
Cogta sees red over illegal use of its logo, cautions against opportunists using prince buthelezi’s name for self-enrichment

 KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) has strongly condemned the illegal use of its logo and corporate identity in an advert promoting a birthday bash set to take place in uLundi on 10 November 2018.

 The advert for the bash, which features prominent Maskandi artists and is billed as a continuation of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s birthday celebrations, also features the Cogta logo as if the department were among the sponsors of this event, yet this has been done without any approval or commitment by the department.

 Cogta believes that this has been done deliberately to create an impression for other municipalities and government entities that the event has the financial backing from Cogta and therefore other local government entities have a free licence to sponsor similar bashes.

 While KZN Cogta supports all endeavours by citizens and organisations to celebrate the life of Prince Buthelezi in appreciation of his service and indelible contribution to our freedom and democracy, equally the department feels that it has a duty to protect the abuse of the name of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi against opportunists who are now on a rampant campaign to loot municipal coffers under the guise of celebrating the life of Inkosi Buthelezi. These looters and opportunists want to tarnish the image of Prince Buthelezi as a respected traditional leader and political figure in our country and province.

 Prince Buthelezi has always guided against reckless use of resources. We are confident that Prince Buthelezi would agree with us that municipal funds should be used to better the lives of communities and that nobody should go around soliciting money from government institutions for self-enrichment in his name.

 As a matter of fact: KZN Cogta does not fund bashes as the Treasury’s far-reaching cost-cutting measures forbid it. This applies to many requests we have received in the past for various bashes taking place even from areas including those under amakhosi.

 We will be asking for explanations from uLundi Municipality. The illegal and unauthorised use of our logo is a criminal offense and the department is exploring a possible case against the infringement of its brand in this regard.

 For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403 or Senzelwe Mzila 0823023472



