

  • Financial pressures faced by government explained in meeting between Amakhosi and KZN COGTA MEC

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube has thanked amakhosi in the province for the crucial role they play in providing leadership and guidance to millions of people within KZN’s traditional areas.

    The MEC met with amakhosi in Durban today where deliberations were made on pertinent issues affecting the institution of traditional leadership within the province. Key amongst these were the financial pressures felt in the department by the obligation of remunerating izinduna.

    “Currently, 95% of R572-million allocated to Cogta’s Traditional Affairs Branch goes towards paying salaries for izinduna, Secretaries of Traditional Councils and employees that support amakhosi. The bulk, which is over R300- million, goes towards izinduna,” said Dube-Ncube.

    “The remaining monies are utilised to support the various TC’s in the many districts across the province. This means that there are limited resources that government has at its disposal to support the institution of traditional leadership within the province,” continued Dube-Ncube.

    Other issues that were raised by amakhosi were in relation to the medical aid, which is an issue that government has been proactive in pursuing and currently amakhosi are able to join the Government Employees’ Medical Scheme (GEMS).

    Dube-Ncube further commended amakhosi within the province for the significant role they play as facilitators of development in their communities. “We take great pride in the hard work done by amakhosi, as custodians of all our traditions and customs,” said Dube-Ncube.

    For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220


    Date: 19 September 2018



  • KZN COGTA leads the way country-wide in municipal capacity building

    KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) is hosting representatives of the country’s eight other provinces who have shown interest in KZN’s exemplary municipal capacity building strategy. The department has authored a comprehensive strategy for enhancing the political and administrative capacity of municipalities that has since been labeled as national best practice.

    “It is an honour to lead the way in such an important field as capacity building and we are humbled that we are doing something other provinces consider worth replicating. Our municipal capacity building strategy is rooted in our hands-on experience of dealing with day-to-day challenges faced by municipal councilors and officials in the execution of their mandate,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Nomusa Dube-Ncube.

    While drafting its municipal capacity building strategy, KZN Cogta recognized that over time a great deal of resources had been invested into strengthening the capacity of municipalities yet some municipalities had continued to perform below the expected standard. In some cases, there has been competition between stakeholders in implementing very similar projects.  

    “It has been noted in certain instances that training programmes and workshops for municipal office bearers and officials target the same beneficiaries at the same time leading to the duplication of the scarce resources. Training is often equated to capacity building. While training is part of capacity building, training on its own may not strengthen the capacity of a municipality,” said Dube-Ncube.

    KZN Cogta has therefore looked at capacity building in its entirety, considering the appointment of adequately skilled personnel and pay attention to the institutional capability by ensuring that there are adequate resources such as human resources, equipment, vehicles, policies and organisational structures that are aligned to the Integrated Development Plans as well as the powers and functions of municipalities.

    “It is this all-encompassing nature of our municipal capacity building strategy that has made it attractive to our counterparts in other provinces who are now drawing on our experience in devising their own capacity building strategies that are tailor-made to their unique circumstances. It is only when all provinces work optimally, we will see wholesale change in municipalities country-wide,” said Dube-Ncube.

    For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220




  • MEC Dube-Ncube reads riot act to Mooi-Mpofana councillors and staff

    Shape this municipality up or be prepared for dire consequences – that was a blunt message by KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube to councilors at Mooi-Mpofana municipality.

    Dube-Ncube held an urgent meeting with the Mooi-Mpofana council in response to numerous challenges this municipality is facing, one of them being the signs of instability, poor oversight and administrative inefficiencies which is already threatened to switch off the lights if the municipality does not pay up Eskom.

    MEC Dube-Ncube told councillors it cannot be business as usual. Drastic action needs to be taken to alleviate the woes of the municipality. “The municipality is having serious cash flow problems because of its incapacity to collect revenue and not tightly enforcing cost cutting measures. I urge all councillor to go out door to door, educating the community about the significance of paying for services. The community need to be made aware of their responsibility to pay for municipal services and the consequences of being switched off for non-payment”; said Dube-Ncube.

    “I am here to say to you colleagues, enough is enough.  We have experienced difficulties with this municipality, with effect from today things must be done differently. We are not going to succeed in convincing investors to come to this municipality if the negative perception continues at this municipality. This picture of instability and lack of respect for the rule of law painted about this municipality must be corrected.  This is a public institution and no one can be allowed to just cease its operations and preventing it from serving the community. We have one Constitution and law that everyone must respect”, said MEC Dube-Ncube

    Dube-Ncube reiterated her call to the municipality to have no mercy with any resident, business or government departments that are not paying for services. She said this would send a clear message out there that there is nothing for free.  Dube-Ncube instructed the council to cut to the bone certain unnecessary expenditures and save money for critical developmental initiatives.

    Dube-Ncube appealed to investors to consider the Mooi-Mpofana municipality as a strategic area of investment because of its strategic location as a gateway that connects key economic hubs of the country.



  • KZN COGTA demands municipal accountability even if it means taking them to court

    KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) insists upon full municipal accountability for all actions and decisions taken by municipal councils and officials even if this, on occasion, leads to the department taking legal action against municipalities as has recently been the case with Mthonjaneni, Nquthu, Msinga and Nkandla municipalities.

    “Our record in enforcing accountability from municipal councils and officials demonstrates that we will do whatever it takes to hold people and institutions to account. Sometimes this means resorting to court action. It is, of course, not a preferred course of action but rather a measure of last resort when all other avenues have been exhausted,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Nomusa Dube-Ncube.

    KZN Cogta has recently resorted to courts to enforce various employment regulations in municipalities. Mthonjaneni and Nkandla, for instance, have been taken to court to challenge the appointments of municipal managers on the basis of insufficient qualifications. Similarly, Nquthu and Msinga have been sued for illegal renewals of contracts of senior managers.

    “It must be pointed out that all our court cases against municipalities are in defence of regulations by which all municipalities are expected to abide, such as minimum qualifications requirements for municipal managers. We always try to reason with municipalities before we resort to courts. Sometimes the latter is the only option,” said Dube-Ncube.



  • MEC Dube-Ncube delivers message of support at SATN Conference

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube has today delivered an enthusiastic message of support at the two-day SATN conference in Durban where some 300 delegates from across the country are discussing the role of universities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is an important discussion the government wants to be part of as it prepares for a future in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
    “The Fourth Industrial Revolution is no longer an academic subject but a reality. Today, university students are able to attend lectures from any part of the world via their smart gadgets. Such has been the scale and scope brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution that disruptive digital technologies and trends are changing the way we live and work,” said Dube-Ncube.
    The MEC has noted that whilst these changes are bringing a lot of anxiety, they are also bringing a lot of excitement. The key feature of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, according to Dube-Ncube, is what is called “creative destruction”, in which old ways of doing things are destroyed and replaced by more modern, efficient, and usually digitised solutions.
    “Globally, countries are being challenged to respond to the opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Advanced technologies, such as automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing, and autonomous vehicles will demand analytical and social skills, such as persuasion, emotional and social intelligence, and will demand creativity and adaptability,” said Dube-Ncube.
    This, as Dube-Ncube pointed out, calls on our universities and the education sector to modernise our training methods and develop skills that will ensure that we prepare the next generation with the right tools for success in jobs and skills that are adaptable for the future. The South African government is enthusiastically supportive of these developments.
    “Our universities need to modernise the content and curricula they give in their lecture halls. The content and teaching methodology has to be relevant to the real life situations of students in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As government, we are aware of these demands and we are determined to facilitate the necessary change,” said Dube-Ncube.



  • MEC Dube-Ncube welcomes initiative by Standard Bank which will see furniture being donated to schools in eThekwini

    The MEC for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Ms Nomusa Dube-Ncube, as the political Champion of the eThekwini Metro under Operation Sukuma Sakhe has welcomed the donation by Standard Bank of furniture to previously disadvantaged schools in the eThekwini Metro.

    MEC Dube-Ncube today visited the provincial offices of Standard for the hand over of the furniture which includes, tables, chairs, sofas, cupboards and projection screens.

    Dube-Ncube believes that this initiative is an excellent example of what is possible when government and private sector companies work together. “We are happy with the impact that this initiative is going to have on our school who are often under resourced as a result of governments limited resources because of the economic downturn” said Dube-Ncube.


  • KZNCOGTA announces support intervention in uThukela District

    “We are very happy with the political and administrative stability in this municipality, our only concern is the revenue collection management which has compromised the financial position of the uThukela District Municipality”.  These were the opening words by KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Nomusa Dube-Ncube, as she announced a section section 139(1)(b) intervention into the affairs of uThukela District Municipality.

     Dube-Ncube addressed the full council of uThukela District Municipality where she emphasised the role of the province and national government which is to support municipality.  This intervention must be understood within the context of assisting this council to improve its treasury capacity.  We are happy about the stability that exists at a leadership level. This support intervention is intended to help this council improve good governance, sound financial management and organisational capability.

     “The level of performance in the financial area is below our expectations and we are concerned about the impact of this on service delivery. It is these pressing challenges that have necessitated this intervention and it is the only way we can be able to support because it is obvious this municipality will not be able to navigate these challenges on its own,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Nomusa Dube-Ncube.

     The recent audit opinion report by the Auditor-General as well as the financial liquidity state of this municipality is among the reasons that brought the urgency of this intervention.

     “We want to help you improve the financial management controls and processes which have led to non-compliance, compounded by rapidly depleting cash reserves which limit expansion and development and thus impeding crucial service delivery at uThukela,” said Dube-Ncube.

     “We must also undertake a campaign to engage the community to pay for municipal services as this is among the major causes of financial distress in this municipality.

    During this intervention we will improve the functioning of oversight committees such as the Municipal Public Accounts Committee and others and ensure that they are  adequately resourced to perfom their functions. The same goes for uThukela’ Audit Committee” said Dube-Ncube.

     “We also want to address issues related to labour disputes and community protests. We also want to implement consequence management to those employees who are involve in sabotaging municipal infrastructure and service delivery leading to water disruption and negative impact on the local economy” said Dube-Ncube.

     This intervention must be viewed as a measure to support and develop a recovery plan that will help this municipality emerge from the current challenges it is facing.

     Going forward, KZN Cogta is therefore assuming uThukela council’s executive functions related to financial management; the functions specified in sections 51, 66 and 67 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act and the Water Services Authority function of the municipality. The department is also appointing a Ministerial Representative to prepare and implement a recovery plan for the municipality.

    “Our representative will similarly ensure implementation of findings arising from any investigations into fraud or maladministration or corruption and to initiate new investigations where necessary and ensure implementation of all projects undertaken by the municipality, including unblocking projects that have stalled,” said Dube-Ncube.

     Dube-Ncube introduced Mr Ayanda Makhanya as the Administrator.  Mr Makhanya is a seasoned local government expert and legal guru who has served in various senior position in municipalities in various provinces.

    Dube-Ncube urged all councillors, staff and stakeholders to give the Administrator the support and for everyone to work together to turn the situation around.



    The Mandela Day Marathon Organising Committee has applauded the winners and supporters of this year’s race whose main 42.2km discipline today once again covered the iconic route between Edendale and the Mandela Capture Site outside Howick for the seventh time.

    The Mandela Day Marathon Organising Committee comprises representatives of KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) and uMgungundlovu District Municipality who have jointly co-organised the race since its inception in 2012.

    “Some 24 000 registered runners have ‘run the legacy’ in various disciplines during Nelson Mandela’s centenary year, creating a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience for everyone present. The human spirit has once again triumphed,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Nomusa Dube-Ncube.

    The winners of the main 42.2km race are Sintayehu Legese Yinesu (Ethiopia) in the men’s category and Loice Jebet (Kenya) in the women’s category. The winners of the 21.1km race are Bernard Bii (Kenya) in the men’s category and Mamorallo Tjoka (Lesotho) in the women’s category.

    The second and third in the main 42.2km race are Mabuthile Lebopo (Lesotho) and Mark Oyugu (Kenya), respectively, in the men’s race and Selam Abere Alebachew (Ethiopia) and Tsega   Galani Reta  (South Africa), respectively, in the women’s race.

    “The Mandela Day Marathon has again demonstrated our capacity to organise world-class sporting events that not only bring people together for a common purpose but also provide much needed economic opportunities for our communities and municipalities in KZN,” said Dube-Ncube.

    The annual Mandela Day Marathon aims to celebrate and preserve the legacy of the late former President Nelson Mandela but also provide business and jobs for the local communities in the uMgungundlovu district. The marathon is also helping to market KZN as a tourist and investment destination.

    “Our cheers go to all winners and participants of this year’s marathon. As exciting as it is to win a sporting event of this nature, the best experience is to participate. We also applaud all visitors who have come to cheer these athletes,” said uMgungundlovu district Mayor Cllr Thobekile Maphumulo.

    The seventh edition of the Mandela Day Marathon has exceeded all expectations in terms of participants’ numbers and facilities available to athletes and observers. The 2017 marathon has also benefited from the multi-year R6-million sponsorship deal with ABSA which was entered into last year.

    Results of other races are available at

    For more information please contact: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403 or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220

    Date: 26 August 2018



  • State of readiness for the Mandela Day Marathon





    Ladies and gentlemen of the media

    Thank you for availing yourself for today’s final media briefing on the 2018 Mandela Day Marathon.

    With only a few days before the start of the Marathon, we are confidently entering what in sports lingo is called a home stretch.

    Today’s media briefing has been called to provide a progress report on the state of readiness for this year’s race, including the logistical arrangements for athletes and other participants.

    We have 24,000 registered runners for the 2018 marathon which makes this year’s event the biggest yet. We would like to thank all of them for heeding our advice and registering before the deadline for registrations which was 31 July 2018. This has allowed us enough time for the actual logistical preparations for the race.

    This year, as you know, is Madiba’s centenary year and the race thus assumes that special aura of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to run a race of this importance. This race will have a unique atmosphere that simply cannot be replicated. Make the best of it – either as a runner or a spectator.

    Athletes can check their registration details and collect their packs and numbers in Durban today, 22 August, at Moses Mabhida Stadium between 10:00am and 07:00pm and in Pietermaritzburg this Friday, 24 August, at PMB YMCA Sports Hall between 10:00am and 07:00pm and also this Saturday, 25 August, at the same venue between 09:00am and 05:00pm. Athletes are also encouraged to follow text message updates on the race sent to their mobiles.

    The main 42.2km race will be run on Sunday, 26 August, starting at 06:00am and finishing at 12h00 midday which is a 6 hour cut-off. The 21.1km race will also be run on Sunday, 26 August, starting at 05:30am and finishing at 08:30am which is a 3 hour cut-off. The 10km race will be run on the same day, 26 August, starting at 05:30am and finishing at 07:30am which is a 2 hour cut-off.

    Parking for athletes and visitors will be available at all start venues. Everyone is advised to drive to start venues and park their vehicles there. Roads will close 30 minutes before races start. There will be no shuttles from the Capture Site to the Start before the race due to a full road closure. Athletes will be shuttled back to starting points after the race.

    From our organisers’ perspective, we can report that our main sponsor – ABSA – is on board and excited to participate. The same goes for KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and uMgungundlovu District Municipality as the two co-organisers of the event.

    We would like to conclude with a firm assurance that we are aiming for a fitting celebration of Madiba’s centenary through this year’s marathon and we all are absolutely committed to ensuring that this is the experience you will all take away from this race either as runners or spectators.

    I thank you!

  • MEC Dube-Ncube releases damning former eZinqoleni forensic report to the new Ray Nkonyeni Council

    The KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) has, in the spirit of openness and transparency which guides its general oversight over the province’s municipalities, today presented before a full municipal council of Ray Nkonyeni, its report on the forensic investigation it conducted into irregular expenditure at the former Ezinqoleni municipality.

     KZN Cogta initiated the forensic investigation into allegations involving R35-million worth of irregular expenditure incurred through alleged acts of misconduct by senior managers during the merger of Ezinqoleni municipality and the Hibiscus Coast municipality in August last year.  The investigation was initiated at the request of Ray Nkonyeni Municipality, who is a successor in title to former Ezinqoleni after the auditor-general had picked up that money had been spent irregularly.  It is alleged that the R35million was spent in just one month before the municipal systems were consolidated and the two municipalities merged as per the recommendation of the Municipal Demarcations Board.

     Investigations revealed that various projects including community halls and the appointment of service providers were in violation of supply chain management processes and non-compliant with legal requirements. This according to the report resulted into the irregular expenditure, irregular awarding tenders and inflated costs which financially prejudiced the citizens of the merged Ray Nkonyeni Municipality.

    The investigations has since recommended a slew of charges including criminal, disciplinary measures and civil recoveries against the staff members of former Ezinqoleni Municipality who are now in the employ of the Ray Nkonyeni Municipality.  Those who have since left should be charged criminally and civil recoveries considered

    These include former Senior Executives in administration, top officials and staff in the supply chain management unit. Further to that the Municipal Council will have to consider if any Councillors contravened Councillors’ Code of Conduct in terms of Schedule 1 of the Municipal Systems Act. It is also recommended that as provided for by the Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act, the report should be reported to South African Police Services

    “We urge the Ray Nkonyeni Municipality as a successor in title to expeditiously attend to the contents and recommendations of the report and as such we are giving the council an opportunity to report to us within 21 days informing us of their plan of action to implement the findings and recommendations contained in the report” said Dube-Ncube.

     “We commend the Ray Nkpnyeni Municipal Council for initiating this investigation with the support of Cogta.  It indeed a breath of fresh air and a commitment to clean and transparent government and implementing consequence management for wrong doing”; said Dube-Ncube.

     “Today’s tabling of this important forensic report is the culmination of hard work by KZN Cogta which continuously ensures that all wrongdoing in municipalities is investigated without fear or favour by an independent party. This makes today a big day for openness and transparency at the former Ezinqoleni municipality,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Nomusa Dube-Ncube.

     “We are committed to investigating all instances of wrongdoing, including fraud and corruption, in municipalities that are brought to our attention. The department conducts a multitude of investigations simultaneously and reports on the progress of all ongoing investigations to the Provincial Legislature on a regular basis,” said Dube-Ncube.
