


    MEC Hlomuka Remarks

    Honourable Chairperson and Members

    It is a great pleasure to be part of this important workshop where we present to our line function Portfolio Committee the KZN Provincial Water Master Plan – one of the most extensive research-based documents ever produced by this department and a document that is already being analysed and replicated in other provinces.

    The importance of this document matches the importance of its subject – the provision of water to communities and its sustainability in the short-, medium- and long-term in the wider context of KZN’s socio-economic development.

    It proudly encompasses water quality, water use efficiency, and inter-governmental co-operation. It sets ambitious targets for the provision of water as well as its protection and restoration of critical water ecosystems. This document also aims to address the many interlinked challenges our world is facing, particularly as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. Its contents are thus relevant to everyone.

    It is now clearly established that water is critical for poverty eradication and sustainable development. For example:

    • Unsustainable exploitation of water resources is among the biggest threats to the ecosystems which are so essential for food security and for the livelihoods of many

    • Water-related illnesses disproportionately affect poor people – and particularly poor children, and hundreds of millions of people worldwide

    • Without adequate water provision, working people may not be able to go to work and children may not attend school, and they all may therefore miss out on income and education, respectively, and

    • Women who must spend hours fetching water have less time for income-generating work and other important activities

    These are but a few example but they tell the whole story. Overall, water provision deficits make for poor health, lower school enrolments, and greater gender disparities. They have wide economic and social impacts. With the fundamental importance of water in its own right well established as well as its clear links to other drivers of development, a master plan for the provision of water in a province as diverse as KZN, really is a no-brainer. 

    The document before us today puts water, clearly and unequivocally, at the centre of our development policy. It also implies that there is genuine political will for the water policy agenda which has led to the formulation of such an important planning tool.

    To build on this momentum and drive, we pledge to implement this master plan in its entirety. To make this happen, we have already placed water – as is clear from our 2021/2022 Budget Policy Speech, at the heart of our development strategy, which in turn needs to be supported by all our partners, including this Portfolio Committee, and civil society. All of us here today have a role to play.

    To tackle challenges related to water successfully, integrated approaches which cut across departments and sectors are needed. Municipalities, as a separate sphere of government, need to be on board to address these issues, working holistically across institutional silos.

    The KZN Water Master Plan does indeed bring together stakeholders from different sectors and levels of government to co-ordinate the development and management of water resources in a more systematic manner than ever before. Its ultimate goal is to maximise economic and social welfare in an equitable manner, without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.

    Above all, the document before us demonstrates that accelerating progress on water under our developmental agenda is possible. It will require all of us working together, and a lot of innovation and ambition. I look forward to your reflections and proposals in the discussions on this document in the context of this important workshop today.

    I thank you!


    In line with his commitment to “make local government work better for communities” as pronounced in his Budget Policy Speech, Cogta MEC Sipho Hlomuka visited the uMngeni Local Municipality where he officially handed over infrastructure projects such as halls and roads. 

    This visit which took place on Thursday, 10 June, marked an important moment in the efforts made by the uMngeni Local Municipality to provide services to communities. 

    In the visit, MEC Hlomuka was joined by the Mayor of uMngeni Cllr Sizwe Sokhela, who led a delegation comprising of members of the Executive Committee. 

    Speaking during the handover of the Khanya Village Community Hall, which cost R8 million, MEC Hlomuka called upon the community to protect infrastructure which has been built by the municipality. “We are appealing for all of you as residents to use this community hall and ensure that it is never vandalised. This community hall enables the government to brings services closer such as mobile clinic and other services” said Hlomuka. 

    The MEC also opened the R8 million Mpophomeni Multi-purpose centre, in ward 11, which will provide opportunities for travelling Clinics, Medical Dr practice, Pension pay-outs, workshop, meetings and functions, which benefits the community. 

    The R4 million Ekuthuleni in ward 10, provides easy access to households who no longer have to deal with gravel roads. 



    Ladies and gentlemen of the media

    Thank you for availing yourselves for today’s media briefing.


    We are convening this engagement today to update you on the state of municipalities under administration in our province. We are doing so because we believe it is in the public interest to inform the public of the support we are providing to municipalities in various stages of distress. It is also important to outline the successes we have achieved in the context of these support measures as well as the challenges we have encountered during this exercise.

    We appreciate the role you play as members of the media in keeping the residents of KZN informed about the programmes we are managing as government. We also appreciate that you hold us accountable as members of the fourth estate.


    We are meeting with you as the country continues to manage the Covid-19 pandemic – the biggest health crisis we have faced in our lifetime. The oversight role we conduct as a department over the sphere of local government and the institution of traditional leadership gives us a unique insight into the impact Covid-19 continues to have on our communities. From that perspective, we add our voice to the calls addressed to all our communities to abide by the regulations as set out by the national government in terms of the Adjusted Level 2 Lockdown.

    Municipalities under administration

    There are currently 10 municipalities under administration – or under intervention in terms of Section 139 of the country’s Constitution. In practice, this means that we, as representatives of the Provincial Government, have temporarily taken over some executive functions in these municipalities to assist them, through our appointed administrators, to draft and implement wide-ranging turn-around plans to allow these municipalities return to stability so they can resume these executive functions as soon as possible.


    Among the successes of this intervention is fact that the previously vacant critical positions of the Municipal Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Director: Technical Services have now been filled. I cannot overstate the importance of filling of critical vacancies such as the ones at Mpofana. The fact that this municipality now has all hands on deck is the best prerequisite for its return to stability. The Council has also approved a revised municipal organogram on 20 August 2020. Similarly, the 2020/2021 Municipal Infrastructure Grant has been spent and INEP is at 100%.


    Among the successes of our intervention at Msunduzi is the fact that all of its oversight structures, including the Council itself and its Committees are functional and they are optimally executing their allocated responsibilities. This is no small achievement considering where we started with Msunduzi and the credit for it must go to our administrator in this municipality. The municipality’s Eskom debt, which was a significant challenge in the past, has now also been fully settled.

    We are also aware that the Municipality has enter into an agreement with Eskom in relations to the maintenance of its electricity grid. We view this development as an important which will hopefully solve the electricity challenges faced by this municipality.


    Among the successes of our intervention at uThukela is the fact that the previously vacant critical Senior Management positions are now filled. The municipality has also implemented consequence management against its errant senior managers, with its CFO and Director: Water Services, for example, currently undergoing disciplinary processes. The municipality has similarly identified its main costs-drivers which include overtime and stand-by, fleet and fuel costs, equipment hire as well as pump repairs and it has implemented cost-containment measures to curb this challenge.


    Among the successes of our intervention here is that fact that most historical creditors dating as far back as 2016 have now been paid up. Arrangements were also made with Eskom for a three-year payment plan. The municipality has fully honoured this commitment as the whole amount of R138-million has now been settled. Four out of the six senior management posts that were originally vacant are now also filled.


    Among the successes of our intervention in this district is the fact that its Council, Exco and all Portfolio Committees now sit regularly and process matters that they should be processing. Our Section 106 investigation is also currently being implemented. Matters with criminal elements have been referred to SAPS for processing. The Council has similarly written off R276 303 312 of its irregular expenditure as per the unaudited Annual Financial Statements submitted to the Auditor-General. The municipality’s grants, including EPWP and MIG, have been spent at 100%.


    Among the successes of our intervention here is the fact that the finance official who misappropriated funds from the municipal accounts has been disciplined and dismissed. The matter was also reported to the police. R3.5-million out of R3.9- million has been recovered.  The former official is now attending a criminal case. The municipality is currently approaching courts to secure the balance of the R400 000. Similarly, the MISA projects that are being implemented at eMondlo have been unblocked and are progressing well. The municipality’s old Eskom debt of R68- million was settled in December 2020 and its current Eskom account is up-to-date. Its creditors have been reduced to R8.2-million from R100-million.


    Among the successes of our intervention here is the fact that this municipality has approved a funded budget. This municipality has also spent all of its MIG funds as a result of this and it has since received additional funding of R5-million.        


    Among the successes of our intervention at this municipality is the fact that it has concluded implementing consequence management measures arising from several internal investigations and 15 employees, including middle and junior managers, have been dismissed pursuant to disciplinary processes. Unfortunately, one employee passed on before the finalisation of the disciplinary process. In addition, most grants at this municipality are being spent optimally.


    I regret to say that not much tangible progress has been recorded at uMkhanyakude district despite our best efforts during our intervention here. There is persistent political instability which is frequently collapsing Council meetings. The municipality is also and as a result of this unlikely to approve its budget before end of June 2021. Needless to say, the current institutional instability at uMkhanyakude is having a negative impact on service delivery, especially the municipality’s water provision. Water provision remains intermittent and unreliable, particularly at Mbazwana and Ingwavuma.


    The same, unfortunately, goes for Nquthu where almost no progress has been made despite our intensive support. The Executive Council recently reconsidered a report outlining challenges facing Nquthu and resolved to intervene in terms of Section 139(1)(b) on 26 May 2021. The reconsideration of the intervention was due to the fact that the Minister declined to approve earlier intervention.

    Our concerns with Nquthu include its failure to investigate unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure, with the municipality’s Municipal Public Accounts Committee being dysfunctional. Nquthu has also forged ahead with irregular appointments of senior managers despite resistance from Cogta and even from the judicial branch. It is among the 12 municipalities which have been flagged as distressed, despite our interventions that are being implemented in line with our Municipal Support Plans.


    One of the municipalities that had their intervention terminated is the Richmond Municipality, in which we assessed the progress that it made and were satisfied with the systems and measures that were put into place. This led to the Provincial Executive resolving to terminate the intervention in the municipality and this was done at the end of March this year.


    Among the remaining challenges in municipalities under interventions are issues such as political instability, unfunded budgets, irregular expenditure or vandalism causing damage to public infrastructure. All of these issues are being addressed and until they are resolved to our satisfaction, we will continue with our interventions in the relevant municipalities.


    The point I wish to drive home here today is that our municipalities as a whole will not be allowed to deteriorate any further under the watch of this Sixth Administration. As you can see, we are managing to turn the tide despite a huge amount of resistance from some of the municipalities we are trying to help. Despite these challenges, our focus remains on ensuring clean governance in all our municipalities even as we continue to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and mitigate its economic effects on our communities.

    As I conclude, I am confident that the next time I address you on the subject of these interventions, the overall reports from these municipalities will be even more positive.

    I thank you!



    Disaster Management teams across the province of KZN are continuing to closely monitor the inclement weather conditions that have brought snow in areas along the Drakensberg and heavy rains in the northern parts of the province. 

    Since Monday Disaster Management teams have responded to incidents in Nquthu where five houses collapsed as a result of the heavy snow that struck the area. Specialised graders had to be used to clear snow blocked roads in between Underberg and Kokstad. 

    This morning the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka together with the MEC for Public works and Human Settlements Jomo Sibiya visited the Abaqulusi Local Municipality where they officially launched the winter season disaster awareness campaign as the province continues to grapple with inclement weather conditions. 

    The launch took place in the rural village of eZibomvini, where MEC’s oversaw the installation of lightning conductors that will protect households within this village. The MEC’s also handed over a newly built borehole to the community.    

    Disaster Management teams on high alert

    The MEC for Cogta MEC Hlomuka has assured residents of the province that disaster management teams continue to be on high alert in anticipation of heavy rains that are expected in areas along the coast of the province today. 

    According to the latest advisory received by the department from the South African Weather Service, heavy rains can be expected in the Ugu, Ilembe, Ethekwini, Umgungundlovu, King Cetshwayo and the Harry Gwala District. 

    According to the Weather Service “The impact of the Disruptive rainfall is expected to result in flooding of roads and settlements (Formal and informal), Danger to life (fast-flowing streams/deep waters), Major Disruption of traffic flow due to major roads being flooded (N2) and possible damage to roads and bridges, and Disruption to essential services (Water, electricity, communication, schools, etc)”.

    MEC Hlomuka has warned residents and motorists residing in these areas to exercise extreme caution.



    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC Sipho Hlomuka has directed the Speaker of the Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality to investigate the allegations of assault that have been levelled again a councillor. 

    The MEC has expressed his concern at the allegations that two female councillors were assaulted by one of the councillors during a council sitting on Monday. 

    In line with the Councillors Code of Conduct, MEC Hlomuka has directed the Speaker of the Municipality to investigate this matter and provide him with a comprehensive report on this matter. 

    The MEC has also urged Councillors to be wary of the responsibility they carry as leaders within our communities.



    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) today announced before the councillors of the Nquthu local municipality the Provincial Government’s decision to place this municipality under administration in terms of Section 139(1)b of the Constitution.

    MEC Hlomuka met with the councillors today, in the parking area of the municipality following the actions by some certain councillors who locked the chamber which was booked to be the venue for the meeting. 

    The actions of these rogue elements within the council did not deter the MEC, who convened the meeting which was attended by ANC, DA and NFP councillors.

    Speaking to the Councillors MEC Hlomuka said “This decision is the culmination of Cogta’s previous efforts to address unresolved issues at Nquthu whose leadership and management have failed to ensure political and administrative stability for a long time which is now adversely affecting the operations of the municipality,”.

    The main reason behind the intervention is the failure of governance on the part of the Nquthu council, including several irregular appointments of senior officials with financial consequences for the municipality and the failure to adequately ensure that the control environment is improved in order to prevent maladministration.

    “Our disagreements with this council date back to 2017 when Nquthu irregularly appointed its Municipal Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Director: Planning and Development. These appointments were challenged in court where the municipality lost. Not only were these appointments irregular, they also resulted in irregular expenditure,” said Hlomuka.

    Similarly, the Nquthu council has in other instances failed to take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised and irregular expenditure. It has also failed to investigate such expenditure and hold management or any person accountable for causing such expenditure. Despite Cogta’s efforts, the municipality has been intransigent and uncooperative. 

    “In practice, this measure means that are intervening at Nquthu with the assistance of a ministerial representative who will prepare and implement a recovery plan aimed at resolving the many challenges facing this municipality and laying the foundations for a fresh start once this intervention is called off,” said Hlomuka.

    The intervention at Nquthu is a measure of last resort after all previous attempts by the Provincial Government to assist this municipality failed to yield the desired results. The Nquthu council’s cooperation with the intervention is in the best interest of the municipality’s residents who deserve proper service delivery.


    In his address to the councillors MEC Hlomuka announced that the department will be investigation the circumstances under which Councillors were harassed and thrown out of a council meeting, which took place last week.



    The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Sipho Hlomuka has called upon residents across the province to exercise extreme vigilance following the weather warning that was issued by the South African Weather Service which warned of inclement weather conditions expected to start today going into the weekend. 

    The inclement weather conditions are expected to bring significant snowfall over the Drakensberg Mountains and surrounding areas including Kokstad and Underberg. This could potentially lead to road closures and the risk of motorists being stranded due to poor weather conditions. 

    MEC Hlomuka has called upon residents to carefully plan their trips and to keep a close eye on the weather conditions. “We are appealing to all communities in the areas that are expected to receive significant snowfall to be vigilant and to postpone any unnecessary trips,” said Hlomuka. 

    The inclement weather conditions are expected to extend to the northern parts of the province where the risk of localised flooding will be high as a result of the disruptive rainfall which is expected from this morning going into the evening. 

    MEC Hlomuka has urged motorists and residents within the Mkhanyakude, eastern Zululand and eastern King Cetshwayo to exercise extreme caution, especially in low lying areas. 

    Disaster Management teams on alert across the province and will be keeping a close eye on major routes and areas that are prone to flooding. 



    Pietermaritzburg: KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka has welcomed the five-year sentence handed down by the Durban Specialised Commercial Crimes Court to a former municipal official who had defrauded the Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma local municipality of R1-million.

    Hlomuka believes the sentence handed down by the court will serve as a deterrent to anyone who might be thinking of abusing their position in local government for personal enrichment. The judgement bolsters the Provincial Governmen’ts view that any malfeasance by those who have been entrusted with the responsibility of serving our communities should never be tolerated.

    Hlomuka has also urged the law enforcement agencies to leave no stone unturned in their fight against corruption.  


  • Uhulumeni uhlinzeke R3, 1 billion oqondene nengqalasizinda yamanzi

    • Ukufakwa kwemali ezobhekana nezinselele ezichaziwe yi Provincial Water Master Plan (Uhlelo Lwesifundazwe Lokuhlinzeka Amanzi)

    Umnyango Wokubusa Ngokubambisana Nezomdabu ngaphansi kobuholi buka Mnu Hlomuka ukuthakasele ukufakwa kwesamba sika R3,1 billion esizoqondana nokwenziwa ngcono kwengqalasizinda yamanzi komasipala besifundazwe njengalokhu kuchaziwe yiProvincial Water Master Plan.

    Lokhu kumenyezelwe nguMnu Hlomuka ngoLwesihlanu mhla ka 21 kuNhlaba ngesikhathi ethula inkulumo yesabelomali eSishayamthetho saKwaZulu Natal.

    Ukwabiwa kwalesi samba kumi kanje:

    • Eyokuxhasa ingqalasizinda yomasipala (Municipal Infrastructure Grant) R1,3 billion
    • Eyokuxhasa ingqalasizinda yamanzi (Water Service Infrastructure Grant) R887 million
    • Eyokuxhasa Izifunda (Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant) R300 million
    • Eyokuqalisa uhlelo lwesifundazwe lwamanzi (KZN Provincial Water Master Plan) phansi ko Mngeni Water – R653 million

    UNgqongqoshe uHlomuka ukholwa wukuthi lezi zabelo zizohlinzeka imali edingekayo kakhulu yokubhekana nokusilela emuva kwengqalasizinda yezamanzi esifundazweni njengamanje okulinganiselwa ku R11 billion.

    Umnyango usulethe izinguquko eziningi kwinqubo yokusetshenziswa kwemali yoxhaso , phakathi kwazo okubalwa iziphakamiso:

    • Ukuchibiyela indlela yokwabiwa koxhaso lwengqalasizinda yomasipala (MIG) ukuze ivune uhlelo lwamanzi nokukhucululwa kwetshe lentaba, yimigwaqo yomphakathi  nokuthuthwa kwemfucuza nezindawo zamathuna ngokuqonda ukuthi lokho kusho ukwehliswa kwezabelo eziqondene neminye imisebenzi;
    • Ukumiswa komkhuba “wokuvala” isabelo sokuxhasa ingqalasizinda kamasipala (MIG) ngenxa yokwahluleka komasipala ukusebenza bese kuthi lesosabelomali sidluliselwe kolunye uhlelo lomsebenzi ukuze kungashayeki umphakathi okumele usizakale; kanye
    • Nokubeka eqhulwini ingqalasizinda engasasebenzi nasezindaweni lapho lungekho uhlelo lokuphakela amanzi.

    Uhlelo Lwamanzi Lwesifundazwe iKwaZulu Natal olusanda kuphothulwa nolunikeza isithombe kabanzi ngesimo samanzi esifundazweni, lugqamisa ukubaluleka kokuba kuqhutshekwe nokutshala imali kwingqalasizinda entsha yamanzi kuso sonke isifundazwe.

    Kule nkulumo yesabelomali uNgqongqoshe uHlomuka umemezele ukuthi umnyango uzotshala futhi uR33 million ozoqondana nezimo zokungenelela eziphuthumayo kwezamanzi kuso sonke isifundazwe okuhloswe ngazo ukwenza ngcono ukuthola amanzi komphakathi namabhizinisi.



    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Sipho Hlomuka today assigned a team of senior officials to table before the Abaqulusi council a report on the forensic investigation conducted by the department. The investigation focused on allegations of fraud, corruption, maladministration and statutory non-compliance in terms of Section 106(1)(b) of the Municipal Systems Act.

    The report makes findings of maladministration as well as irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure caused by irregular appointment of officials within the municipality. The report also recommends disciplinary proceedings to be initiated against those who are implicated in the findings.

    The municipality has been given 21 days within which to table the report before full council, deal with specific details contained in the report and thereafter report to the MEC for Cogta on the remedial actions. The tabling of this report is yet another strong indication of MEC Hlomuka’s commitment to dealing with allegations of wrongdoing in municipalities.

    The department continues to use all available instruments to enforce accountability within the sphere of local government within the province of KZN.
