

  • Cogta urges caution as heavy rains hit parts of the province

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube has called upon residents of the province to be cautious as inclement weather conditions persist.

    Dube-Ncube’s call is made as the province continues to experience heavy rains which are expected to last until the weekend. “Our reports indicate that the heavy rains that have hit the Midlands, Northern and Eastern parts of the Province can possibly lead to localised flooding in low-lying areas. We therefore urge our communities to be cautious and not cross low-lying bridges. Parents are urged to ensure that children going to school take safe routes”.

    “Those who are travelling are urged to exercise extreme caution as the roads are slippery. Our disaster management teams are monitoring all routes and areas that are susceptible to floods,” said Dube-Ncube.

    Municipalities stand ready to provide shelter for those who are at risk of localised flooding. So far there have not been any incidents reported but the department is keeping a watchful eye on developments.

    For more information contact KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220



  • Cogta welcomes declaration of national drought disaster

    KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) has broadly welcomed today’s declaration of drought experienced across several provinces in South Africa as a national state of disaster by Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize.

    “This is a fair assessment of situation in KZN which was the first province to be affected by severe drought in 2014 and where, despite some improvement due to strict water supply management and water conservation efforts by municipalities, dam levels remain low,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Nomusa Dube-Ncube.

    The national Minister of Cogta has the legal authority in terms of the Disaster Management Act of 2002 to declare a national state of disaster when circumstances in several provinces simultaneously warrant it. Today’s declaration of national disaster is in line with section 27(1) of the Act.

    “We expect today’s declaration of national disaster to bolster the arrangements that have already been put in place in KZN by the provincial and local governments. We also expect to benefit from national contingency arrangements and additional relief funding for drought-stricken areas,” said Dube-Ncube.

    For its part, KZN Cogta will continue to mobilise resources, both technical and financial, to alleviate drought conditions in the province. The department will also continue to appeal to municipalities, in conjunction with the private sector, NGOs and communities, to implement water conservation measures.

    “We are also thinking long-term and implementing far-reaching solutions, such as water-harvesting and desalination, that will augment KZN’s future drought resilience in the face of climate change. Drought is here to stay and we as consumers of water services have to find ways to adjust,” said Dube-Ncube.

    For more information, contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403

    Date: 13 March 2018


  • Major campaign launched to recover R13.1-billion in municipal debt

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube  on Friday, 9 March, together with KZN Mayors in eDumbe (Paulpietersburg) municipality launched a massive campaign to recover debts owed by businesses and consumers to the province’s municipalities.

    The financial viability of municipalities is being threatened by the failure of stakeholders to honour their civic duties which enable municipalities to keep their services going.

    Municipalities, such as eDumbe and four others in KZN, have recently been threatened with disconnections by Eskom due to non-payment which arises from the fact that businesses and consumers are perennially defaulting on their payments for services.

    This state of affairs in having a negative impact on municipalities’ ability to maintain their existing infrastructure and install new facilities due to the persistent deficit in revenue collection.

    The “#Your Levies Change Lives Campaign” will see defaulters, whether in business or the state, being visited by dignitaries with a demand for outstanding payments owed to municipalities.

    The campaign involved road blocks, disconnections and engagements with communities. Some of the focus was also placed on government debts, including debts owed to municipalities by government departments, state employees, councillors etc.

    Based on the audited financial results, municipalities in KZN are collectively owed R13.1-billion which can be broken down as follows:

    · Household debts = R7.9-billion (60.43%);

    · Commercial debts (debt owed by businesses) = R3.5-billion (26.8%);

    · Government debts = R735-million (5.6%); and

    · Other debts (such as traffic fines) = 413-million (3.15%).

    For more information contact KZN Cogta Spokesperson Lennox Mabaso on 0828842403 0r Msawakhe Mayisela on 0609664220


  • KZN: Radical Economic Transformation will be key in ensuring economic liberation

    The radical economic transformation programme will be central in ensuring economic freedom for millions of people in KwaZulu-Natal. Today, KwaZulu-Natal Premier Willies Mchunu presented the State of the Province Address, an event which was attended by the former President of the Republic of South Africa Jacob Zuma.

    In his address, Mchunu acknowledged that it has been difficult to grow an inclusive economy and to create jobs within the context of slow international and national economic growth.

    “We are however still on track to achieve our 2020 economic targets as measured against a 1% growth trajectory and our aim is to work ourselves to a 3% growth trajectory as soon as possible. We currently have 2.536 million people in employment and we have created more than 100 000 jobs over the last year. More will have to be done to address unemployment and in particular youth unemployment which now stands at 38.6%.”

    Mchunu further pointed out: “ We understand that inclusive, expanded and sustained economic output is a fundamental driver for job creation and shared economic growth. In this regard we remain unwavering on Radical Economic Transformation.  There must therefore be a focus on the key drivers and sectors of the economy of KZN and increasing access to new entrants in a manner that will create employment.”

    In the 2017 State of the Province Address, Mchunu committed the provincial government to improving the ease of doing business in KZN.  We are pleased to report that the Invest SAKwaZulu-Natal One Stop Shop was officially opened by our former President, Mr J G Zuma on 18 November 2017.

    This initiative, managed by Trade and Investment KZN, was established through our engagement with our business partners and the KwaZulu-Natal Growth Coalition. This facility offers prospective investors a wide range of support services such as company registration, tax clearance, visa applications and all business registration requirements

    Within the context of our Province and given the existing trends in global and national markets, Mchunu stressed that the focus of his government is in the short term, on agriculture, manufacturing and tourism. These sectors have been identified based on their potential to rapidly grow our economy and creating much needed employment.

    “Our agricultural sector has gone through challenging times with unintended consequences of poor land reform implementation and the recent drought. Prospects in this sector are none the less looking much better. The Agriparks Programme, which is rolled out in our Province in collaboration with the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform is aimed at facilitating the participation of black people in production and agro-processing value chains beyond the farm gate.”

    “In the year ahead we will strengthen the agriculture sector by expanding its strong linkages with the manufacturing sector and refocussing our Agri-Village Programme. We will convene an Agricultural Summit in 2018 to involve all stakeholders in this sector to identify challenges and seek solutions on how best to support our emerging farmers to use their land productively, growing a shared economy, creating employment and securing food for the nation.”

    Mchunu was quick in emphasizing radical intervention in order to fast-track the entry of people from previously disadvantaged communities into the mainstream economy.

    “We are aware that impediments to competition and high entry barriers impose structural constraints on inclusive growth and these are extremely challenging for new entrants to the mainstream economy. Many of these obstructions to a shared economy will require a “radical” intervention from government to open up new opportunities without stifling the growth.

    “We are confident that we will achieve positive outcomes through the Radical Economic Transformation Programme in 2018, focussing on our Operation Vula, which includes inter alia the Radical Agrarian Socio-Economic Transformation (RASET) and the Black Industrialist Programmes.”

    He further pointed out that the manufacturing sector remains the bedrock of our economy and its ability to sustain and create new employment opportunities are well known. With the upswing in global markets, this sector can achieve our ambition to become an African hub for local beneficiation and the export of value added products.

    “We are encouraged by the progress our Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have made at Dube Tradeport and in Richards Bay, and we will expand this model to other industrial hubs throughout the Province. This requires a collective effort to ensure that we have appropriately zoned and serviced land readily available to attract new investors in the manufacturing sector.”

    “On the tourism front we have experienced phenomenal growth with King Shaka International Airport’s (KSIA) annual passenger throughput having increased by more than 1 million since the opening of the Airport in 2010. Over this period international passenger numbers have increased by 90%. KSIA registered an overall passenger growth of 6.4% in 2017, the highest among all South African Airports.”

    KZN hosted the World Economic Forum on Africa in May 2017. This event attracted 800 of the largest companies in Africa as well as global Fortune 500 businesses and provided an unrivalled opportunity to showcase investment and collaboration opportunities in the Province.

    “We are excited about prospects of growing a shared economy in our tourism sector through strong public, private collaboration in building the required tourism infrastructure, to create an environment where local and foreign visitors would love to work, live and play,” Mchunu quipped.

    “We need to attract investment to gradually develop low-end tourism destinations in rural areas and the periphery where the majority of our population live. We must move beyond the point from where our communities are mere observers in the tourismsector, to where they can become active participants and true tourism ambassadors for our Country and Province.”

    “We will further support developments in our Blue- and Green Economies to ensure that we build on the gains we have made. We were honoured by our former President, Mr J G Zuma hosting the Presidential Stakeholder Engagement in our Province on 6 October 2017, for him to be briefed on the progress made with the nationwide implementation of Operation Phakisa. The fact that the boatbuilding industry is now partly revived in the Port of Durban and that our Tugs are now built here, is proof that we are making progress. The Provincial Maritime Incubator Programme is now established and provides much needed business training, mentorship, guidance and business support, targeting previously disadvantaged individuals, women and youth.”

    “Our SMME and cooperative development and support programmes provide the mainstay of our quest for entrepreneurship development to broaden participation in a growing economy. Partnership agreements have been concluded with tertiary institutions in the Province to provide much needed business development training and incubator support.”

    “In times of poor economic performance and sluggish employment creation, with rising unemployment, government cannot be a passive observer. Government has an important role to play in the manner that it procures and renders services. The Expanded Public Works Programme and other government-led job creation programmes provide an important bridging opportunity for new entrants to the labour market.”

    These programmes provide experiential work opportunities for in-service training to enable members of marginalised communities, in particular women and the youth, to prepare themselves for real, meaningful and sustainable employment.

    “Over the last year we created more than 41 000 full time equivalent jobs and 166 000 work opportunities through these Programmes and we aim to increase this by at least a further 10% by 2020,” Mchunu revealed.

  • COGTA to crack whip on Municipalities as Clean Audits Regress

    KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) has vowed to ensure harsh consequences for poorly performing municipalities as the number of clean audits for 2016/2017 in KZN has regressed to seven from eleven in the previous financial cycle.
    “The audit outcomes for 53 municipalities for 2016/2017 include: seven unqualified audits with no findings – that is clean audits; 33 unqualified audits with findings; ten qualified audits; two adverse audit opinions; and one audit disclaimer,” said KZN MEC for Cogta Nomusa Dube-Ncube.
    KZN Cogta has also acknowledged one outstanding audit opinion for Inkosi Langalibalele municipality which did not submit its annual financial statements on time. The department has already intervened in this municipality in terms of section 139(1)b of the Constitution and a recovery plan is in place.
    “KZN municipalities that maintained their clean audits in 2016/2017 and therefore deserve a round of applause for their consistently hard work are Umzumbe, uMuziwabantu, Okhahlamba, King Cetshwayo district, uMhlathuze and uMhlabuyalingana. All of them have made us proud,” said Dube-Ncube.
    The root causes of the negative audit outcomes in 13 municipalities include slow response to improving key internal controls by senior management and the political leadership, inadequate consequences for poor performance, and vacancies in key management positions in municipalities.
    “We are introducing a radical audit outcome strategy going forward. We vow to ensure that disciplinary actions are taken and that no salary increments or performance bonuses are paid to officials of municipalities which achieved poor audit outcomes or their councillors,” said Dube-Ncube.
    KZN Cogta has already demonstrated that it is not afraid to intervene in poorly performing municipalities when this is necessary. The department now wants to see harsh consequences for non-performance and as it continues to provide hands-on support, it will also be asking all mayors to lead from the front.
    For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220.
  • Cogta mourns passing of uMhlathuze Speaker Mfundo Mthenjane

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube has expressed her sadness and shock at the passing of Councillor Mfundo Mthenjane who served as the Speaker of the uMhlathuze local municipality in Richards Bay, Northern KwaZulu-Natal.

    Mthenjane a well-known community activist with a prolific record in the struggle and community development passed away yesterday after a short illness.

    “Today as the local government fraternity in KwaZulu-Natal, we mourn the loss of a champion of community development, whose work and contribution has given hope and reality of freedom to many communities in uMhlathuze.  We are saddened by the loss of Speaker Mthenjane who passed away after a short illness. His tragic passing is a blow to the City of uMhlathuze whose rapid development he had pioneered throughout his career in the public service. History will indeed remember councillor Mthenjane as a gifted leader, a patriot and a true servant of the people especially in the Esikhaleni area where he honed his leadership acumen,” said Dube-Ncube.

    KZN Cogta has also been highly appreciative of the way Speaker Mthenjane had conducted the business of the uMhlathuze council with decorum and  decisions were always taken after proper consultation and meaningful discussion with all relevant stakeholders,” said Dube-Ncube.

    The department is in contact with the bereaved family regarding the funeral arrangements and, once confirmed, these will be communicated to the public.

    May his soul rest in peace!

    For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokespersons Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220



  • Three die following thunderstorms in northern parts of KZN

    Severe storms that have affected district municipalities such as Amajuba and Umzinyathi in Nothern KwaZulu-Natal have resulted to three fatalities.
    Today police have confirmed the recoveries of three bodies at Overdale Farm in Dundee under uMzinyathi District Municipality.
    The bodies were recovered follow a massive storm that has been battering the areas of Dundee, Ladysmith and Newcastle since Thursday last week.
    The first body of Snethemba Nxumalo (31) was found next to the river bank. The second body of Sakheni Ncube (38) believed to be a doctor was also found floating in the river. The last body of Ayabonga Steele (9) was recovered at Ohlanga river also in Dundee.
    MEC for KZN Cogta the Honourable Nomusa Dube-Ncube has sent her heartfelt condolences to families of victims.
    ” To ll families that have lost their loved ones we will remember them in our prayers. We urge the public to be careful as more severe thunderstorms are predicted more especially in northern parts of our province and along the berg. We are not taking any chances hence we activated our disaster management teams at the beginning of this summer. Without fail we ensure that our teams respond with speed to offer much needed help. We appeal to the public to heed our warnings via radio at all times to minimise disasters” said Dube-Ncube.
    The police search and rescue units are still searching for two children who are still missing children.
    KZN Cogta Spokesman Lennox Mabaso 0828842403 or Msawakhe Mayisela 0609664220
  • Heavy storms batters Newcastle – Cogta MEC lends support

    KZN Disaster teams have been dispatched to the areas of Newcastle after a tornado-like storm cut a swathe of destruction through the township of Osizweni, dickshalt, tearing off roofs, bringing down huge trees and power lines, and leaving thousands in the dark.

    Residents said the storm, which hit around 11pm last night came in waves and led to houses flooding and becoming inaccessible. At this stage no loss of lives and injuries has been reported. Local disaster teams went out in force and worked around the clock to respond to emergencies and the teams will be given more manpower and energy with the involvement of the Provincial Disaster Management Center.

    “We extend our heartfelt sympathy with the affected communities in the Newcastle Municipality. we are doing everything possible through our disaster teams to assist communities in need at this point. We are taking stock of all the incidents that have occurred last night. I have tasked the Provincial Disaster Center to coordinate with local municipalities and ensure that it is all hands on deck in caring for those in distress at this period” said Cogta MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube.

    Dube-Ncube has urged communities in KwaZulu-Natal, to remain on all time alert as weather abnormalities are becoming regular and more frequent. “It has become difficult to predict weather patterns due to these uncertain trends under the influence of climate change. Our greatest weapon is to be prepared at all times and stay up to date with reports concerning weather situations”; Dube-Ncube added.

    Communities in the affected areas can contact Dr Thabethe on 0343284700

    Or email

    Further Warnings

    Today, 26 January 2018, the SA Weather services have warned of inclement weather in the Southern Parts of the province such as Amajuba, uThukela, uGu, uMgungundlovu and Harry Gwala Districts. There is a high risk of localized flooding. Disaster teams in these areas have been activated and communities are urged to stay alert.

    Issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs for more information contact: Lennox Mabaso on 0828842403 or Msawakhe Mayisela on 0609664220.

  • MEC Dube-Ncube urges parents to get involved in their childrens education


    The MEC for KZN Cogta, the Honourable Nomusa Dube-Ncube, is calling for parents’ izimbizo to be held, in municipalities if the province is serious about achieving a hundred percent matric pass rate. She was speaking in Umlazi during the second leg of the Schools Monitoring Programme.

    Dube-Ncube expressed her concerns about schools that have shown regression in the recent Matric results performance.

    While as the Province we have surpassed all expectations by leapfrogging to above 70%, we are however a province that demands high of itself.  We are not going to be complacent and we want parents at the cockpit of their children education.

    “We must not only point fingers to teachers. We also need to ask difficult questions to parents. What role are they playing to ensure that their children get the best education. I have observed learners arriving late. If you are a parent, what are you doing to ensure your child arrives early at school. Why are they not attending meetings. Government and teachers need their support. We have numerous incidents where schools are vandalised while the community is watching. In other schools children during school hours are loitering in the streets and the community does nothing. This is not on” said Dube-Ncube.

    According to Dube-Ncube, there is nothing stopping eThekwini to excel every academic year considering the infrastructure it has at its disposal.

    “There are schools that are in the deepest rural areas but through hard work they are doing exceptionally well despite being under resourced. Teachers must refrain from fighting for positions and teach, and that is what they are paid for. Some are preoccupied about trade union work at the expense of our children. We have got schools that are regressing yet very resourced, why? This can’t be right.”

    She warned parents sternly that if they don’t come on board, they would find themselves parting with a lot of money transporting children to better schools.

    Dube-Ncube also wished the learners who were in a taxi that was involved in an accident in uMlazi a speedy recovery.

    .For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220





  • MEC Dube-Ncube takes over executive powers of troubled Mooi Mpofana Municipality

    KZN MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nomusa Dube-Ncube today addressed the Mooi Mpofana municipal council with an announcement of the Provincial Government’s intervention in this municipality in terms of section 139(1)b of the Constitution.
    “I must emphasise that this is a repeat intervention following our previous efforts to address dysfunctionality at Mooi Mpofana where there is a long history of anarchy that has repeatedly resulted in public protests, unprotected strikes by employees and destruction of public property,” said Dube-Ncube.
    KZN Cogta’s attempts to reverse Mooi-Mpofana’s self-inflicted financial difficulties and lack of action and oversight have been consistent but frustrating. Since 2012 Mooi Mpofana municipality has been plagued with chronic instability that has necessitated two previous interventions, including a dissolution of the council in 2014.
    “We are determined to start afresh but for this we need a buy-in from all political parties and individual councillors who are also reminded that the current intervention can be escalated to even more drastic measures such as dissolution of the current council if our support does not yield satisfactory results,” said Dube-Ncube.
    The municipality’s financial position is dire with insufficient funds to cover its long-term commitments, unpaid creditors, unspent conditional grants and a debt to Eskom which has previously raised the possibility of disconnection of services to the community. The municipality is also failing to maintain infrastructure and collect revenue.
    Section 139(1)b of the Constitution empowers the Provincial Executive to act whenever a municipality cannot or does not fulfil its obligations. It was thus proposed that the Provincial Executive once again intervenes at this municipality in terms of section 139(1)b of the Constitution and appoints an administrator to ensure its functionality.
    KZN Cogta’s administrator Martin Sithole will be expected to prepare and implement a comprehensive recovery plan for the municipality, carry out oversight over the municipal administration, approve all decisions taken by the Municipal Manager, and capacitate the councillors on their roles.
    For more information contact: KZN Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso, 082 884 2403; or Msawakhe Mayisela, 060 966 4220