This programme is dedicated to all supporting sub-programmes within the Department to be able to render quality services to the municipalities under the umbrella of Corporate Services. This programme covers Office of the Head of Department (OHOD), Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Auxiliary Services, Financial Management, Internal Control, Policy and Research, Legal Service, Corporate Communications as well as Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Progress Analysis
The overall performance of the Department depends on Corporate Service’s ability to effectively render perform its assigned functions. Some of these functions include supporting the implementation of OSS; with reports from all districts plus metro. The Department is on track in achieving 100% on recruiting staff with scarce skills, capacitating staff in accordance to the Departmental Training Plan and having Performance Agreements aligned to the implementation of strategic Plan.
The Department also achieved the set 100% on compliance of building with Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), having functional working environment aligned to the organisational structure and efficiently management of fleet. In addition, the Department achieved clean audit on its financial and programme performance for 2014/15 Financial Year, submitted 26 statutory reports, kept programmes expenditure with 2% variance, updated asset registers for 257 Traditional Administrative Centres and supported 267 Traditional Councils with financial management practice notes. The Traditional Councils were further supported with the use of the Pastel Evolution software for recording of revenue transactions as well as and computer and financial management related training as part of Capacity Building programme. An Anti-fraud and corruption strategy was implemented through conducting 9 workshops, investigated 100% of fraud reported cases and issues on Auditor-General (AG) Management Action Plan.
Furthermore, the Department developed Service Delivery Improvement Plan, conducted the set 4 evaluation studies, reviewed 3 policies, conducted 2 research projects and implemented a communication strategy. The Department drafted and edited 72 speeches, 13 briefing documents, 89 press statements and a book for the 2015 Women in Leadership Dialogue event.
Analysis of constraints and measures planned to overcome them
The Department experienced the following challenges: migration delays on Information Technology when dealing with SITA, procurement in line with the procurement plan and Business Units and compliance with legislation. However, the Service Management System business case was developed; Business Units were alerted to meet the timeframes stipulated in the plan and developed action plan to enforce compliance with legislation. The Department will closely monitor its budget and align its expenditure to outcomes designed to improve financial management mechanisms, achieve service delivery targets and achievement of an unqualified audit opinion.artment (OHOD), Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Auxiliary Services, Financial Management, Internal Control, Policy and Research, Legal Service, Corporate Communications as well as Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.