
Category: News




    Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Sipho Hlomuka, joined hundreds of residents from Harry Gwala District Municipality in commemorating World Aids Day at the eMagqubeni Sports Stadium in the Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma local municipality Ward 6. 

    Hlomuka who is the Political Champion of the District, thanked the work done by the Aids Council in the District, as it continues to work with communities to reduce the spreading of HIV/AIDS. “We commend the work done by the council in this district in spreading the word on protection, abstinence and the importance of testing for HIV/AIDS. The significant improvement we witness today is a result of the concerted efforts by the Aids Council in this District,” said Hlomuka.

    The Harry Gwala District is one of the Districts that are receiving support from the provincial government to achieve epidemic control by December 2020. This is in line with the 90-90-90 concept that was introduced by the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in 2013 to which set targets that had to be achieved by 2020 if the world wanted to make a significant dent in controlling the pandemic. 

    The set of goals were that 90% of HIV infected people should know their status; 90% of those who know their status should be initiated on antiretroviral therapy and 90% of those on treatment should be virally suppressed. All this will be achieved by 2020.

    At the commemoration, Hlomuka led the hundreds gathered in lightning the candles of remembrance in honour of the lives that have perished because of this disease.

    The Chairperson of the KZN Provincial House of Traditional Leaders Inkosi P.D.H Chiliza who is also the Chairperson for the Harry Gwala local house condemned the scourge of abuse of women and children and called upon residents to play their part in combating this scourge. “As the institution of traditional leadership, we condemn the ongoing war that is waged against our women and children by men who behave like animals. As communities we have to take a stand and say not in our communities; this is the only way we will stamp out this scourge,” said Chiliza.









    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka today visited the Kokstad Police Station in the Greater Kokstad local municipality where he assessed the capability of this facility in handling cases related to gender-based violence.

     Hlomuka’s visit marked the launch of the 16 Days of Activism against the Abuse of Women and Children Campaign in the Harry Gwala District where he serves as the political champion. Hlomuka encouraged staff at the police station to be sensitive to the cases involving gender-based violence. The police station accounts for the highest number of gender-based violence cases in the District with 142 and 66 cases of child abuse all reported in the previous financial year.

    “We are very concerned about the high number of incidents that relate to gender-based violence reported within this district. We also have cases where young women are kidnapped in the name of ukuthwala, that is marrying off school-agee girls against their will. We want our policemen to act with haste where incidents like this are reported,” said Hlomuka.

    The MEC also engaged with the community of Shayamoya at their local community hall where he called upon all residents to play an active part in the fight against the abuse of women and children.

    “The fight against gender-based violence is one that we all have to play a part in. It is your duty as a citizen, a neighbour, a friend or a family member to report the abuse of women and children. As a society we are judged by how we treat our most vulnerable; the rights of the most vulnerable within our society are to be protected by all of us,” said Hlomuka.


    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has condemned the practice of ukuthwala where young women are kidnapped and forced into marriage against their will. Hlomuka made these remarks today in the area of Isandlwana in Bergville (Okhahlamba local municipality) where he officially adopted the Vuma High School which he has also promised to rally business and NGOs behind to provide support and resources to.

    In adopting the school, which has over 160 learners, Hlomuka aims to ensure that he plays his part as a deployee of the Provincial Legislature in ensuring that the young men and women of Bergville are empowered through education.

    “Our visit today to Bergville today is as deployed Members of the Provincial Legislature under the programme that encourages us to adopt schools, hospitals and police stations near our communities so that we can ensure that service delivery is not hindered in these important institutions,” said Hlomuka.

    Hlomuka visited the school and also visited the Emmaus Hospital which is the main hospital servicing this deeply rural community. During his visit, Hlomuka interacted with the patients and motivated staff to continue the great work they are doing in providing important health care to our communities.

    The MEC also committed to providing lightning conductors to the hospital as Bergville is prone to severe thunderstorms which pose a risk to patients and staff. Hlomuka also visited the Upper-Tugela police station which services the large area of Ward 5 of the Okhahlamba local municipality.

    The MEC was apprised by the station commander of challenges they are facing, including the high rate of stock theft in the area. The police station also has a broken pump station which means that it has gone without water for three months. Hlomuka has pledged to liaise with the relevant departments to resolve some of the challenges faced by the police station so that they can improve the quality of service given to the community.


    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sipho Hlomuka has announced harsher consequences for residents, businesses and government institutions who owe billions of rands to the province’s municipalities.

    Hlomuka announced this at the launch of the Masakhane, Let’s Rise and Build Campaign in the Ugu District.

    Under this programme, a number of measures are being implemented as part of the push by the provincial government to tackle the R20.1 billion debt owed to municipalities.

    Part of the interventions announced by Hlomuka include:

    • A grace period for those that come forward who have defaulted on their municipal services payments or have illegal water and electricity connections
    • Municipalities to incentivise those that are paying for municipal services
    • Municipalities to aggressively register indigent residents under the Indigent Policy
    • Taking to court defaulters who refuse to settle their municipal bills. This also includes the possibility of attaching properties so that municipalities can recoup monies owed. This is catered for in the Municipal Systems Act, Municipal Finance Management Act and By-Laws of municipalities.

    “Currently the province’s municipalities are owed R20.1-billion in total by various consumers. Out of this total, domestic consumers account for R14-billion, which is 70% of the total debt. It is for this reason that we have unveiled this programme whereby we will be embarking on an awareness drive calling on consumers who owe their municipalities to come forward and make the necessary arrangements to pay up,” said Hlomuka.

    KZN Cogta is also working with municipalities to update their indigent policies so that residents who qualify can take advantage of this policy that is aimed at households that cannot afford to pay their municipal rates and service charges.

    Earlier in the morning, Hlomuka met with the local ratepayers’ associations, businesses and NGOs working in the Ugu district where consumer debt is currently sitting at R600-million. In his engagement with these stakeholders, Hlomuka, together with the Ugu district Mayor Cllr Ngcobo and the Ray Nkonyeni Mayor Cllr Mqwebu, set timelines to address concerns raised by businesses which are hampering their ability to invest in this tourism hub.

    Hlomuka will also visit other municipalities to engage with local stakeholders in order to troubleshoot some of the challenges faced by municipalities in their efforts to enhance revenue.





    DURBAN: 15 NOVEMBER 2019

    Since we received the first notification of the imminent inclement weather conditions for KZN on Thursday morning, the state of preparedness and interventions required to respond to weather-related incidents moved into higher gear with all disaster management teams being placed on high alert to respond to all reported incidents speedily.

    Initial weather forecast

    Once on the ground, the teams have been responding to all incidents reported through KZN’s provincial disaster management protocols. The initial forecast from the South African Weather Service predicted adverse weather conditions. The initial weather forecast spoke of intense storms from Wednesday afternoon into Thursday with some relief predicted for Friday.

    The entire province was classified as a red zone and the intensity of weather-related incidents was anticipated to be greater than in April 2019. We were advised of 150mm of rainfall, gale-force winds, mudslides/soil-erosion, and the risk of localised flooding.

    The Provincial Government and municipalities accordingly elevated their preparations because everyone wanted to be fully prepared even for the worst. We drew a lot of lessons from the April floods which claimed 90 lives and left a trail of destruction in their wake. It was against this background that the Provincial Executive took unprecedented steps to prioritise the safety of citizens which included school children and civil servants being released early and private sector employers also being asked to release their employees early.

    Our motivation was to be over-prepared rather than underprepared. We preferred to be safe than sorry. As the English saying goes: once bitten twice shy.

    Overnight reports

    Late last night we received information from the South African Weather Service that the storm cell that was expected to cause major damage was downgraded, with the storm having unexpectedly moved out to the sea.

    As a result, the situation was not as bad as it could have been. The preparations by the province and the municipalities appear to have succeeded in mitigating the anticipated impact of the storm. We are grateful for the leadership by Premier Sihle Zikalala and the Provincial Executive for all their proactive measures to save lives.

    Overnight incidents

     The number of fatalities in KZN has risen to 19 since 25 of October when the current records began. These fatalities include:

    • four casualties of lightning strikes at Jozini,
    • one casualty of a lightning strike at uMzimkhulu,
    • four casualties of lightning strikes at uThukela,
    • one casualty of a lightning strike at Ndwedwe,
    • one casualty of a lightning strike at Maphumulo,
    • one casualty of drowning at KwaDukuza,
    • one casualty of drowning at Ulundi,
    • two casualties of a collapsed walled due to heavy rain in eThekwini,
    • two casualties of a tornado at uMshwathi,
    • one casualty of a lightning strike at Msunduzi, and
    • one casualty of a lightning strike at Ugu,

    There are reports of three unaccounted persons across KZN. There are reports of other missing persons that are still being verified.

    Yesterday, the uMfolozi River burst its banks and cut off several women farmers who were subsequently rescued and taken to safety. Last night, in eThekwini and specifically in Umlazi, KwaMashu and Chatsworth there had been localised flooding mainly due to blockages. There have also been reports of fallen trees and collapsed walls from across the province.

    Even as water levels are now receding, the authorities warn that even a small amount of rain can still cause localised flooding as the soil remains saturated with water and the rivers and streams are close to capacity.

    Disaster relief efforts

    Disaster relief efforts are in full swing, especially in the hardest hit areas, such as New Hanover where a tornado struck on Tuesday.

    In eThekwini, in Amaoti (Inanda), a total of 41 people sought refuge in a community hall as their dwellings became uninhabitable due to floods. Local halls are also being used to temporarily house those affected by the tornado.

    The relief efforts have been shared among the Provincial Government and municipalities and various NGOs and churches. Social Development has been providing psycho-social counselling on the ground. Health has been attending to medical emergencies. SASSA has been providing food parcels. Home Affairs has been issuing ID documents to those who lost them in disaster-related incidents. Human Settlements, together with municipalities, is conducting assessments of damages.

    Collectively, we are mounting a response offensive to ensure that all affected communities are attended to and our teams and partners are hard at work on the ground in this regard.

    Assessment and quantification of damages

    We have teams that we have deployed to the affected areas to assess damages so that these can be quantified and a comprehensive report will be presented by KZN Cogta to the Provincial Executive chaired by the Premier. There is a sense of urgency in compiling this report because we would not wish to prolong the suffering in affected communities as a caring government.

    Weather forecast for the coming days

    While we have been spared from the worst so far, the latest weather forecast is as follows:

    Today: Widespread showers to occur mainly along the coast and adjacent interior, especially along the north coast. Because of the significant rain that these have already received, any amount of new rain can also result in localised flooding.

    Tomorrow: Onshore flow will continue along the south coast from the morning, spreading to the south east coast later on in the afternoon. The disaster teams will remain on alert and fully operational until further notice.


    We would like to commend the bravery and selflessness of our teams on the ground from across different sectors including the provincial and local governments, the private sector, various NGOs and faith-based organisations as well as volunteers. These organisations and individuals have risked their own lives in trying save the lives of others. We would also like to thank the media for their timeous reporting of weather advisories for the public.

    We must acknowledge that the previously known weather patterns have changed beyond recognition and will continue to change going forward. We have witnessed how previously inconceivable phenomena and weather behaviours have become unpredictable to the extent that we can no longer abide by the conventional methods.

    As the province of KZN, we are at the forefront of climate change which is redefining conventional science and traditional responses to disasters. We will continue to bolster our education and public awareness efforts as we near the summer season which is, historically, the most active season in terms of storms, lightning, and most recently tornadoes.

    We are learning to expect the unexpected. And we are committed to ever greater preparedness!


    For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Senzelwe Mzila 082 474 1882










    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has dispatched disaster management teams to Mtubatuba where the local uMfolozi river has burst its banks threatening residents in the surrounding settlements.

    This afternoon rescue personnel responded to an incident where three women who were farming were cut off by rising waters of the uMfolozi River. A speedy response by rescue teams ensured that the women were brought to safety by boat.

    Hlomuka has urged residents living along the banks of the uMfolozi river to seek higher ground as water levels are expected to increase further. “We are in contact with our teams on the ground and we urge residents living next to the river to seek shelter on higher ground. Our teams are on high alert in this area and will intervene timeously should the need arise,” said Hlomuka.

    The contact numbers of KZN’s District Disaster Management Centres are as follows:


    Ugu District 039 682 2414
    uMgungundlovu District 033 343 1719
    uThukela District 086 010 4257
    uMzinyathi District 034 212 2222
    Amajuba District 034 329 7200
    Zululand District 035 870 1128/1130
    uMkhanyakude District 080 011 7770/035 573 1647
    King Cetshwayo District 086 100 3473/035 787 2698
    Ilembe District 032 437 9379/1
    Harry Gwala District 039 834 0070
    eThekwini Metro 031 361 0000

    The Provincial Executive Council of KwaZulu-Natal held its ordinary meeting on Wednesday, 13 November 2019.

    The Provincial Executive received a preliminary report on the recent disaster incidents that have cut a swathe of destruction in various parts of the province of KwaZulu-Natal.

    Since October 2019, the province of KwaZulu-Natal has been experiencing extreme weather conditions, triggering severe thunderstorms, lightning strikes, gale-force winds and heavy downpours which have wreaked havoc across the province. They have caused fatalities, injuries and inflicted major damage to households and public infrastructure.

    These horrific disaster incidents were largely experienced in areas such as eThekwini, Abaqulusi, Jozini, uMgungundlovu, uMzinyathi, Ilembe, Harry Gwala, uThukela. The Provincial Executive noted that the report remains provisional at this stage, as detailed assessments to quantify the damage are still work in progress, with the latest recorded tornado incident.

    The summary of the impact of the disaster incidents since October are as follows:


    • 798 households were affected
    • 14 fatalities have been reported, excluding the latest uMshwathi incident (assessments still ongoing)
    • 19 injuries

    uMshwathi Tornado

    The Provincial Executive noted that the most dramatic weather-related incident took place yesterday at New Hanover (specifically in Thokozani and Mpolweni) in the Mshwathi local municipality, just outside Pietermaritzburg. Here a tornado ripped through the area, injuring scores of people and damaging homes and public infrastructure.

    It was a frightening sight! Captured on video, the footage of the tornado swirling through the KZN countryside became viral in no time. It also bears testimony to the rapidly changing climate in our province and country.

    The Provincial Executive extends message of condolences to the family of Sphelele Ndlovu (40) who passed away after a house collapsed on her as well as Nonhlanhla Buthelezi (64) who passed away after a tree was uprooted by the tornado and collapsed the entire house on her.

    The Provincial Executive also wished the 18 people who were injured and are receiving medical attention from various health facilities a speedy recovery.

    Disaster relief efforts

     In response to the tornado, the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal Sihle Zikalala, together with the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sipho Hlomuka and the MEC for Finance Ravi Pillay, as well as the Mayors of uMgungundlovu and uMshwathi Municipalities, today visited the affected areas and the deceased families to lead relief efforts and commence mop-up operations.

    The Preliminary Report received by the Provincial Executive indicates that huge damage has been inflicted on infrastructure, with several homes having roofs blown away and others having completely collapsed. Some roads have been washed away, while countless trees have been uprooted, with interruptions to the electricity supply.

    Disaster teams remain on the ground and are working hard to provide support to the affected communities. The Government will provide a co-ordinated response through various departments impacted, such as Human Settlements, Transport, Social Development, Education, Health, Public Works and municipalities, with Cogta as a coordinating department.

    Relief efforts are being marshalled through the Joint Operations Centre that has been set up and to date food, blankets, mattresses and other urgent necessities have been provided.  Most public facilities, such as churches and community halls, are being used to house those displaced by the violent storms.

    The estimated damage will be known once the full assessments have been concluded but the damages are estimated to run into millions of rand. As the assessments continue, figures continue to change as new homes are being added to the list.

    The Government welcomes support from various NGOs and private sector institutions willing to partner and volunteer support to the affected communities

    Issuance of documents to victims

    The Department of Home Affairs will be assisting with the issuing of temporary IDs and certificates and all relevant documents to all affected family members who will undergo a thorough authentication process. SASSA and the Department of Education are also supporting the victims, including by ensuring that children get uniforms to go to school and that those busy with exams are adequately supported.

    Drought Relief for livestock farmers

    With the province of KwaZulu-Natal experiencing severe drought challenge, the Provincial Executive noted that this drought has negatively impacted on livestock and crop production. Farmers particularly in the Northern areas of KZN such as uMkhanyakude, Amajuba, uThukela, and Zululand are the most affected.

    In order to lessen the burden and mitigate the impact of the drought the Provincial Executive resolved to inject an amount to the tune of R20million through the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.  This money is part of the emergency relief support:

    • R17 Million will be set aside to procure livestock feed;
    • R3million will go towards medicines and vaccinations;

    Translocation of Black Rhinos to Malawi

    Under the Black Rhino Range Expansion Project, that seeks to ensure the survival of the endangered Black Rhinos and their limited genetic diversity, the Provincial Executive approved the programme by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife which has been trans-locating Black Rhinos to various countries for the last 13 years. This year, 2019, Ezemvelo is trans-locating  eighteen black Rhinos to Liwinde National Oark in Malawi. This trans-location is fully compliant with our strategy to preserve our biodiversity and sustain our comparative advantage as a province.  This is part of the Memorandum of Understanding that exists between South Africa and Malawi. The initiative has the blessing of the National Department of Environmental Affairs, Fisheries and Foresty through an MOU signed between SA and Malawi.

    Religious sector, KZN Government in new partnership to fight resurgence of HIV/AIDS

    The Provincial Executive Council has welcomed a pledge of support from the KwaZulu-Natal Council of Churches (KZNCC), which has vowed to lend its weight to curb the resurgence of HIV/Aids in the province.

    The Government of KwaZulu-Natal is worried about the incidence of new HIV infections, particularly among women aged between 15 – 24.

    The KZNCC made a presentation which outlined its multi-pronged strategy to stem the tide of new HIV/AIDS infections.

    The strategy will focus on, among others, the following:

    • Projects and programmes to facilitate moral regeneration;
    • New economic opportunities to make girl-children more self-sufficient
    • A new and improved social cohesion programme
    • Opportunities to collaborate on economic opportunities for young people


    Tomorrow, religious leaders will visit the disaster-hit area of Mpolweni in uMshwati Municipality, to provide support including psycho-spiritual healing, meeting with local churches and leaders.


    The Provincial Executive commends the work that is being done by the emergency services and the selfless sacrifice of the teams working through the night in danger zones to assist the affected victims of the disaster incidents across the province.  The Provincial Executive assures affected communities that all the necessary support will be provided to the communities as they begin to piece together their lives again.

    At the same time, all residents of KwaZulu-Natal are requested to heed the weather and travel advisories issued by the South African Weather Service and their local authorities. The weather forecast at this point indicates heavy rains tomorrow and during Friday.

    The Provincial Executive has also commend the leadership of the Premier and MECs who in light of this disaster and the scale of the devastation to the lives of our fellow citizens, delayed the Executive Council to lead relief efforts and mounted a spirited response to this tragedy.

    We ask our good Lord to grant comfort to the victims and their families at this time of grief and may the souls of all those departed fellow citizens rest in peace!




    10 November 2019

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sipho Hlomuka has placed disaster management teams on high alert following reports received from the South African Weather Service which indicate a strong possibility of severe thunderstorms that could lead to localised flooding in large parts of the province.

    This warning comes at a time when the province recently lost four lives in a lightning strike in Mkhuze in northern KZN. Hlomuka has urged residents across the province to be cautious as bad weather still poses a serious danger to communities.

    “Our disaster management teams are on standby in areas that are prone to flooding and they will be monitoring the situation. We have full confidence in our teams’ ability to provide the necessary support should the need arise,” said Hlomuka.

    The department is urging residents to be cautious, especially motorists and pedestrians. “Our province has lost many lives to lightning strikes and flooding and we are calling on pedestrians to ensure that they do not cross walkways or bridges that are prone to flooding. Those with livestock are urged to first seek shelter at the slightest indication of lightning,” said Hlomuka.

    For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Senzelwe Mzila 082 474 1882








    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka is appealing to residents of the province’s municipalities to use water sparingly in light of the fast decreasing water levels in many of KZN’s dams.

    “We are once again urging members of the public to conserve water to ensure that our taps do not run dry. The water situation in KZN is showing signs of strain with several dams recording fast decreasing water levels,” said Hlomuka.

    KZN Cogta has dispatched teams of infrastructure specialists to the most affected municipalities to advise on water management issues. The department is monitoring water levels across the province closely.

    KZN has previously experienced a devastating drought between 2015 and 2017. The public response to water restrictions imposed by the most affected municipalities during this time was exemplary and it did not go unnoticed by the government.

    “Currently the water shortages appear to be at their worst in the Ugu district, Zululand, Mkhanyakude and Uthukela where KZN Cogta is concentrating its resources, both human and financial.

    The residents of Ugu are urged to conserve water and follow advisories issued by the government,” said Hlomuka.


    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka today convened an ordinary Munimec which is a forum where the MEC for Cogta meets with all the 54 municipalities and municipal administrators to reflect on the performance of the sphere of local government in relation to set priorities and also take cognizance of the new policy developments impacting on the local government sector.

            Hefty private protection bills

    Addressing the mayors and administrators, Hlomuka reflected on the increase in demand for personal security from councillors and officials. The MEC appealed to municipalities to ensure that proper processes are being followed in providing security to elected representatives in municipalities. This, according to Hlomuka, ought to lower the cost of security services in municipalities.

    “Currently many municipalities incur hefty bills for the provision of security for elected representatives. While we note the importance of safety of public representatives, including officials, and it is not our desire to compromise it where real threats exist, the current practice is unsustainable. We believe that proper processes need to be followed without compromising the security of elected representatives,” said Hlomuka.

    Other key issues discussed at the Munimec meeting include:

            Progress on the municipal turnaround strategy

    The Munimec received a progress report on the implementation of the municipal turnaround strategy, which emanates from the assessment of the state of local government in the province. There has been a huge improvement in the filling of vacant posts at a political level in the municipalities. The meeting noted the continuing efforts by the department to address the unfunded budgets in municipalities.

            Debt owed to Eskom by municipalities

    Hlomuka has also expressed his concern with the increasing debt owed to KZN municipalities by consumers which now sits at R20.1-billion. “The monies owed to municipalities are also compromising their financial viability and their ability to render services to our communities. This has compromised the ability of municipalities to settle their debt to Eskom which now sits at R2.2-billion,” said Hlomuka.

    “Many of our mayors and municipal managers will be aware of the efforts we at Cogta have made assist indebted municipalities with their payment plans. We are also actively assisting municipalities in their negotiations with Eskom and we have provided legal advice and assistance in several cases where this became necessary,” said Hlomuka.

    The Munimec appeals to anyone who is owing municipalities to pay up since those who are defaulting often include people who prioritise luxuries such as DSTV and airtime overpaying for essential municipal services, such as water and electricity. The meeting resolved that enforcement measures must be taken against defaulters urgently.

            Voter address harvesting by the IEC and ward delimitation process ahead of the 2021 local government elections

    The meeting noted the presentation by the KZN IEC Provincial Chair Ntombifuthi Masinga who thanked the municipalities for the support they have provided to the IEC in its voter address-harvesting programme. The initiative aims to ensure that people who are on the voters’ roll have their physical address details reflected on it. Currently, in KZN there are 219 692 people who do not have their addresses reflected in the voters’ roll.

    The Munimec encourages those that have not submitted their address to the IEC to visit their offices nearest to them as this threatens their ability to vote in the 2021 elections.