ukuthula uma kuhlukunyezwa abantu besifazane kanye nezingane. Yingakho sithi kubalulekile ukuthi sisebenzisane sonke

    Kubuhlungu ukuthi silahlekelwa ngodadewethu, ngomama ngoAunti ezandleni zabantu abebethandana nabo. Yingakho sithe singumnyango asilisebenzise lelithuba ukuthi size lapha kulomasipala, njengoba kuyi-Women’s Month sizoqhakambisa iqhaza ekumele silidlale sonke ekulweni nokuhlukunyezwa kwabantu besifazane

    Ukuvakashela imindeni lokhu esizokwenza yinto engikholwa ukuthi ibalulekile ngoba uma umuntu esedlule ebuhlungwini bokulahlekelwa yingane, umama noma uAunti wakhe, kumele sikwazi ukumvakashele sekwenzekile konke sizombeka ukuthi ngabe unjani kanye nokuthi yikuphi esingakwenza ukuqinisekisa ukuthi bayakwazi ukunqoba lesi simo

    This visit, I believe, will also be an opportunity for the SAPS to update the families about the process of the respective cases that are being handled here. This is an important step because our SAPS members are normally the first port of call and for us to visit the families together with the SAPS is an important gesture which I believe will help these families to heal and find closure

    Water Interventions:

    I understand also that we will be visiting Ward 10 and specifically the village called Come and See. This visit is important because water provision is one of the tools we use to spare our young children and women from having to fetch water from distant places

    I understand that in this area the community gets water from an unprotected water spring which is located in a ravine. The distance from the houses is over one kilometre in a very steep incline

    As part of our visit today, we are going to hand over a static water tank for this community to serve the local people while the Mbulelweni Water Supply project is being completed

    It is our hope that our children and women here will no longer have to walk long distances in order to fetch water

    While we celebrate Women’s month, it is important that we address the plight of rural women through practical interventions that will assist in preserving their dignity by access to water in a manner that is safe and convenient

    As I conclude, I appeal to all of us to continue to be the change that we want to see in our communities

    I thank you!


    Programme Director;

    MEC for Cogta, Mr SE Hlomuka;

    Professor Somadoda Fikeni

    Members of the Executive Management Committee;

    Senior Middle and Junior Managers;

    Ladies and gentlemen;

    • As you know and as I keep reminding colleagues of every opportunity, I have always been a vocal advocate of clearly defined service delivery objectives with realistic budgets and reasonable timeframes. I hope that this review session will revive these simple prerogatives as we chart the direction KZN Cogta will take in the immediate future to meet its constitutional mandate as we face the enormity of the Covid-19 pandemic.
    • We have set for ourselves a long-term target of building capable local governance institutions wherein people who pay their rates and service charges to their respective municipalities get high quality public services in return. In addition, we now also aspire to stabilise the sphere of local government where municipal operations and local economies have been severely disrupted by Covid-19.
    • We are meeting as extended MANCO to reflect on performance amid the state of national disaster declared by the President in March
    • Government as a whole has shown great interest in risk assessment and management but possibility of lockdown couldn’t be foreseen
    • The nation wide lockdown will inevitable have devastating effects on the performance and success story we vouched to tell in a short and long term.
    • We are here now and the onus is on us to salvage what we can in our sector towards social stability through viable local government
    • As COGTA our road to recovery starts here and today
    • An organisation’s effectiveness is directly affected by its crisis management process and save it from total shutdown of it’s work processes as we are not absolved from service delivery.
    • Business continuity management committee becomes key support in taking decisions that will encourage stability.
    • Performance management relies on planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating. We are today about reviewing, assessing what is already done for forward looking purposes.
    • This is why we have invited to today’s session an astute analyst Prof Fikeni to tell us the hard truths about our sector.
    • Circumstance are forcing us to be in unison about what employees can do differently and reprioritised objectives, hence the invitation was extended to junior and middle management.
    • The local government sphere has been allocated additional budget as the sphere together with Health that is at the coal face of the fight against COVID-19.
    • Programme 2 in particular, needs to be elaborate on support required in this regard.
    • The department suffered a loss of 408 million during the recent mandatory budget cuts by Treasury and resulted in reprioritisation and re-tabling of it’s strategic plans. It is at times like these where the Batho-Pele principle of Efficiency, doing more with less, has to be strived for.
    • Minister of finance said explaining zero-based budgeting that the country needs to move towards and I quote “we need to refocus our attention on the growth-enhancing activities and no longer take for granted that the baseline that was there last year, will always be the case”
    • For us a mammoth task of driving the District Development Model remains which is the strategy of the 6th administration to bring about growth and development in Districts.
    • Cooperatively organising sector departments we are compelled to move with speed with rolling out DDM, to pool our limited resources together to ensure that we focus our attention on where the people are and on supporting economic activity in the lives of our people.
    • The need to still develop infrastructure to make our cities smart and investment attraction sites, remains.
    • It becomes compelling to then also critically review systems in place to help realise the ideal.
    • Tools and structures to serve as a governance and oversight on Project Management, which seems to be lacking to be considered to improve on this aspect moving forward and we rely on Research and Evalution units to advise.
    • We are going to have to review mainly how projects are managed internally to reduce wastage, delays and implement only what is relevant to the cause.
    • The current situation magnified the challenge of supply versus demand of water in the Province. The finalisation of the Master plan should be given all due attention.
    • We will continue mobilising every cent and rand towards provision of alternative water supply sources like boreholes, water tank etc. while working on long-term solutions.
    • Our resources have always been scarce and now even more stretched and left priorities competing with each other.
    • With all of that said we still can draw valuable lessons from the pandemic that hit us so hard.
    • The need to gear ourselves up with 4th industrial revolution that can save the department lots of money on travel, accommodation and hiring of venues for this or that gathering and most importantly time.
    • Improved risk management and mitigation to ensure business continuity come what may
    • Organisational efficiency and productivity should be come the new gospel now and beyond this crisis
    • As we navigate through these unchattered waters of the pandemic, it is time for all of us to act in accordance with the injunction posed by John F Kennedy who said “ask not what the country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

    Programme Director;

    Head of Department, Mr Tubane;

    Members of the Executive Management Committee;

    Senior Managers;

    Ladies and gentlemen;

    All protocol observed

    I would like to welcome all managers to this virtual strategic planning session, the first of its kind in our history as a department. They say that when you change the form, you are on your way to changing the substance. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, this holds very true. The form of this virtual session is determined by the novel coronavirus as much as the substance of the direction KZN Cogta will take in the immediate future to meet its constitutional mandate.

    We are participating in this virtual Strategic Planning session to take stock of where we are as an organisation and to collectively decide the plan moving forward. In other words, we are here to conduct a detailed assessment of the readiness of Cogta to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

    Background and context

    The immediate challenge before us is the Covid-19 pandemic that continues to devastate our communities, our economy and, more pertinently for us at Cogta, our municipalities and traditional institutions. The pandemic has necessitated large-scale reprioritisation of state resources and this has resulted in significant reduction of our own budget for many of our service delivery-related activities that used to form part of our strategic planning in the past. As a result, we have already had to reformulate our Annual Performance Plan for 2020/2021 to reflect our new priorities and our new budgetary constraints.

    The impact of these changes is truly far-reaching. We will be required to ensure that our municipalities continue to function despite their massive revenue shortfalls and we will need to continue to manage our infrastructure projects, particularly water-related projects, despite these budget cuts. We will be required to play a key role in restoring our municipalities and traditional institutions to their pre-pandemic levels of operation. We may also need to contend with possible delays in such important events as the 2021 local government elections.

    Purpose of the session

    The assessment we will conduct during this Strategic Planning session must therefore reflect these new realities. It must be comprehensive, honest and objective in order for us to be able to map the strategic way forward in the context of the new normal. What will be important in this assessment is for us to draw on best practices that we should replicate and worst practices that we should do our best avoid. For this Strategic Planning session to be a success, we therefore all need to ensure that we approach it with no pre-determined outcomes.

    Our mandate here is to reflect on how our new priorities will find expression in our Strategic Plan as well as our Implementation Plan thereof. All our programmes, policies and resources across all business units will have to be directed in pursuit of our immediate, medium-term and long-term tasks. As we continue to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus and look beyond towards a post-Covid-19 local government landscape, we must not lose sight of our long-term vision to provide comprehensive support to all local governance institutions, such as municipalities and traditional leadership institutions, in order to make them sustainable.

    This is a fundamental task for the department. The expectation, therefore, is that creating stable and sustainable local governance institutions will constitute the core of our strategy and this will be high up on the list of priorities of the department. If we fail to do so, then we would have failed the people of KZN in particular and South Africa in general. So, today we begin to reimagine our destiny for the foreseeable future and plan the journey conscious of our strengths and weaknesses. We need to look at possible opportunities and threats that lie ahead. As we do so, we need to look at how we can circumvent some of those threats and leverage the opportunities that are there.

    A new future for Cogta

    We are urged to imagine a new future for Cogta and the people of our province in a post-Civid-19 era: a new future where those we serve are our number one clients and to them Cogta is the number one go-to department when faced with challenges. Let us use this opportunity to refashion Cogta as a new vehicle that will deliver innovative solutions in resolving service delivery and local governance challenges and drive the agenda to grow South Africa together. I am confident that this new Cogta is the best vehicle for driving our municipalities and traditional institutions out of the current Covid-19 devastation towards a full recovery and a sustainable future beyond.

    We must at this Strategic Planning session emerge with concrete strategies for our municipal support plans to ensure that we reach our intended destination of making the system of local government work better for our people. In a lot of what has unravelled in the local government space we, as Cogta, have been complicit through our action or inaction. Today we must make a clean break with the past. As a department, we cannot be aloof but we have to be on the ground in supporting the institutions we are constitutionally mandated to support and ensure that they perform.

    Our support plans must respond to these challenges and we must be able to play our role and be frank if there are any obstacles. I think we are all observing the fact that we have entered a new era in consequence management in government: the public are not sparing us of their wrath as the people they have tasked with improving their lives. We want to be unequivocal in that we will also exercise consequence management against those not pulling their weight. This is a clarion call for all of us to do our work that we are paid to do and also to contribute to building our country.

    On the financial side, the province is impacted by the constrained global economic environment due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the immediate implications are budget cuts and reprioritisation. This means that we have to continue doing our work effectively with fewer resources and managing them more effectively to get value for money. Our task is to ensure that people who contribute their taxes, rates and service charges get a return on their investments through high-quality public services they receive from their local government institutions. We have challenges related to Eskom debt, revenue collection, dysfunctional water schemes, poor operations and maintenance of municipal infrastructure. All of these need to be addressed here today.

    New guiding principles for Cogta

    As you contemplate our department’’s strategy during this virtual Strategic Planning session, I urge you to base all your inputs around the following pillars: 

    •• Improvement in audit status of the department and a strategy for differentiated support to municipalities which is based on the currently available performance information

    •• Alignment between available resources and our Strategic Plan and a clear linkage between all the relevant business units to form the basis of our new role in the post-Covid-19 local government landscape

    •• Research and innovation to drive our development and growth as a department

    •• Work in a business-oriented manner and always put people first in the context of Batho Pele principles, and

    •• Instil a sense of working together and always strive for the best


    Much preparation and planning has gone into this exercise for which we would like to thank the HOD, Mr Tubane, and the entire team Cogta. In order to give meaning to this Strategic Planning session, we must see active participation of all managers. Do not be timid to raise your point; there is no wrong answer but points can always be refined. Let us identify areas of challenges and our common approach for dealing with the lack of success. When you participate in this session, always think of the effect your ideas will have on the people on the ground.

    I conclude these remarks by borrowing from the wise words of Khalil Gibran: “”Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”” The current Covid-19 crisis is a source of immense suffering for individuals and institutions alike. But I have no doubt that we will all emerge, as individuals and society, from this crisis stronger and more determined to reach for new heights. Today’’s Strategic Planning session is the first bold step in this direction.

    I thank you!



    As part of the World Water Week which started on 24 August, KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has called on residents across the province to continue to use water wisely. The province’s water supply remains at low levels as a result of the drought that continues to affect large parts of KZN.

    “In honour the World Water Week, which is an important moment when we reflect on the importance of water and how we utilise it. We are appealing to all residents in the province to continue to use water sparingly. Water is a scarce resource and conserving water is a responsibility that we all share,” said Hlomuka.

    Currently, in the province the average water levels in dams are 56.7%, which indicates that KZN is in a critical but stable place in terms of its water provision. Last week the uThukela district implemented water restrictions following the critical drop in water levels in the Klip River water catchment area. This means that the town of Ladysmith and surrounding areas will be undergoing water rationing.

    Hlomuka has also appealed to residents to ensure that children are educated about the importance of saving water. He has also appealed to communities to report all water leaks to the relevant authorities. “Our province continues to lose millions of litres of water a day as a result of leaks. In the fight to preserve water, every drop counts. It is our responsibility to report water leaks,” added Hlomuka.


    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Sipho Hlomuka has learned with shock and sadness of the senseless murder of Inkosi Mncube of the Mbokodwebomvu Traditional Council in Nquthu under the uMzinyathi District Municipality.

    Reports received by the department indicate that yesterday afternoon, Inkosi Mncube who was travelling with his uncle were attacked by unknown assailants while they were on the main road between Nquthu and Babanango.  Inkosi and his uncle, unfortunately, did not make it as they died under the hail of bullets that were fired at their vehicle.

    Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka has condemned this senseless murder which has robbed the Mbokodwebomvu Traditional Community and the institution of traditional leadership in the province of a leader and community builder.

    Hlomuka has called upon law enforcement agencies to leave no stone unturned in the search for the perpetrators of this act of cowardice. “We are appealing to communities to come forward with information which will lead to the arrest of the cowards who have done this disgraceful deed” adds Hlomuka.

    Hlomuka has sent his condolences family of Inkosi Mncube, the Traditional Council, and to his fellow Amakhosi in uMzinyathi Local House of Traditional leaders, where Inkosi served as a committed member, working in the interest of his community.



    In honour of women during Women’s Month, KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka, together with the Mayors of uMgungundlovu Cllr Maphumulo, King Cetshwayo Cllr Mkhulisi and Ray Nkonyeni municipality Cllr Mqwebu, will convene a Women in Local Government virtual dialogue.

    The dialogue, to be attended by female councillors and senior municipal officials, is an opportunity to discuss some of the pertinent challenges faced by women in the sphere of local government.

    The line-up of speakers includes the Chairperson of the Commission for Gender Equality T Mathebula, Dr I. Malatjie from the National School of Government and Dr N Mkhize who is the Director-General of the Province of KZN.

    The speakers will share their insights on a wide range of topics, which include:

    • The role of the Gender Commission in realising women’s rights for an equal future
    • Importance of gender equity in all three spheres of government, or
    • The capacitation of women through the National School of Government

    The discussions will take place on Tuesday, 25 August at 14h00.

    To participate in the discussions, you can register on Zoom, using the following link:

    You can also follow the discussions on YouTube using this link:

    Or you can follow it on Facebook using this link:


    For more information, contact: Ms Nonala Ndlovu, 066 282 6903 (Head of Communications); or Senzelwe Mzila (Media Liaison Officer), 082 474 1882









    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has sent condolences to the Mpanza family in Osizweni in the Newcastle local municipality where a house fire this morning ravaged the premises and caused the death of a four-year-old child.

    Hlomuka has sent his condolences to the affected family and deployed disaster management teams to support the family and to investigate the cause of the fire.

    He has also urged residents across KZN to continue to be vigilant and not leave appliances, such as heaters, unattended, especially with children present.

    “We are heartbroken as a result of this incident where we lost a very young child. Just last month our teams responded to a similar incident in Ladysmith where we lost three children and their grandmother as a result of a fire. As a department, we will be coordinating with the municipality to ensure that adequate support is provided to the affected family during this difficult time,” said Hlomuka.


    Residents in northern KZN have been urged to take great caution by the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka, following a warning issued by the South African Weather Service which warned of the possible risk of the spread of veld fires in these areas.

    MEC Hlomuka has placed disaster management teams on alert in the likelihood of any incidences taking place. “We are appealing to our communities to take great caution as veld fires pose a serious risk to human life. This weekend our teams responded to an incident in Nkandla where 20 houses were destroyed by runaway fires. We are therefore appealing to all residents to take the necessary precautions which include not making fires in open areas. We are also appealing to smokers to dispose of cigarette stumps appropriately” said Hlomuka.


    Strong winds damage houses in near Greytown

    Disaster Management teams in the uMvoti Local Municipality last night responded to an incident where 108 houses were damaged by heavy winds in the areas of Mbilwana, Zihlokweni, Manyonyo and Domrey in Wards 1, 2 and 3. In this incident, one person was injured and has received medical attention. Disaster teams are continuing to provide support to the 353 people affected by this incident.


    Cold weather conditions for parts of KZN

    MEC Hlomuka has also noted the cold weather conditions across large parts of the province and has appealed to residents to remain vigilant in their efforts to keep warm. “We are appealing to residents that utilise generators and braziers to utilise them in a manner that is safe and poses no risk to human life,” said Hlomuka.









    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Sipho Hlomuka has deployed disaster management teams to the uMngeni Local Municipality where 300 shacks in Ward 3 are believed to have been destroyed when a fire ripped through in the early hours of this morning.

    While details are still not clear, it is believed that a fire broke out at 2 AM this morning in the Mthulweni informal settlement, which quickly spread and engulfed many other shacks.

    Firefighting teams have been on the scene since the early hours of the morning to bring the blaze under control. One fatality has been reported in this incident and assessment of the extent of the damage are ongoing.

    Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka expressed condolences to the family of the deceased.

    The department of Cogta will be coordinating the provision of interim relief to the victims of the fire through working together with the uMgungundlovu and uMngeni Municipalities.

    Houses destroyed in Nkandla veld fires, resident urged to be vigilant

    In another separate incident that took place yesterday, an estimated 20 houses were destroyed when a veld fire broke out in wards 6 and 11 in the Nkandla Local Municipality.

    In this incident, no injuries or loss of life was reported. MEC Hlomuka has dispatched disaster management teams to the affected areas to provide interim relief to the affected families.

    MEC Hlomuka has also deployed Community Development Workers who are working together with disaster management teams in assessing the extent of the damage.

    Cogta MEC has urged residents across the province to continue to be vigilant to the dangers posed by runaway veld fires. He has appealed for residents to behave responsibly by not creating unnecessary fires. “It is important that we all play our part in preventing veld fires. The current conditions across large parts of our province make it rife for veld fires to get out of hand easily. We do not wish to see such incidence take place within our communities hence we are calling on all our residents to be responsible. Those that smoke are urged to dispose of their cigarette stumps responsibly” said Hlomuka.





