
Category: News


    Pietermaritzburg – In alignment with the province’s revitalized S’thesha Waya Waya employment initiative, KwaZulu-Natal Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube brought immense joy to the faces of the newly employed Community Work Program workers.

    The momentous event took place at a bustling Harry Gwala Stadium, where the government unveiled its employment campaign aimed at combating poverty across the province.

    Amidst the eager throngs of men and women, who were elated to formalize their participation in the Community Work Programme, Premier Dube-Ncube led the contract signing ceremony for these new recruits.

    Hailing from six districts of the province, they enthusiastically signed their contracts and received their work tools, symbolizing the dawn of a new chapter in their lives. Their primary responsibilities will encompass aiding municipalities in tasks such as cleaning, gardening, and road maintenance.

    The provincial government, in collaboration with the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs under the leadership of MEC Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi, had pledged to employ 45,000 individuals through the CWP. Importantly, the provincial government exceeded this figure by employing 48 000 employees.

    Taking advantage of the moment, Premier Dube-Ncube also demonstrated the efficiency of the newly launched online job portal. This platform empowers job seekers to apply for positions within various government departments and public entities. With more than 2 000 job opportunities already listed, the Premier showcased how applicants can submit their applications without utilizing their data.

    The Premier encouraged all citizens to seize this opportunity by applying for the job openings they qualify for through the user-friendly online portal. By doing so, they can save both time and data while continuing their job search endeavours.

    “We encourage job seekers to use the eRecruitment Portal. We are saying, instead of people spending the little money they have on expenses related to applying for much-needed jobs, the Provincial Government has decided to bring job opportunities closer to them. Since we opened the e-Recruitment Portal last week, this morning there were about 100 000 applications already. There are over 2 100 posts deposited there today and there will be more in the coming days,” said Premier Dube-Ncube.

    Expanding on the programme, MEC Sithole-Moloi elaborated on KZN Cogta’s dedication to achieving the target of 45 000 employed individuals by March of the following year. The overarching goal is to eliminate unemployment across all districts of the province.

    Furthermore, she highlighted the collaboration with the Department of Labour to ensure proper registration and entitlement to benefits, including the Unemployment Insurance Fund, for all programme participants.

    MEC Sithole-Moloi stated: “We stand committed to delivering on the promises outlined during the presentation of our budget policy in the Legislature. Our cooperation with sector departments aims to effectively place CWP workers, as they are integral to expediting service delivery through government initiatives.

    “The positive response we have received thus far is truly encouraging, and we anticipate that this endeavour will have a transformative impact on lives. We also urge all beneficiaries to take advantage of training opportunities that will enhance their skills and broaden their prospects for future roles. We further encourage individuals to leverage the S’thesha Waya Waya program when applying for suitable job positions,” she added.

    Some of the jubilant beneficiaries of the S’thesha Waya Waya programme shared heart-warming testimonies on how the programme has transformed their lives by helping them to support their families.


    Issued by the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government


    As a proactive and decisive step to provide redress for the dysfunctional UThukela District Municipality, both MEC for Finance, Ms Neliswa Peggy Nkonyeni, and MEC for the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Ms Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi, accompanied by their senior officials , called for a full council meeting with the Audit Committee, in order to  to present their detailed analysis of the current financial and governance  challenges and proposed recommendations aimed at  turning around the current deplorable state of governance. 

    The reports presented by both departments highlight an abysmal operational culture characterized by glaring weaknesses in financial management and governance which has resulted in the UThukela District Municipality receiving qualified audit reports for the past 5 years.

    The reports further reveal poor financial management practices, lack of co-operation with the District Audit Committee, KZN Treasury and Cogta units responsible for support to municipalities, provision of poor and unreliable financial reports, Administrator is not submitting nor providing the Financial Recovery Plan to the Audit Committee, lack of implementation of the Audit Committee recommendations, poor organizational capacity and governance, weak internal controls , 40 percent average collection rate, among many anomalies, which are indicative of a municipality in serious financial distress.

    Also highlighted during the engagement was the rift and breakdown of working relations that the council has with the Administrator appointed by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs which was also sanctioned by KwaZulu-Natal Executive Council.  

    The Mayor of UThukela District Municipality, Inkosi Ntandoyenkosi Shabalala said “as a municipality, we are going to revise the organogram and address staff shortage and staff performance. We want to do this in order to restore operational culture of the municipality. We appreciate this intervention and we hope to get our house in order to ensure that we improve service delivery”.

    MEC Sithole-Moloi said their mandate is to ensure that all municipalities are functioning optimally in line with their legislated mandate in order to ensure effective service delivery to the communities the serve.

    “It is in our interest to assist UThukela District Municipality and ensure that service delivery is not affected. We will continue to provide support to this municipality until it comes out of administration. Communities of UThukela District are entitled to uninterrupted service delivery and it is our resolve to make this happen”, said MEC Sithole-Moloi.

    Presiding over the engagement, MEC Nkonyeni said that KZN Treasury and the Department of Co-operative Government and Traditional Affairs have a task to oversee the functioning of all municipalities and that there is need to ensure that these two departments are able to work cooperatively with all municipalities in order to ensure that service delivery improves at local levels.

    “We want to see a drastic improvement in the functioning of this municipality, but UThukela District Municipality, from leadership down to staff, have to co-operate with structures that are meant to provide support to it. We want to fully support UThukela District Municipality until it is not listed among municipalities that are dysfunctional,” said MEC Nkonyeni.

    Nkonyeni said the engagement with UThukela District Municipality will continue until all the operational and financial governance hindrances are resolved.

    Issued jointly by KZN Treasury and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in KwaZulu-Natal.


    Nquthu- KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Social Development Mrs. Nonhlanhla Khoza and her counterparts in the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Bongiwe Sithile-Moloi came together to emphasize the importance of prioritizing education for all children, especially those with disabilities.

    The MECs visited Inkosi Thathezakhe Special School in Nquthu, where they handed over uniforms to pupils, symbolizing the government’s commitment to supporting inclusive education and empowering children to reach their full potential.

    MEC Khoza highlighted that no child should be denied an education, regardless of their family situation or background. It is the government’s belief that every child, irrespective of their condition or disability, should be given equal opportunities to access quality education.

    To this end, the initiative to provide uniforms to learners across the province was introduced to remove barriers to learning and encourage students to concentrate on their education.

    She stressed that education is an apex priority for the government, and they are committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and dependence by enabling every child to receive a complete education.

    MEC Khoza reiterated that no child should be regarded as lost in the system, and the government will continue to work towards making education more inclusive for people with disabilities.

    “In an effort to ease the burden on parents, particularly those living in lower- and middle-income families, our government has implemented scholar transport to alleviate the cost of travel for their children to schools. Additionally, the provision of uniforms to learners is yet another intervention aimed at reducing financial strain on parents who are facing challenges,” MEC Khoza stated.

    Furthermore, MEC Khoza expressed concerns about the prejudice faced by learners who lack proper uniforms, often leading them to leave school and become vulnerable to labor exploitation. It was emphasized that children with disabilities should not be left behind in pursuing education to enhance their lives and future prospects.

    The collaboration with the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) ensures that children with disabilities receive the necessary support and opportunities they deserve.

    MEC Sithole-Moloi in her capacity as Legislature Constituency leader in Nquthu, praised the progress achieved by the Social Development and Education Departments in their efforts to create an inclusive learning environment for children with special needs.

    She pledged to continue working with various government departments to provide comprehensive services to schools catering to special children in marginalized areas.

    The focal point of attention during the event was Inkosi Thathezakhe Special School, established in 2014, which has received extensive government support to transform into a fully-functional special school for the increasing number of special needs children in the Nquthu region.

    MEC Sithole-Moloi emphasized that this gesture would not only alleviate the financial burden on parents but also instill confidence and pride in the children, fostering a positive and conducive learning environment.

    She added that the government was determined to address the challenges faced by families and ensure that all children, regardless of their condition, are included in the education system.

    She reaffirmed the government’s dedication to nurturing an environment that caters to the unique needs of special children in Nquthu, as they believe that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future for all.


    Jointly issued by Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and Department of Social Development


    Media Alert
    20 July 2023

    Pietermaritzburg – The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is warning residents, particularly in the Midlands areas, regarding an incoming snowfall expected to impact the south-western part of the province.

    This weather condition may lead to icy roads, resulting in traffic disruptions and isolated loss of vulnerable livestock and crops.

    The South African Weather Services have forecasted that a cold front associated with an upper trough will bring significantly low daytime temperatures over the province on Thursday and Friday. The freezing levels are dropping significantly, potentially resulting in snowfalls over parts of Harry Gwala, western uMgungundlovu, and uThukela districts.

    Areas likely to be affected by the snowfall include: Alfred Duma – Ladysmith, Dr N. Dlamini-Zuma – Underberg, Greater Kokstad, Impendle – Inge, Inkosi Langalibalele – Escort, Inkosi Langalibalele – Sobabili, Mpofana – Giants Castle, Mpofana – Mooi River, Okhahlamba, uMngeni and Umzimkhulu Local Municipality.

    During this period, there has been an increase in fire disasters, often resulting in tragic loss of life. We appeal to all residents, especially those in informal settlements, to prioritize safety

    The use of candles, gas and paraffin stoves, izimbawula, and electric appliances must be closely monitored at all times and should never be left unattended.

    Issued by KwaZulu-Natal Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs



    18 July 2023


    Nkandla – In commemoration of the 2023 International Mandela Day, KwaZulu-Natal MEC Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, and her counterpart for Social Development MEC Nonhlanhla Khoza joined forces to bring about positive change in the rural areas of Inkandla.

    Under the theme “The Legacy Lives on Through You: Climate, Food and Solidarity,” The MECs spent a day with the community of Mabhuqwini village, working together to uplift and empower families in need.

    While the Mandela Day is celebrated once in a year, their focus was to make a lasting impact that goes beyond the confines of Mandela Day, ensuring sustainable support for the rural community.

    They spent a day with families where they provided a range of services, amenities and assisted with social needs.

    Among those were family gardens to promote self-sufficiency and visited child-headed households, where they handed out essential items. Additionally, they engaged with senior citizens to understand their daily challenges and offered assistance, including medication.

    To encourage this sustainable practice further, the MECs distributed seeds to set up home gardens, ensuring that families can continue growing their own food.

    Recognizing the danger posed by lightning during the summer season in Nkandla, MEC Sithole-Moloi handed over lightning conductors to mitigate the risks and protect the community.
    It was heartening to witness the passion for farming within the Mabhuqwini community, as many households already maintained gardens.

    “We remain committed to supporting the community beyond our visit and assured them of ongoing government assistance. On this special occasion, we extend our gratitude to the people of Mabhuqwini for their warm welcome and willingness to work hand in hand with us. We were truly inspired by their resilience and determination to improve their lives despite the challenges they face.

    It is through the collective efforts of individuals and communities that lasting change can be achieved,” stated MEC Sithole-Moloi.

    MEC Khoza took a special interest in addressing the pressing issue of food security. She ensured that all families in need would have access to food for the coming months through vouchers and provided assistance to those who required support with social grants.

    MEC Khoza said the International Mandela Day serves as a reminder of the extraordinary legacy left behind by Nelson Mandela. She stressed that it was their duty to uphold his values and continue the work he started.

    “By addressing the immediate needs of the community in Nkandla, we are taking tangible steps towards creating a more equitable society. The spirit of Mandela Day lies in the power of unity and solidarity. It is not only about what we can do for others but also about empowering individuals and communities to uplift themselves.

    We urge all families in Nkandla to pull up their sleeves and support one another, making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.” We also extend our appreciation to our dedicated teams, community leaders, and volunteers who contributed to the success of this Mandela Day initiative. Together, we can continue building a better future for all South Africans,” said MEC Khoza.



    Pietermaritzburg – It is with deep concern that we have learned about the devastating fire that occurred in the early hours of Friday, which engulfed the Tusong Service Center of Ndwedwe Local Municipality located in Bhamshela.

    The fire has caused significant damage to the structure, affecting various government departments that operate from the center. As the KwaZulu-Natal Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, we are troubled by this incident as the Tusong Center plays a crucial role in service delivery to our communities.

    The Tusong Centers are vital one-stop shops for government services, encompassing departments such as Home Affairs, Social Development, Health, South African Police Services, and Local Municipality services. These centers serve as essential hubs for our citizens, providing them with access to a range of services necessary for their daily lives.

    The destruction caused by the fire is undoubtedly a setback for the community of Bhamshela and surrounding areas, and it is imperative that we act swiftly to address this matter. While the cause of the fire is yet to be determined, we urge a comprehensive investigation to be conducted to establish the root cause.

    It is essential that we uncover what led to this tragic incident to prevent such occurrences in the future. We urge all relevant organs of state to work diligently to identify any potential negligence, sabotage or misconduct that may have contributed to the fire. In light of this unfortunate event, we call upon all relevant sector departments to collaborate and find interim arrangements. We
    must ensure that the affected communities can continue to receive the services they depend on from the Tusong Center.

    It is our responsibility to alleviate any inconvenience caused by this incident and prioritize the uninterrupted provision of essential services to our citizens. We commend the swift response of the fire departments, whose courage and dedication prevented the total collapse of the building.

    Their heroic efforts are greatly appreciated, and we extend gratitude to the firefighters who risked their lives to contain the fire.

    Additionally, we would like to express gratitude to the nearby
    municipalities of KwaDukuza Local and Umgungundlovu District for their assistance in extinguishing the fire.

    Their support exemplifies the spirit of cooperation among our municipalities and unity that is necessary during times of crisis.
    Incidents of this nature deeply concern us, as they have the potential to disrupt service delivery and negatively impact the lives of our citizens.

    Therefore, we urge all departments involved to swiftly identify and implement interim solutions to ensure that the services provided by the Tusong Center are not compromised.

    The well-being and satisfaction of our citizens remain our utmost priority, and we will work tirelessly to restore the Tusong Center to its full functionality.


    Issued by MEC Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi, KwaZulu-Natal Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs


    Media Statement
    09 July 2023

    Port Shepstone – KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi, led a government disaster response team to provide relief to the community of Masinenge Informal settlement in Port Shepstone.

    The residents tragically lost their belongings in a devastating fire that occurred in the early hours of Saturday.

    On Sunday, MEC Sithole-Moloi visited the area to hand over disaster relief and brief the victims on the government’s response to assist them in rebuilding their homes, starting from Monday.

    The fire outbreak had a severe impact on the KwaMasinenge informal settlement, destroying 111 households and leaving over 300 people homeless. Unfortunately, one person passed away during the fire, while another suffered minor injuries and was treated on the scene.

    In response, a provincial disaster team comprising various government departments, local and district municipalities, public agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private businesses has been on the ground providing relief.

    The teams worked tirelessly to provide the affected residents with food, shelter, and assistance in obtaining new personal documents such as identity documents and SASSA cards.

    MEC Sithole-Moloi conducted an assessment by walking through the burnt shacks to evaluate the extent of the damage and determine the required government intervention.

    So far, the disaster response team has provided over 400 blankets, 166 plastic sheetings, and 200 mattresses to the victims.

    Most victims sought temporary shelter with relatives, including the Mandisi family, who tragically lost their 31-year-old son. The relief efforts are being coordinated from a local creche, where the disaster response team operates.

    In addition, private organizations such as the Red Cross, Wimpy, Engen, and the Local Business Association are providing three meals a day for all the victims. Social Development officials are also profiling the victims to assist them in replacing their documents, including SASSA cards.

    MEC Sithole-Moloi, accompanied by the Director-General from the Department of Human Settlements, confirmed that the victims would start receiving materials to rebuild their structures from tomorrow.

    The disaster response team will also aid in the removal of debris to clear the sites.

    Expressing her sadness at witnessing such a devastating incident during the winter season, MEC Sithole-Moloi commended the prompt response of the relevant departments and volunteers who are helping cook for the victims.

    “While the government’s long-term goal is to provide decent houses, the immediate focus is on assisting the victims in returning to a sense of normalcy by rebuilding their homes.

    Some residents have already started rebuilding, and the government will provide support wherever possible.

    The Home Affairs department will be present on Monday to assist with issuing identity documents,” MEC Sithole-Moloi stated.

    The MEC expressed gratitude for the support of social partners and private businesses in helping those who lost everything in the fire.

    The investigation into the cause of the fire is ongoing, and the MEC cautioned people to remain vigilant during the winter season. She emphasized the importance of not leaving fire, gas stoves, or candles unattended.

    Illegal connections were also identified as a challenge, and the communities were urged to exercise caution to prevent similar incidents.

    MEC Sithole-Moloi’s visit serves as a demonstration of the government’s commitment to swiftly providing assistance and support to those affected by the fire outbreak.

    The disaster response team, consisting of all the relevant departments, will remain on-site until all victims have been profiled and received the necessary disaster relief.


    Issued by the KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.



    08 July 2023

    Port Shepstone – An early morning fire outbreak in the KwaMasinenge informal settlement, located in the Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality of the Ugu District, has caused devastation, destroying approximately 111 households.

    In response to this tragic event, the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs has swiftly activated the disaster management team, along with the KZN Social Development, to take immediate action in addressing the aftermath of this aggressive blaze.

    Preliminary reports indicate that the fire has resulted in the unfortunate loss of one life and has severely impacted over 300 people who were left homeless.

    Government officials have taken charge of providing essential humanitarian aid to the fire victims, including hot meals and much-needed relief supplies.

    The cause of the fire, which occurred during the morning hours as residents were preparing to leave for work, remains unclear.

    Provincial MEC for Cogta, honourable Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi, extends her heartfelt condolences to the family that lost a member due to this fire disaster.

    She further commends all stakeholders, including the South African Police Services, Social Development, Red Cross, Wimpy and other non-governmental organizations, for their swift response to the incident.

    The provincial government has assembled a dedicated team to conduct a thorough assessment of the situation and determine the full extent of the damage.

    Dedicated disaster response teams are working tirelessly at the scene to prevent the fire from spreading to undamaged homes while simultaneously assisting the affected individuals.

    All provincial departments are mobilizing their resources to ensure a coordinated response, working around the clock to assist the affected communities.

    Priority is being given to those who have lost important documents, such as identification documents, birth certificates, and Sassa cards.

    Furthermore, the department appeals to all community members in the province to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions, such as ensuring heaters or stoves are turned off before sleeping, particularly during winter, to prevent hazardous incidents.

    Efforts are underway to provide aid and disaster relief kits to all families affected by the fires.

    These households have been evacuated and relocated to safe places to ensure their well-being and safety.




    Media Statement

    04 July 2023*


    *Pietermaritzburg – It is with profound sadness and deep regret that we learned of the tragic and untimely death of Councillor Innocent Mkhwanazi, who was killed in Mtubatuba on Monday.

    As the KwaZulu-Natal Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, we extend our heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Councillor Mkhwanazi during this incredibly difficult time.Councillor Mkhwanazi’s sudden and brutal loss is not only a personal tragedy for his loved ones but also a devastating blow to the community he served.

    His dedication and commitment to public service were evident in the significant contributions he made towards the development and progress of uMkhanyakude District Municipality.We mourn the loss of a valued public servant who dedicated his life to the betterment of his community.

    This distressing incident comes just a week after another Councillor, JF Myaka, was tragically killed in Umhlathuze Municipality. The recent spate of attacks on councillors is deeply alarming and threatens the stability of our municipalities.

    These acts of violence not only rob communities of dedicated leaders but also undermine the principles of democracy and hinder our collective efforts towards socio-economic development.

    We express our concern over the increasing number of attacks on councillors. It is a stark reminder of the dangers that public servants face while fulfilling their responsibilities. We must stand united in condemning these heinous acts and work together to put an end to this scourge.

    As the department, we call upon the affected communities, political parties, and all stakeholders to collaborate closely with law enforcement agencies to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to justice.

    It is crucial that we foster an environment of trust, where individuals feel safe to engage in political activities without fear of violence or intimidation.

    Let us remember Councillor Mkhwanazi as a dedicated public servant who worked tirelessly for the betterment of his community.

    May his legacy inspire us to redouble our efforts in promoting peace, unity, and respect within our municipalities.


    Issued by MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi


    Media Statement
    June 29, 2023


    The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) would like to provide an update on the ongoing disaster response and intervention efforts following the heavy rainfall and strong winds that caused devastating floods in the Ugu District and eThekwini Metro areas.

    According to the latest reports from the Provincial Disaster Management Centre, the number of confirmed fatalities has tragically risen to seven. In Durban, the deaths were recorded as follows: two in Cato Manor, one in Durban North, one in Pinetown, and two bodies were recovered in Bayhead on Tuesday afternoon.

    The number of fatalities remains at one in the Ugu District, specifically recorded in Port Shepstone. Furthermore, seven individuals are still reported as missing, and our dedicated search and rescue teams continue their efforts to locate and assist them.

    KZN MEC for COGTA, Honorable Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi, has extended her deepest condolences to all the affected families. MEC Sithole-Moloi emphasized that the government is fully committed to restoring the dignity of the victims and providing the necessary support to help them rebuild their lives. She expressed her regret that many families had to seek shelter in schools due to the damage to their homes. She encouraged all affected individuals to support one another during this challenging time as the government continues to implement various interventions.

    “Our heartfelt condolences go out to all the families who have lost their loved ones due to this tragic event. We stand with you during this difficult time. We also commend the disaster response teams, non-governmental organizations, and all the individuals who have selflessly extended a helping hand in saving lives and providing much-needed support. Your commitment and dedication are truly appreciated,” she stated.

    The department is working in close partnership with other sector departments and municipalities to address the immediate needs of the affected individuals, particularly those whose homes have been completely destroyed.

    KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Social Development, Honorable Nonhlanhla Khoza, was joined by eThekwini Municipality Councillor Zama Sokhabase and a team of dedicated social workers, who witnessed firsthand the distressing aftermath of the heavy rain and tornado. The severe weather conditions have had a profound impact on the lives of the affected families, leaving them in dire circumstances and in desperate need of immediate assistance.

    During her visit, MEC Khoza distributed Social Relief of Distress (SRD) vouchers to the families currently housed in Shembe Memorial Primary School. These vouchers will enable the victims to procure essential items, including food, to meet their immediate needs.
    The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, together with relevant stakeholders, is working tirelessly to ensure that all necessary resources and support are provided to the affected communities. We are committed to the long-term recovery and rehabilitation of the areas affected by this disaster.

    Updates on the ongoing disaster response and recovery efforts will be provided regularly. We remain steadfast in our commitment to supporting the affected communities and helping them rebuild their lives.


    Issued by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.