Scores of children from the uMgungundlovu District and surrounding communities are set to benefit in the form of a state of the art children’s care facility at the Edendale Hospital. This is part of the legacy project brought by the Mandela Day MARATHON which commenced today and finishes tomorrow, Sunday, with the 42 KM Half Marathon, 21 KM and 10 KM in Pietermaritzburg.
In his address on behalf of the Mandela Family, at the Edendale Hospital, Inkosi Mandla Mandela, said that as a family they are very happy with the progress and growth that is evident in the Mandela Day Marathon, as Nelson Mandela was an avid sports follower and had always prioritised keeping fit, even in his old age. “The development which we are seeing today is incredible and will go a long way to ensuring that my grandfather’s legacy makes an impact in the lives of children in this District”.
Speaking on behalf of the provincial government the MEC for Health in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, believes that the partnership that has been announced today, is in-line with values that Madiba, stood for. “Former State President MANDELA is renowned for his love for children. The years of his life he spent fighting against apartheid was so that each and every child would have a change to get access to quality services irrespective of geographical location. The investment being made by ABSA is immense and will ensure that our children have adequate facilities which they can utilise when they are in our Hospital” said Dhlomo.
“As the official sponsor of the Mandela Day Marathon, we felt that we needed to take our involvement with this Marathon a step further, with this project we are looking forward to putting a long of smiles on children’s faces who are admitted to this ward. Madiba is well renowned for his passion for children, and how he took up causes that are beneficial to children” said ABSA Provincial Managing Director Faszial Mkhize.
Media enquiries: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220
The Mandela Day Marathon fever has gripped KwaZulu-Natal, this fast growing iconic race takes place this Sunday from Manaye Hall in Imbali outside Pietermaritzburg (where late President Nelson Mandela addressed the All in Africa Conference in 1961) to the Mandela Capture site (where he got arrested in 1962), this became a turning point in South Africa’s struggle for freedom.
Today the Mayor of uMgungundlovu District, Cllr Thobekile Maphumulo, opened the Mandela Day Marathon and SMME Expo, saying “the event is about uniting our nation and reminding each other of our values of Ubuntu and that we are each other’s keepers”
According to Mayor Maphumulo; “a lot of planning has gone into this year’s preparations to live up to the Madiba magic experience. The marathon has opened up a lot of opportunity for young entrepreneurs, runners to develop themselves and positioned uMgungundlovu District.We are now doing the final touches and we are 100% confident we will be ready to go from Saturday to Sunday.”
Organisers represented by Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube, called on the runners to take care of their health ahead of the Mandela Day Marathon. This marathon is about the triumph of the human spirit. There is an 8Km “struggle hill”; which epitomises the hardship, trials and tribulation that our nation went through to get where it is. Every time you run through that hill, the words of Madiba which goes: “after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb” should echo and inspire you not to give up. However, if you start running into trouble you should pull out and get into one of the rescue buses”.
About 15 000 runners are expected to compete in this year’s marathon, starting with the Trail run, triathlon, mountain bike and kiddies race on Saturday.
Top elite Athletes led by 2017 Comrades Marathon winner Bongumusa Mthembu and the first female South African to win in 2017, Sharne Bosman will lead the Athletes which will feature the current record holder of the Mandela Day Marathon, Thobani Chagwe and international athletes. Media is invited from 11am to 13h00 pm.
Media enquiries: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220
More than 15000 runners will take to starting line for the 6th edition of the annual Mandela Day Marathon. The Marathon will feature top contenders who have won big marathons in the country and abroad. The Provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal and the uMgungundlovu District Municipality who are the main organisers of the annual Mandela Day Marathon are promising major improvements for athletes and observers in 2017 with a range of new services and facilities as preparations for the 2017 marathon scheduled for 26 and 27 August enter their final stretch this week.
Today we are officially announcing that registration for all participating athletes in the marathon’s various races is now open. Today, being Tuesday, registration is taking place at Durban’s Moses Mabhida Stadium. Athletes will also benefit from enhanced on-site support services during the various races, such as medical emergency assistance, shuttle transport, toilets, or refreshments, the range of which will rival more established sporting events such as the annual Comrades Marathon, said Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Nomusa Dube-Ncube.
“Every year, we make improvements to ensure the Mandela Day Marathon continues to be an enjoyable race. In 2017 we are aiming for an improved overall experience by offering simplified registration and on-site support services for athletes as well as exciting recreational facilities for observers and their entire families,” said Race Director, Johan Van Staden.
“In appreciation of the economic benefits the annual Mandela Day Marathon brings to local businesses and residents within the uMgungundlovu District as the race expands every year, we as organisers will be catering to the needs of athletes and observers, including children, in ever more creative ways in 2017. We are aiming for a memorable experience for all,” added uMgungundlovu Mayor, Cllr Thobekile Maphumulo.
Runners can look to a feast on race day, as the race has been made to be more athlete –centric. All the resources have been channeled toward ensuring that the health and well being of runners assume paramount importance.
The organisers are confident this year’s race will be a memorable one and all runners are urged to register on time for all races which will include a 10km, 21km and the main 42km race as well as a host of additional disciplines including triathlon children’s race and MTB events spread commencing on Saturday.
Media enquiries: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220
Address by the MEC for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Nomusa Dube-Ncube on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of Griffiths and Victoria Mxenge
19 August 2017
Programme Director
Mxenge Family, Relatives and Neighbours
Members of the Executive Council
eThekwini Mayor: Cllr Zandile Gumede
Academics and members of the legal fraternity
Councillors and leaders of society
Distinguished guests
Members of the community
Members of the media
Good Morning
First and foremost, I wish to apologise on behalf of the Premier Willies Mchunu who could not be with us today. He could not make it because there is a bereavement in the family.
As I start my address I want to reflect on the statement made by the President of the African National Congress Reginald Oliver Tambo on the 1st November 1981:-
“On the night of the 19th of November in the South African city of Durban, agents of the Pretoria regime brutally assassinated Griffiths Mxenge. Using knives, the murderers were not content just to take away the life of this outstanding patriot. In unbridled savagery, they extensively mutilated his face and cut off his ears.”
OR Tambo Further stated: “These acts of brutality can only serve to strengthen our determination to free ourselves. Through his martyrdom Griffiths Mxenge has set us the task to destroy the apartheid regime sooner rather than later. As we lower our banners in memory of a great son of our people, an outstanding revolutionary, we renew our vows that we shall give no quarter in the noble struggle to rid our country of the murderers and tyrants that illegally rule our country and people. Farewell dear brother and comrade. Your sacrifice is not in vain.”
Programme Director, I want to express my deep-felt gratitude to everyone who is here today. We thank you for setting aside everything to lend weight and dignity to this important event.
We are humbled that the Mxenge Family has bestowed upon the provincial government and eThekwini Municipality the privilege to co-ordinate the memorial lecture held yesterday and today’s unveiling of the statues.
We convey messages of support from the President of the Republic of South Africa His Excellency J.G Zuma who has been the pillar of strength. Few weeks ago, President Zuma reiterated the point that we have a task to record all the stories of our people’s contribution to the struggle.
We need to remember those who laid down their lives for this freedom. Importantly, we need to be very closer to the families of our fallen heroes as they have many stories that lied buried their minds about the pain they suffered as they lost their loved ones, as they languished in jail under torture, as their property was destroyed and others murdered like Griffiths and Victoria Mxenge.
The unveiling of the statues of the two leaders is in line with the undertaking made by President Zuma when he started the previous term of office in 2009.
Flowing from the President’s Zuma’s call, in the State of the Province Address in 2012, we affirmed, as the Provincial Government, our commitment to elevate our heritage treasures to ensure that they get the recognition and honour they deserve.
Since 2012 we have been working with the Mxenge Family to ensure the erection of the two statues. We want these the two leaders to remain engraved in our minds for many more years to come.
We know that planning for these two events has not been easy. As family members you had to reach into the depth of your memories. Over the years you have had to think about the pain that your loved ones experienced in the hands of apartheid agents who murdered them.
There are many authors, political analysts and historians who have chronicled the life of the two leaders. Their accounts of their lives evokes both emotions and a deep sense of gratitude for it is through their dedication that we attained freedom in 1994.
Critically, all of us, collectively, we need to follow in the footsteps of the two leaders who ensured that today KwaZulu-Natal is recognized as the cradle of the glorious liberation movement that freed South Africa from racial oppression.
A large part of the rich heritage of this country has its roots in KwaZulu-Natal. Not only did this Province produce Dr John Langalibalele Dube, the first President of the ANC, it also gave our heroic struggle Pixley ka-Isaka Seme, Josiah Gumede and Inkosi Albert Luthuli amongst the many heroes who led the liberation struggle.
The ethos of selflessness in the service of our people should continue to inspire all of us as we strive to make the lives of our people better, and the sacrifices of our fallen heroes and heroines worth their while.
The unveiling of the statues and other celebrations is not only for the members of the ruling party but it is celebration of all efforts and contributions by our heroes and ordinary people in pursuit of the ideals of freedom, non-racialism, non-sexism and democracy.
In short we must all celebrate nation building by strengthening the values that bind us together as a nation, unique in the world by turning our backs on past divisions and embrace equality, human rights and a better South Africa for all our children.
Critically, speeding up service delivery and addressing the challenges of poverty unemployment and inequality will create lasting monuments in all communities to symbolise our victory and convince all who fought, suffered and lost loved ones that it was all not in vain.
As government we commit to reach out to different political organisations and work with them to embrace a common heritage of our struggle.
We need to identify those amongst their organisations who made valuable contributions and embrace heroes from across the spectrum not only political parties in opposition to the ANC as the ruling party. But to the broader civil society including worker’s struggle, academics, artists, musicians, church and various religious and traditional leaders and in Non-governmental organisations for celebration.
Programme Director, our message as government today is that we will continue to honour those who sacrificed their lives for this freedom. The statue of Griffiths and Victoria Mxenge have been constructed to preserve and restore our history.
These are heroes and heroines who have been largely neglected by past government who only erected statues of those who violated basic human rights of indigenous people. The apartheid government did not want to honour any of our heroes and heroines as the feared the inspirational value of such statues for the oppressed communities.
Importantly, we are calling upon all professionals in the legal profession to draw strength from the exemplary leadership of Griffiths and Victoria Mxenge. They dedicated their lives using justice to drive socio-political transformation.
The goals of access to justice – social and economic equality have not yet been fully attained. We must join hands and ensure equal access to justice for the poor and ensure that we deliver them from poverty.
Critically, in a democratic polity, the role of this noble profession is very significant. It is the watchdog of democracy and should always be vigilant in the matters concerning rule of law as guaranteed by the Constitution.
Lawyers are described as officers of Court. Their larger duty, however, is towards the society as a whole. Justice Fortas emphasized on this aspect in the following words:
“A Lawyer is not merely a craftsman, or even an artist. He has a special role in our society. He is a professional especially ordained to perform at the crisis time of the life of other people, and almost daily, to make moral judgments of great sensitivity. He is an important hand at the wheels of our economy and of course as the custodian of the flaming world of individual and professional liberty, as well as of the public order”.
The high status and respect that the lawyers generally command in our society burdens them with a corresponding duty that all of their actions or conduct would have the character of nobility imbued with the object of espousing the cause of general public good.
The lawyers constitute a noble profession. This naturally gives rise to an expectation that they shall discharge their duties in a manner that is professional, or in other words systematic, methodical, based on objective study and research of law.
Critically, lawyers form an enlightened community. They not only know the law but also have access to it. We believe that ordinary members of society must be educated so that they know the law and that they must have access to justice.
We want to reiterate as government our commitment to working with the legal fraternity to advance human rights. We should not remain silent in the face of a growing trend of the abuse and violation of the human rights of the most vulnerable members of our society, namely women, children, the disabled, and the elderly.
As I conclude my address, I want to pause here and salute Mam Victoria Mxenge. She was fearless woman who dedicated her life towards the fight for this freedom and democracy.
Sadly Mama Mxenge was murdered on the 1st August 1985 which the South African democratic government declared as women’s month. She was sadly killed in front of her children by four men in the driveway of her home here in Umlazi. Working with eThekwini Municipality we will ensure that all processes are finalized to turn this house into a Museum.
It is important to note that after the death of her husband, Victoria Mxenge carried on with the law practice which they had formed. She started a bursary fund in memory of her husband. She became a member of the Release Nelson Mandela Committee (RMC), the National Organisation of Women (NOW) and the Natal Treasurer of the UDF.
As a fitting tribute to Mama Mxenge we will double efforts to ensure that we address challenges faced by women. It is often stated that poverty has a woman face. I am calling upon all women to stand firm, unite and proclaim that as women we refuse to allow freedom to co-exist with poverty.
In my capacity as MEC for Co-operative Governance I will ensure that I promote the participation of women in local government. We must remember that the current leadership in the municipality was elected during women’s month on the 3rd August last year. The participation of women in the build up to local government elections in this region was indeed encouraging.
At all times the leadership of municipalities must remember that they owe their deployment to women. I am saying this because reports in various research organisations indicates that women constituted the majority of voters during local government elections.
As government we will ensure that our women deployees in municipalities undergo rigorous skills development programmes to prepare them to execute their responsibilities across all political party lines.
Comrades may the spirit of Victoria Mxenge inspire all women.
Let us work together to build our nation.
Let us work together to build unity, fight poverty and a better country for ourselves and generations to come.
Let us work together to protect women and children from any form of abuse.
If we do that Mama Victoria Mxenge will rest in peace.
With these words, once again I want to thank the Mxenge for giving us the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of our struggle stalwarts.
We are indeed grateful as the provincial government that you have made these two events possible.
KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube has issued a weather alert to communities regarding the development of an intense weather system that will result in extreme cold, snow and heavy rains as of tomorrow, Wednesday 16 August, as advised by the South African Weather Services.
This inclement weather is expected to affect almost the whole country and extend into the weekend. In response to this, Dube-Ncube’s department has placed its disaster management teams on standby to deal with any eventualities that could arise from the deteriorating weather conditions.
“We are urging all residents of KZN to be cautious as many of our communities will be affected by the expected cold, including snowfall, and the reduced visibility on the roads as a result of this. We urge all those who are driving to take the necessary precautions and postpone all unnecessary journeys in poor weather conditions,” said Dube-Ncube.
KZN Cogta has also urged parents to be responsible and ensure that their children travel to school along safe routes and do not cross low-lying areas which are susceptible to flooding. The department is likewise urging schools to take note of this weather warning in their planning of excursions and other outdoor activities.
The province has traditionally borne the brunt of inclement weather conditions that routinely leave a trail of death and destruction in their wake through localised flooding, hail storms, lightning strikes and veld fires, all of which tend to cause millions of rand in damages to public infrastructure and private property.
“We can assure the general public that a great deal of effort is always made by Cogta to ensure that each weather warning is acted upon appropriately and that important information is cascaded down to municipalities and other authorities in areas that are prone to weather-related incidents,” said Dube-Ncube.
Media enquiries: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220
Masango using MTB Dash to prepare for World Champs
Pietermaritzburg – The Mandela Day MTB Dash could provide a perfect send off to Sthembiso Masango before he heads over to Perth, Australia to represent South Africa at the UCI Mountain Bike World Championships early next month.
The 42km event on Saturday, August 26, will provide Masango with a perfect opportunity for a final hard race before he boards the plane to represent his country for the second time in just two months.
While the 42km mountain bike race will attract the cream of KZN mountain bikers, there are also 21km and 10km races in a weekend of Mandela Day Marathon events that also include a road running marathon, half marathon, and 10km run, trail runs, a youth run and a triathlon, all in honour of former President Nelson Mandela. All events are based at or near the Mandela Capture Site in Lions’ River.
With a healthy prize fund of R122 000, the mountain bike rides offer what is believed to be the biggest prize money for a one-day classic MTB distance event and as such normally attracts a strong field of riders. Last year Alan Hatherly returned from competing at the Rio Olympics and in his first race back claimed the 2016 title.
Masango is hoping to match his South African teammate with a victory, but more importantly, the MTB Dash provides a chance to take on the best in the province in a tough, no-hold-barred event the weekend before he flies out to Australia – ideal preparation for what is sure to be his toughest race ever.
Under the watchful eye of mentor Martin Dreyer, the talented RMB Change A Life Academy rider has been steadily improving and 2017 has been his breakthrough year. In March he took part in the gruelling Absa Cape Epic and since then has been making observers take notice, including the national team selectors.
In July Masango earned his first South African jersey when he lined up at the World Marathon Championships in Germany and finished 159th on the brutally tough Singen course.
Since then, Masango has been concentrating on the shorter, punchier cross country riding and in July was named as part of the national team for the UCI World XCO Championships in Perth.
“I did not have a good race in Germany. I had a few mechanicals and so I had to waste a lot of time fixing things. My chain broke twice and so I did not get the result I wanted,” said Masango this week.
“But I learned a lot and I am looking forward to going to Australia and representing my country again.
“I am so happy to have been selected for the South African team again. It was amazing to be chosen.
“I am going to be doing the Mandela Day MTB Dash as it will be very good training for me just before I leave for Australia.
“Obviously Nelson Mandela was very special to me, as he was to all South Africans, so it makes me very proud to be able to race in an event in his honour.”
The MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal Ms Nomusa Dube-Ncube believes that this year’s edition of the Mandela Marathon will see course records tumble.
“We know that all athletes have been training hard and we expect over 15 000 participants through the weekend of 26-27. As the Provincial Government we are looking forward to seeing thousands of people from all walks of life, take part as we remember the values that Madiba left us with” said Dube-Ncube
Speaking about the event, the Mayor of the uMgungundlovu District Cllr Thobekile Maphumulo believes that this year’s edition of the Marathon and all the activities that accompany it will bring much needed economic activity to her district, which is where former President Mandela made his final public appearance before being arrested by police before he spent 27 years in prison.
Pre-entries for the MTB Dash close on Wednesday, 23 August, although late entries will be taken on the day if the entry limit has not been reached.
More information on the various Mandela Day Marathon events can be found at while entries and the MTB Dash information is at
For any further information, or if you cannot access the images, please contact:
Sports Wrighte
072 12 52 382
The Mandela Day Trail Run, part of the greater Mandela Day Marathon event, has become a highlight on the trail running calendar and this year promises to be yet another spectacular affair.
The trail run is organised by KZN Trail Running (KZNTR) on behalf of the Mandela Day Marathon Committee and is taking place on Saturday, 26 August at the Mandela Capture Site in Howick. The event offers route options for all to enjoy, with 4km, 8km and 15km distances taking participants through the scenic rolling hills surrounding the historically significant site of Nelson Mandela’s capture.
The MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs in KwaZulu-Natal Ms Nomusa Dube-Ncube, speaking on behalf of the Provincial Government, believes that this event which is set to attract over a thousand participants, is an important piece of the activities that happen on the Mandela Day Marathon weekend. “As a province we are fully behind this event which pushes participants to the limit, one of the lessons we learn from the life of Madiba is endurance, we also learn that the road to success is not plain sailing, it is filled with uphills, downhills, tar roads, gravel roads and all manner of obstacles. The activities that have been put together for Mandela Day Marathon Weekend indeed reflect this and we look forward to thousands of participants coming to the Mgungundlovu District” said Dube-Ncube
Commenting on the Trail Run, Lauren Booth of KZNTR, said that the route comprised of some tough hills but were symbolic for a nation overcoming adversity.
Trail running has enjoyed steady growth in an around KZN and has become a sport accessible for people of all ages and walks of life. A significant aspect of many of these events is the inclusion of the youth in these races and The Mandela Day Trail Run is no different.
“The Mandela Day Trail Run is open to juniors,” Lauren said. “We recommend that children run their age so 4km for four years and above, 8km for eight years and above and 15km for 15 years and above.”
Adding to the event’s prestigious reputation is the lucrative prize money totalling R54 000, which is sure to attract many top runners from across the country. However, as Lauren explained, this run is open for all and is about paying tribute to Madiba. “Inspire change. In yourself and those around you. In Madiba’s memory,” she said.
The Mayor of the uMgungundlovu District Cllr Thobekile Maphumulo has urged those wanting to participate in the Trail Run to ensure that they register as entries close on 24 August. “As a district we believe that these activities that take place during the Weekend of the Marathon Day Marathon are going to yield positive economic outcomes for our communities as thousands of participants come to our district”.
The Saturday events also include a MTB and Triathalon event, as well as Sunday 27 August’s road events.
Entries for the 2017 edition of the Nelson Mandela Day Marathon (NMDM) have officially closed. The Nelson Mandela Day Marathon Organising Committee has announced that the entry cap was reached a short while ago, necessitating the closure of the entry process.
The sixth Nelson Mandela Day Marathon event takes place on Sunday, 27 August 2017. The event is once again expected to boost the local KwaZulu-Natal and uMgungundlovu district economy by millions of rand.
Cogta MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube said, ‘The Nelson Mandela Day Marathon contributes hugely to the local economy of the Midlands and the entire KwaZulu-Natal region due to the ever-increasing number of participants in several events, including the 42.2km marathon, MTB Dash and Trail running.”
uMgungundlovu District Mayor Thobekile Maphumulo added, “The Umgungundlovu District and Msunduzi Municipalities welcome athletes from all over the country, as well as the rest of Africa and internationally”
NMD Race Director Johan Van Staden has thanked all entrants for getting their entries in on time. “This will allow us to focus more on logistics preparation so that we deliver a world class event befitting of the international icon this marathon is named after”
The 2017 Mandela Day Marathon will start at the Manaye Hall in Imbali and finish at the Nelson Mandela Capture Site in Howick on Sunday, 27 August 2017.
On the 26th there will be a children race (because Madiba loved children), Trail Run, Triathlon, Mountain Biking and a host of other activities building up to the actual marathon day on the 27 August 2017.
The NMD Marathon will be held under the theme: #RUN4UNITY an important value that defines Madiba’s legacy.
KZN Provincial Government and uMgungundlovu District Municipality have welcomed Absa Bank’s “win-win” decision to become a strategic partner for the Mandela Day Marathon until 2020. Absa today announced a R6-million financial injection to this iconic race over the next three years further solidify the marathon’s reputation as an annual celebration of the legacy of former President Nelson Mandela.
The Mandela Day Marathon has since its inception in 2012 become one of the fastest growing sporting events in Africa, attracting a loyal international following from both athletes and observers. The main race runs from the Manaye Hall in Edendale where Nelson Mandela made his last public speech before his arrest in 1962 and the Capture Site near Howick where he was arrested by the apartheid police on 5 August of the same year.
At the signing of the sponsorship agreement with the KZN Provincial Government, Steve Seaka, Absa Head of Public Sector Banking, said: “We are excited to be part of this Mandela Day Marathon because it fits in very well with our Shared Growth Strategy as a bank to make a meaningful contribution in the communities where we do our business. As a business we can only be successful if we connect positively and create value within the society in which we operate.”
In her remarks, KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube has urged all prospective participants in the 2017 race to register before the closing date of 31 July. “This year’s theme for the marathon is #Run for unity and this reflects the race’s celebration of the ideals of a non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa that was envisaged by Madiba and that has since come to symbolise the Mandela Day Marathon,” said Dube-Ncube.
Today’s signing ceremony was also attended by Mayor of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality which hosts the annual event – Councillor TE Maphumulo. The Mayor welcomed Absa’s contribution while emphasising the marathon’s positive impact on the local economy of her district. “Every year the Mandela Day Marathon draws thousands of athletes and observers to our district, all of whom contribute to the growth of our tourism sector in unprecedented ways,” said Maphumulo.
Absa has also pledged to adopt a community development project in the uMgungundlovu District area to demonstrate its commitment to imparting a lasting legacy as part of its partnership with the marathon. In addition to the direct financial contribution to the marathon, Absa will also be promoting participation in the marathon among its clients through advertising via their ATMs and branches.
The marathon consists of events such as Road Running, Mountain Biking, Trail Running and a Triathlon. The actual marathon run has since its inception in 2012 grown into one of Africa’s toughest races for runners from across the globe. The marathon is recognised by the Nelson Mandela Foundation through a formal strategic partnership, with an endorsement by the KwaZulu-Natal Athletics Federation and it is also registered with the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races.
The burden of walking long distances in order to get access to crucial medication is now a thing of the past for residents of Ward 86 in uMlazi U Section, thanks to intervention by the Provincial government of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal and the Ethekwini Metro.
The MEC for the department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Nomusa Dube-Ncube visited the Central Methodist Church which houses the Central Chronic Medicine Dispensation and Distribution (CCMD) Centre. The centre ensures that the elderly and those that suffer from chronic illnesses are able to receive their treatment closer to their homes without having to travel to Prince Mshiyeni Hospital.
Dube-who is the champion MEC for the eThekwini municipality says she will work unceasingly to ensure that the poor in the Municipality are not spending even a cent to collect medication. She vowed to advocate for community structures such as churches to be used as collection points all over the metro.
Her visit today is part of the Province wide programme called Operation Sukuma Sakhe. This is aimed at addressing social ills. Through it members of the Provincial Cabinet visit various wards and meet with the communities and the respective ward based War Rooms which bring various government departments together to work with the community in addressing challenges.
Dube-Ncube also urged residents to close ranks around combating crime and the social ills that accompany it. “As a community, we have to stand together and combat the scourges that are destroying us. We have to unite and ensure that we are never divided in our efforts. Law enforcement agencies have been instructed to deal harshly with illegal electricity connections that continue to pose a danger to our communities,” said Dube-Ncube.
For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220