


    The Provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal has welcomed the swearing-in and peaceful election of office bearers within the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders.

    These elections saw the election of new incumbents with the new Provincial House Chairperson being Inkosi Rubert Sifiso Shinga from Umzumbe in the Ugu District while Inkosi Nqayizivele Wiseman SIthole from uThukela District was elected as the new Deputy Chairperson.

    Inkosi Shinga – Chairperson
    of the KZN Provincial House of
    Traditional And Khoi-San Leaders

    The swearing in ceremony was presided over by Deputy Judge President of the KwaZulu-Natal Division of the High Court, Justice Thoba Poyo-Dhlwathi.

    Premier Sihle Zikalala who together with Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Sipho Hlomuka officiated at the ceremony, congratulated the Provincial House of Traditional Leaders for the successful elections.

    Members of the Provincial House being sworn in.

    “These elections are testament to the fact that democracy is alive and well within the institution of traditional leadership in our Province” said Premier Zikalala.

    “What we have just witnessed is the pinnacle of the process of re-establishment of the House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders in our province in line with the law. This process is part of our journey to restore the legitimacy of the institution of traditional leaders enjoyed prior to the distortions introduced by colonial and apartheid regimes, said Premier Zikalala.

    Congratulating the newly elected chairperson and deputy chairperson together with all the Amakhosi in the new structure, Premier Zikalala said our Constitution placed importance and dignity to traditional leaders which apartheid never did.

    “Chapter 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa signed into law in 1996 spells out the role and importance of traditional leadership. Informed by the supreme law of the land, the National Framework Act on Traditional Leadership and Governance Act was promulgated in 2003,” Premier Zikalala reminded the gathering.

    The Premier said this legislation was the bedrock on which the KwaZulu-Natal Traditional Leadership and Governance Act no 5 of 2005 is founded.

    “With the establishment of this House, we expect our esteemed AmaKhosi to assume their legitimate roles as development champions of our communities. The Houses, both at local and provincial level, are expected to act as structures where AmaKhosi engage on issues that affect our people and recommend practical solutions,” said the Premier.

    The Premier stressed the important role that traditional leaders play as the province transforms, tackles the social ills such as crime and disease, and address the triple challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality.

    “One cannot over emphasise the importance of this institution in social cohesion and nation building. We look up to it to provide leadership in uniting the people of KwaZulu-Natal, deepening peace, fighting social ills, and defeating the shameful scourge of gender-based violence and Femicide. We must also work together to address the rife killing of Traditional Leaders, Amakhosi and Izinduna. We will continue working with the newly constituted House to ensure that all planned interventions are continued until perpetrators are arrested” Zikalala added.

    COGTA MEC Sipho Hlomuka committed his department to working closely with the newly elected amakhosi in order to strengthen supportive measures aimed at uplifting rural communities.

    The newly elected Chairperson Inkosi Shinga thanked amakhosi for bestowing confidence and faith in him and his new leadership collective. He called upon amakhosi to unite in the common pursuit of interests that are at the heart of the communities they lead. “This election is very humbling, as amakhosi you have entrusted us with serving amakhosi and the interest of our communities,” said Shinga.


  • The plight of the youth takes centre stage as MEC Hlomuka hosts dialogue with young Councillors

    The plight of young people in the sphere of local government came under the spotlight on Saturday, 25 June, in Newcastle when the KZN Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka hosted the Youth in Local Government Summit at the Newcastle Showgrounds. 

    Mkhuleko Hlengwa MP, speaking during the Summit

    Amongst the high-profile speakers were the Chairperson of SCOPA at Parliament Mr Mkhuleko Hlengwa, MP; the Chairperson of the Higher Education Portfolio Committee Ms Nompendulo Mkhatshwa, MP; the Chairperson of the KZNCOGTA Portfolio Committee Ms Zinhle Cele, MPL; the chairperson of committees Mr Sboniso Duma and Inkosi N Zulu of kwaNodunga.

    Siboniso Duma, MPL making his remarks during the summit

    All the speakers called for the young people to make the most of every opportunity that they get exposed to and called for them to use education as a tool to get better equipped to play an active role in building the economy.

    Nompendulo Mkhatshwa MP, making her remarks during the summit

    During the discussions, the involvement of the youth in agriculture and other sectors of the economy was discussed with the emphasis being placed on the need for government to work closely with Amakhosi to ensure that young people have access to land which they can use to make produce.

    The former chairperson of the KZN Provincial House of Traditional and Khoi-San leaders Inkosi Chiliza called for the youth to not resort to violence or destruction of the little resources that the country has whenever they air their grievances.

    In his closing remarks of the summit, which was comprised of young councillors, ward committee members, community development workers, expanded public works programme employees, interns from the department and Municipalities and also young people from the community.

    MEC Hlomuka urged the sphere of local government to be the first point of contact that offers assistance to the youth through the rolling out of innovative programmes that give the youth access to the world wide web so that they can get access to knowledge so that they can build up their skills. 

    The MEC commended the Municipalities for taking on the 661 interns and in-service trainees rolled out through a programme that was launched by the department two years ago, which saw graduates bring their wealth of skills in engineering, built environment, finance and other fields to the municipalities in order to improve service delivery.

    MEC Hlomuka also committed his department to work together with youth structures across the province in order to ensure that the youth have a voice in local government.



    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Mr. Sipho Hlomuka under the powers vested in him by section 38(1) of the KwaZulu-Natal Traditional Leadership and Governance Act, 2005 (Act No. 5 of 2005), and in order to synchronize the term of office of both the Provincial and Local Houses of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders in KwaZulu-Natal with the term of office of the National House of Traditional and Khoi San Leaders, in consultation with Amakhosi, has directed for the Provincial and Local Houses of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders in the province to commence with the re-constitution process.

    The province’s Local Houses of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders will convene their first sittings on 22 and 23 June 2022 where they will formally re-constitution and elect office bearers. This process marks an important milestone within the local houses.

    Once all the local house members, that is Amakhosi AseNdlunkulu, are sworn is, members will participate in the election of the office bearers (Local Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson), EXCO members for the Local Houses ranging between 3 and 7 as well as nominating the local house members to represent the local house to the KZN Provincial House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 28 June 2022. 

    This is an important milestone for the institution of traditional leadership in that this move consolidates and cements the gains attained in the 1994 democratic elections and practically confirms the recognition of the traditional leaders as per chapter 12 of the constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

    The schedule below gives details for each Local House:   


    CLUSTER 122 JUNE 2022
    ILembe Local HouseGlen Hill Multi-purpose Centre
    Ugu Local HouseUgu Sports and Leisure Centre
    Umgungundlovu Local HouseUMsunduzi Municipal Council Chamber
    Harry Gwala Local HouseUMzimkhulu Council Chamber
    Ethekwini Local HousePinetown Civic Centre Council Chamber
    CLUSTER 223 JUNE 2022
    Zululand Local HouseUlundi Old Legislature Building
    Umzinyathi Local HouseUMzinyathi CoGTA District Office Boardroom
    Amajuba Local HouseNewcastle Council Chamber
    Uthukela Local HouseAlfred Duma Council Chamber
    Umkhanyakude Local HouseUmkhanyakude CoGTA District Office Boardroom
    King Cetshwayo Local HouseEshowe Town Hall

    Issued by the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sipho Hlomuka



    On Tuesday, 7th June 2022, MEC Sipho Hlomuka together with senior officials from the department

    which were led by the Accounting Officer Mr Thando Tubane met with the KZN COGTA Portfolio Committee in Mayville, Durban as part of its general oversight of the work that is being carried out by the Department.

    The meeting took place amidst the Department’s continued efforts of responding to the relatively recent floods that happened in the month of April and May.

    During the meeting committee members gave their inputs on the presentations that were made by the department on matters such as the:

    •            4th Quarter Report 2021/22  (Financial and Non-Financial)

    •            Expenditure to-date

    •            Responses to Finance and Scopa Resolutions

    •            Responses to Youth Parliament Resolutions for 2021

    •            Recent Disasters

    •            uMkhanyakude, Newcastle and Abaqulusi Municipalities

    •            The establishment and Reconstitution of the Traditional and Kingship Councils, The Provincial House and The Local House of Traditional and KhoiSan Lead,

    • and on the installation of Traditional Leaders.

    The reports tabled by the Department were all very well received by the members of the Committee, notwithstanding the various strategic input and comments that they raised on each of the reports Speaking during the meeting, MEC Hlomuka commended Committee members for the ongoing guidance that they continue to provide to the department in the execution of its constitutional mandate.







    07 JUNE 2022

    Honourable Chairperson and Members 

    It is great honour for us to appear before this committee once more, as part of its oversight over the work that is being done by the department.

    Disaster Response by the Province

    We meet with the committee during a time when the department continues to coordinate the province’s response to the floods that struck the province in April and the secondary floods that struck in May. These floods sadly cost the province a total of 459 innocent lives with 87 people still missing.

    The subsequent floods that hit our province in May, reversed some of the progress that we had made refurbishing the critical infrastructure that had been damaged, especially in areas in the South of Durban. This challenge did not dampen the spirit of our technical teams who are still determined to ensure that the repairs will be in the shortest time possible, with a focus on building better.

    The estimated cost of the extensive damage to critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, schools and private infrastructure  currently sits at more than R25 billion.

    This disaster has brought into sharp focus the issue of climate change and how we need to manage it. Scientists have warned us that as a result of climate change these rains could be a regular occurrence in areas along the east coast of our country. Our disaster management team is working closely with our municipalities to ensure that our systems are more resistant to the risk posed by climate change.

    In response to this disaster, we have seen the best of our communities with many South African lending a helping hand to the families that have been affected by these floods.  We’re quite moved by the solidarity that we’ve seen, it proves that indeed “ umuntu, umuntu ngabantu”

    This morning the Minister for Cogta Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma together with the MEC for Social Development in our province,  Ms Nonhlanhla Khoza received humanitarian aid from the United Arab Emirates government which arrived at the King Shaka International Airport. As a province we also received humanitarian aid from the government of Qatar on the 29th of May, which was received by the Premier of the Province Sihle Zikalala together with national ministers. We wish to thank all the stakeholders and provinces that came through for our province in its moment of need.  

    Cogta budget speech tabled

    Since the last meeting with this committee which took place on 13 April, our department tabled the R1.8 Billion budget policy speech, which detailed the priorities of the department in the 2022/23 financial year.

    We wish to thank this committee for the strategic guidance and inputs that were made by the members which guided us in putting together our budget speech. We look forward to a fruitful year ahead under the oversight of yourselves Honourable members.

    Condemnation of latest attacks on councillors

    As I conclude Chairperson, we wish to express our concern once more at the attacks that have been made against Councillors within our province.

    Last week we learned with shock and sadness of the assassination of Councillor Mxolisi Buthelezi who was a councillor within the uMkhanyakude District. We have also noted with concern reports on the attempted murder of a councillor in the Abaqulusi Local Municipality.

    We wish to call upon law enforcement agencies to leave no stone unturned in the quest to apprehend the cowards that are responsible for these blatant acts of criminality.

    In the very same breath, we note the work being done by the South African Police Service to arrest and prosecute those that are responsible for the attacks on the leadership across our society.


    In conclusion honourable members, the Management of the department led by the Accounting Officer will present before this committee departmental reports on:

    • 4th Quarter Report 2021/22 (Financial and Non-Financial)
    • Expenditure to-date
    • Responses to Finance and Scopa Resolutions
    • Responses to Youth Parliament Resolutions for 2021
    • Recent Disasters
    • uMkhanyakude, Newcastle and Abaqulusi Municipalities
    • The establisment and Reconstitution of the Traditional and Kingship Councils, The Provincial House and The Local House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders
    • And on the installation of Traditional Leaders

    We look forward to a fruitful engagement and guidance from the esteemed members of this portfolio committee.

     I thank you!


    The fight against criminal elements that are hell-bent on vandalising and stripping critical municipal infrastructure that provides electricity and water to communities in Province received a major boost when

    a court in Pietermaritzburg, yesterday, sentenced two men (Xolani Mbeje and Mzwandile Mnyaka) to 18 months of imprisonment each for trying to steal electricity cables in a substation in Pietermaritzburg. 

    The two men were found guilty of breaking into the vicinity of the Piet Retief electricity substation, to vandalise and steal electricity cables. 

    This substation provides electricity to hundreds of houses as well as the business and manufacturing sectors in the Mkondeni and Willowton Road areas in Pietermaritzburg. 

    While government institutions are working hard to provide services, there are criminal elements who are hell bent on reversing this work which negatively impacts the lives of citizens.

    The sentence sends a warning to criminals and syndicates that are attacking critical public infrastructure that the courts and law enforcement will do everything in their power to ensure that swift justice is handed out to those that are responsible. 

    We wish to commend the law enforcement agencies and the Council of the Msunduzi Local Municipality which is led by the Mayor Cllr Mzimkhulu Thebolla for the measures that were put in place to safeguard this substation, as it was these measures that provided an early warning. 

    In our budget policy speech for the year 2022/23, we indicated that will be transferring R16 million to the Msunduzi Local Municipality as part of support measures aimed at stabilising the electricity supply. Last year the department transferred R9 million as part of these efforts which bring the total investment by the department to R25 million. This is part of the overall support that the department has been providing to the municipality.

    We call upon all our municipalities to strengthen measures aimed at preventing the vandalism and theft of critical public infrastructure. 

    We also call upon communities to report any suspicious

    activities they might notice near-critical installations such as substations and water reservoirs. 

     Issued by the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sipho Hlomuka





    MAYVILLE: 11 MAY 2022

    Ladies and gentlemen of the media

    Thank you for availing yourselves for this media briefing. Just yesterday, we presented in the Provincial Legislature KZN Cogta’s 2022/2023 annual budget of R1.8 billion under the theme “Turning the corner in KZN municipalities: Fostering peaceful and sustainable communities through the delivery of basic services”. I would like to take this opportunity to take you through its highlights and some of the latest development in the province’s response following the flood disaster that struck our province. 

    The Budget is structured against the background of the still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the recent devastating floods as well as the department’s mandate of providing hands-on support to the province’s municipalities and traditional institutions. As such, it is an occasion to present not only a set of tangible deliverables for 2022/2023, but a vision for our local government and traditional institutions as we begin to rebuild post-Covid-19 and after the latest floods and realise our ultimate goal of a better local government.

    KZN floods: The aftermath

    The devastation suffered during the recent floods is difficult to comprehend: 445 lives were lost (386 eThekwini, 31 Ilembe, 7 Ugu, 4 King Cetshwayo, 3 Harry Gwala, 2 uMgungundlovu, 2 uMzinyathi) 48 people still unaccounted for, 77,600 lives severely disrupted, 7286 homes destroyed, 12062 homes partially destroyed, and R25-billion (with assessments still underway) incurred in damages to both public and private infrastructure across the province.

    So far disaster management teams have conducted 748 search operations and conducted over 168 rescues.

    As a coordinating department, we at KZN COGTA have been at the forefront of efforts to mitigate the impact of the floods on our communities and businesses. With the national Cabinet declaring a national state of disaster, we have amassed significant resources, some of which are already being deployed on the ground to help those most in need of assistance: water tankers, emergency shelters, food parcels or technical and medical assistance.

    Disaster Management teams are still on the ground and continue to province support for relief purposes and are searching for the missing. 

    The deployment of the South African National Defence Force has helped these efforts greatly. 

    We wish to once more commend the brave men and women that form the search and rescue teams (SANDF, Police Search and Rescue, Disaster Management Officials) for their bravery during the most difficult time the province has ever faced.

    The Provincial Executive, Inter-ministerial Sub-Committee on Disasters continues to meet and get updates on the relief and rebuilding efforts. 

    The floods destroyed critical infrastructure that brings water, electricity and sanitation to many communities. 

    Technical teams from our municipalities have been working around the clock to restore the supply of these services to communities. 

    Members of the Executive Council led by the Premier Sihle Zikalala were joined by Mayors and Councillors in leading relief efforts in communities that are affected.

    On Saturday, Premier Zikalala visited the Othongathi community, which is one of the most affected areas in terms of the interruption of services such as water. 

    The Inter-Ministerial Committee is working closely with the eThekwini Metro to ensure that an effective solution is found to the water challenges faced by communities

    Overview of the extent of water supply restored in eThekwini  09 May 2022

    • Inner West Region: Supply to this region has improved from 30% to 85% 

    • Outer West Region: Supply to this region has improved from 45% to 70%

    • Central Region: Supply to this region has improved from 45% to 80%

    • South Region: Supply to this region has improved from 15% to 80%

    • North Region: Supply to this region has improved from 40% to 45%

    Risk of water contamination

    The infrastructure damages owing to recent torrential rains pose a risk of the contamination of water sources such as rivers. 

    As restoration of water has progressed in most areas focus will now be on the protection of water resources to minimize deterioration.

    Most water resources (rivers) in eThekwini District have been found to have a significantly high percentage of water contaminants (mainly E.Coli) due to raw sewer spillages owing to water treatment works infrastructure damages. 

    This increases the risk of a potential outbreak of waterborne diseases eg Cholera, Hepatitis, Typhoid Fever etc. 

    We are appealing to communities to exercise extreme caution when dealing with water from rivers. 

    Provision of support for shelters

    The province has 98 shelters which are housing people that have been severely affected by the floods. These shelters continue to get support from government institutions such as SASSA and social partners. 

    Clean up campaigns

    Clean up campaigns are ongoing within the affected communities, EPWP workers have been roped in by municipalities to ensure that the cleaning up process is accelerated. 

    Members of the army are also assisting with clean up efforts. 

    Overview of our performance in 2021/2022

    Yesterday we presented our department’s Budget, having as a department achieved a second clean audit in a row for the 2020/2021 financial year. In 2021 we were also able to deliver, in coordination with the IEC, successful Local Government Elections on 1 November 2021 which ushered in a new term of local government. Last year, we also conducted the latest review of the state of KZN municipalities focusing on three key performance areas, namely governance and administration, financial viability and management, and basic service delivery. 

    Review of the state of local government in KZN

    We will conduct another fully-fledged assessment of the state of local government in all 54 municipalities in KZN in September 2022. The results of this fresh assessment will create a new yardstick to determine whether the support provided by us is having the desired impact on the performance of municipalities.

    Dealing with coalition municipalities

    We will be setting up conflict management mechanisms to ensure that coalition municipalities are stable. We will engage the Minister of COGTA to consider augmenting policy and legislation to cater for the stability of coalition municipalities in future.

    Deployment of additional champions to municipalities

    In 2022/2023 we will deploy additional Local Government Champions to all municipalities, including those in distress. These new deployees will be supported by professional experts in the fields of finance, governance and engineering. Currently, there are five Local Government Champions responsible for 10 districts plus one metro. 

    A new approach to municipal interventions

    We recognise the need for alternative steps to constitutional interventions to induce compliance by municipalities with their executive obligations. To this end, we will be liaising with the Minister of COGTA to fast-track the promulgation of the Intergovernmental Monitoring, Support and Interventions Bill which, inter alia, provides guidelines on the appointment of administrators when intervening in municipalities.

    Implementing the KZN Provincial Water Master Plan

    The KZN Provincial Water Master Plan is now guiding all our municipalities in their annual planning, prioritising and budgeting for their water needs. The master plan is now also intensifying our monitoring of planning and progress made by all Water Services Authorities with monthly and quarterly reviews to put KZN on a path to sustainable development.

    Expanding and enhancing EPWP to 1000 job opportunities

    Our successes in the management of the Expanded Public Works Programme and internships have resulted in a decision to further expand these opportunities to ensure that youth and women, in particular, are afforded as many job opportunities as possible. This expansion will create an additional 1000 job opportunities for the next two years.

    Disaster risk reduction in informal settlements

    We have identified veld and shack fires as one of the hazards with a disproportionately high number of incidents and fatalities in the province. These incidents also often destroy the environment, property and agricultural sector, thus affecting livelihoods and the economy. From 2022/2023 onwards, we will through the Provincial Disaster Management Centre proactively embark on a fire safety programme focused on informal settlements and rural areas.

    Early disaster warning system for the province

    We will in 2022/2023 procure and install an integrated communication and information management system for disaster management in the Provincial Disaster Management Centre at Mkondeni. This is a multi-year project that will involve both hardware and software and its purpose will be to receive early disaster warnings and feed this information to other stakeholders, including municipalities.

    Disaster Management Summit

    In light of the recent floods, we must embark on a serious conversation among all critical role players to identify root causes and draft mitigation plans to avoid a repetition of the recent devastation inflicted upon our communities and infrastructure. To this end, a Disaster Management Summit will be convened in due course to formulate watertight solutions to the challenges KZN is facing as a result of climate change.

    Improving KZN’s coordinated response to disasters

    The knowledge we gain from our partnerships in the fight against climate change must be matched by investments into an improved coordinated response to disasters at the provincial level. To be able to provide such a response consistently, our existing disaster management structures will require the most up-to-date technology and we will be approaching the Provincial Government for adequate funding in this regard as soon as we have quantified our needs.

    A new approach to dealing with the killings of amakhosi

    Amakhosi themselves have cited longstanding succession disputes as one of the major contributors towards the killings of senior traditional leaders. In response to this, we will ensure that hereditary successions are concluded within 90 days after the need arises for the positions to be filled in line with customary law.

    Finalisation of the status of uMzimkhulu

    When uMzimkhulu was incorporated into KZN in 2005, many persons claimed to be amakhosi. Several disputes ensued. While some of these matters are still in courts, we will, during 2022/2023, do our utmost best to finalise the status of ubukhosi in uMzimkhulu by submitting all outstanding claims to the newly established provincial Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims, transforming the current traditional authorities in the area into proper Traditional Councils, and commencing with the construction of offices for the Traditional Councils throughout uMzimkhulu.


    The Budget we presented to the Provincial Legislature yesterday comes with a solid set of tangible deliverables for the 2022/2023 financial year but also for a time beyond when we begin to group and rebuild our municipalities, their local economies and our traditional institutions after the devastating Covid-19 pandemic.

    I thank you!



    16 April 2022

    Time: 13:00

    The province of KwaZulu-Natal continues much-needed support from all sectors of our society as it deals with one of the most tragic natural disasters to have ever occurred in the province. 

    During this difficult period faced by our country, we wish to express our condolences once more to the families that have been affected by the flooding. 

    This morning, the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Executive, Sub-Committee on Disaster Management convened its daily briefing, where it received updates from the Provincial Disaster Management Centre on the ongoing efforts to provide relief to affected communities. 

    According to the latest update, the death has increased and currently stands at 398, with 27 people still missing. 

    The Committee also noted the arrival of additional support from other provinces in the form of specialised Urban Search and Rescue teams that have been based at Virginia Airport and are working closely with the SAPS Search and Rescue and are dispatched through the existing Incident Management System.

    The additional teams have started working and have assisted with recoveries.

    The air support that has been provided by the South African National Defence Force and the South African Police Service has played a crucial part in the rescue and recovery efforts. 

    We wish to commend these brave men and women for their service.


    Yesterday, the province was visited by the Minister of Water and Sanitation Senzo Mchunu, Minister of Transport, Fikile Mabalula and Minister of Human Settlements, Mamoloko Kubayi.

    Through the visit, the ministers committed R1 billion which will flow to the Province from the National Department of Human Settlements. 

    The Department of Water and Sanitation will be assisting the affected municipalities with tankering of water to communities without water. The department has reprioritized R45 million to provide 80 freshwater tankers to the three affected municipalities. These water tankers will supplement the municipalities’ own water tankers, which they are currently using to provide water to communities without water.

    Community Schemes Ombud Service (CSOS) will contribute about R30 million of the balance of the retained surplus the 2020/21 financial year subject to approval by National Treasury.

    NHBRC will support the Province in conducting technical assessments to determine the extent of structural damage to homes. In addition, the NHBRC will reprioritise its operational budget to provide for Corporate Social Investment (CSI).

    An amount of R100 million from the Residential Rent Relief Grant will be reallocated to the disaster relief endeavours, subject to requisite approval processes.

    An amount of R150 million from the Residential Rent Relief Grant will be reallocated to the disaster relief endeavours, subject to requisite approval processes. NHFC will also contribute an additional R 2 million from their corporate social investment (CSI). This means that in total NHFC will contribute R 152 million. This entity will also avail its project management capacity for the rebuilding and reconstruction of houses in KZN.

    The auditor general’s office will work closely with departments to keep a close eye on the utilisation of the resources. The department of monitoring and evaluation will be working closely to monitor both the financial and the non-financial performance of the interventions.


    The mop-up operations and repair of damaged infrastructure have commenced in the affected areas across the province with the support of line function departments such as Transport. 

    These repairs and mop-up operations are crucial in efforts to restore access to communities so that our disaster management teams can gain access to the communities most affected.

    The inaccessibility of areas puts an additional strain to rescue efforts. 

    The National Ports Authority has been able to open an alternative route to the Durban Port, on Bayhead Road, for the transportation of essential items such as fuel and food. 


    Community halls are being used as a shelter for the hundreds of people that have been left destitute as a result of the floods. 

    Soup kitchens have been set up in partnership with sister departments and non-governmental organisations.

    As part of the intervention by the South African Social Services Agency, the value of the cash benefit has now been changed from R700 to R1980 for the disaster cases only where there has been a loss of all the belongings.

    Where there is a loss of life, this amount is doubled to the family being assisted.

    The value of a normal food voucher has also increased from R700 to R1200 as of the 13th April 2020


    The South African Weather Service has warned of inclement weather conditions in eThekwini, KwaDukuza, Mkhambathini, Ndwedwe, Ray Nkonyeni, uMdoni and uMzumbe today. 

    Residents in these areas are urged to exercise utmost caution as the heavy rains could trigger more floods and mudslides. 


    At least 58 healthcare facilities eThekwini, iLembe, Ugu, Umgungundlovu, and King Cetshwayo districts were severely affected by the floods – with most buildings suffering damage to their roof, floors and fencing.

    A higher number of trauma and emergency patients than usual has been experienced in hospital and clinics– particularly in the densely-populated districts.

    Due to the shortage of water and related sanitation challenges, environmental health practitioners are monitoring clinical statistics for early identification of any water-borne or diarrheal diseases.

    This includes the inspection of potable water that is being transported by tankers, and in halls where displaced members of the community are being housed.

    Damage to critical infrastructure such as roads, water and power supply systems continues to pose further challenges to the restoration of normal operations at some healthcare facilities.

     In the iLembe District health workers have been experiencing challenges travelling between work and home, and some had to sleep in facilities due to the damage on the roads.

     Arrangements to accommodate these staffers at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, St Mary’s Marrianhill, and Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital has been made.


    Assessments by disaster management teams is ongoing and once the assessment are concluded the total cost will be shared with the public.


    An account has been set up by the provincial government for those that might want to contribute towards relief efforts.

    Name : KZN Floods Disaster Account.


    Account number: 41 0383 1029

    Branch Code: 632005

     Issued by the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sipho Hlomuka


  • Media Statement: KZN Cogta MEC Hlomuka joins mourners in paying tribute to the late Inkosi Nxumalo

    27 March 2022

    The Nxumalo Traditional Community paid a moving tribute to their late Inkosi Mandlakayise Nxumalo during the funeral service that took place at Nazareth in the Alfred Duma local municipality today.

    The funeral, which was attended by the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Sipho Hlomuka, celebrated the life of Inkosi Nxumalo.

    Inkosi Nxumalo was a former teacher and a former member of the KZN Provincial Legislature.

    Speaking during the funeral, MEC Hlomuka hailed Inkosi as a servant leader who worked tirelessly in the interest of his community and knocked on all doors to ensure that services are brought to his community.

    He spearheaded the construction of early childhood facilities, agricultural and livestock programmes aimed at providing sustinance to his community.

    Our interactions with Inkosi Nxumalo have always been pleasant and all spheres of government always felt welcome when engaging with Inkosi on government services they planned to roll out.

    Our province has lost a leader who had a vital role within the institution of traditional leadership.

    His unfortunate passing leaves a gaping hole within the institution.

    Many younger amakhosi looked up to Inkosi Nxumalo who was a mentor to them.

    As a department we are lost for words and call upon law enforcement agencies to quickly apprehend those that are responsible for the assassination of Inkosi Nxumalo, who was killed by unknown gunmen on Tuesday, 22 March 2022.

    Traditional Leaders are a pillar within our communities.

    Efforts by those who seek to undermine this institution through attacks on amakhosi and izinduna will not succeed.

    The recent breakthroughs made by law enforcement in the arrest of suspects in the murders of Inkosi Biyela and Ibambabukhosi Zondi that took place last year, give us hope that law enforcement agencies are winning in the fight against lawlessness.

    The provincial government is continuing with efforts to address concerns raised by amakhosi and izinduna through closely working with law enforcement agencies.

    The funeral of Inkosi Nxumalo was attended by the Mayor of the Alfred Duma Local Municipality Cllr Sibisi, the Mayor of uMzinyathi District Cllr Ngubane and other dignitaries.

    Issued by the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sipho Hlomuka



    Ladysmith: This morning we learned with shock and sadness of the assassination of Inkosi Maxwell Mandlakayise Nxumalo (71), who resides in ward 32 Nazareth area under the Alfred Duma Local Municipality in the uThukela District Municipality.

    Inkosi was shot dead in the early hours of this morning.

    We wish to convey our heartfelt condolences to the family of Inkosi and the communities under the Nxumalo Traditional Council.

    We call upon law enforcement agencies to apprehend those that are responsible for this act of cowardice.

    The department of Cogta has been actively engaged with the issue of safety concerns raised by Amakhosi. We have been working together with law enforcement agencies and sister departments to come up with ways of dealing with concerns raised by amakhosi.

    We have also noted the work being done by law enforcement agencies to apprehend those that are responsible for the attacks on amakhosi and izinduna.

    The institution of traditional leadership within our province is resilient and will not be shaken by the challenges that have been thrust upon it.

    Issued by the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sipho Hlomuka
